Native javascript is used here to create a sliding menu that is easy to maintain and use in an object-oriented way. The calling method is as follows:
var $sliding = document.getElementById("silding");
var s1 = new Sliding();
s1.commands = $sliding.getElementsByTagName(" dt");
s1.panels = $sliding.getElementsByTagName("dd"); ;
s1.init("mouseover", "active");
Demo code points Copy the code
for the two files slide.js and slide.html:
The code is as follows: javascript slide control demonstration < script type="text/javascript" src="slide.js">
- First level menu
- Second level menu
- Second Second level menu
- Second level menu
- Second level menu
< /ul>
- Third level menu
- Third secondary menu
- Third secondary menu
< /body>
Copy code The code is as follows:
function Slider(i, panelHeight) { //dto
this.index = i;
this.panelHeight = panelHeight;
//class Sliding {
function Sliding(activeIndex) {
this.commands = [];
this.panels = [];
this.activeIndex = activeIndex || 0;
this.sliderCache = {};
Sliding.prototype = {
init: function(eventName, activeCssClass) {
var _this = this;
var cmds = _this.commands;
_this.activeClass = activeCssClass;
for (var i = 0, n = cmds.length; i < n; i ) {
cmds[i]["on" eventName] = function(e) {
_this.handel(this, e);
cmds[i].index = i;
if (i == _this.activeIndex) {
_this.sliderCache = new Slider(i, _this.panels[i].offsetHeight);
handel: function(elem, args) {
var _this = this;
var index = elem.index;
var cacheIndex = _this.sliderCache.index;
var cacheElem = _this.commands[cacheIndex];
if (index == cacheIndex) return;
var showPanel = _this.panels[index];
var hidePanel = _this.panels[cacheIndex];
var h = parseInt(_this.sliderCache.panelHeight); = "0px"; = "block";
_this.tween(hidePanel, showPanel, h);
elem.className = _this.activeClass;
cacheElem.className = cacheElem.className.replace(eval("/ ?" _this.activeClass " ?/"),"");
_this.sliderCache = new Slider(index, h);
tween: function(obj0, obj1, h) {
_this = arguments.callee;
var step = 20;
if ("v" == "v") {
step = 30;
if (h > 0) {
var h0 = obj0.offsetHeight;
var h1 = obj1.offsetHeight;
if (h < step) { = "none"; = (h1 h) "px"; = (h1 h) "px";
} else {
h = h - step; = (h0 - step) "px"; = (h1 step) "px";
setTimeout(function() {
_this(obj0, obj1, h)
上面就所有代码了这里因为是演示所以让HTML CSS尽量的简化,另外使用jquery的 fn.slideUp fn.slideDown 实现起来会更容易不过我作为一个专业的开发者多了解些原生的JS对技术的提高还是很有帮助。