The example in this article describes the beautiful gradient background special effects code implemented by JS+CSS. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
The screenshot of the running effect is as follows:
The specific code is as follows:
<html> <head> <title> JS配合CSS实现的漂亮渐变背景特效6个实例 </title> <script> var setGradient = (function() { var p_dCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var p_useCanvas = !!(typeof(p_dCanvas.getContext) == 'function'); var p_dCtx = p_useCanvas ? p_dCanvas.getContext('2d') : null; var p_isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/ false; try { p_dCtx.canvas.toDataURL() } catch(err) { p_useCanvas = false; }; if (p_useCanvas) { return function(dEl, sColor1, sColor2, bRepeatY) { if (typeof(dEl) == 'string') dEl = document.getElementById(dEl); if (!dEl) return false; var nW = dEl.offsetWidth; var nH = dEl.offsetHeight; p_dCanvas.width = nW; p_dCanvas.height = nH; var dGradient; var sRepeat; if (bRepeatY) { dGradient = p_dCtx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, nW, 0); sRepeat = 'repeat-y'; } else { dGradient = p_dCtx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, nH); sRepeat = 'repeat-x'; } dGradient.addColorStop(0, sColor1); dGradient.addColorStop(1, sColor2); p_dCtx.fillStyle = dGradient; p_dCtx.fillRect(0, 0, nW, nH); var sDataUrl = p_dCtx.canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); with( { backgroundRepeat = sRepeat; backgroundImage = 'url(' + sDataUrl + ')'; backgroundColor = sColor2; }; } } else if (p_isIE) { p_dCanvas = p_useCanvas = p_dCtx = null; return function(dEl, sColor1, sColor2, bRepeatY) { if (typeof(dEl) == 'string') dEl = document.getElementById(dEl); if (!dEl) return false; = 1; var sF = dEl.currentStyle.filter; += ' ' + ['progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( GradientType=', +( !! bRepeatY), ',enabled=true,startColorstr=', sColor1, ', endColorstr=', sColor2, ')'].join(''); }; } else { p_dCanvas = p_useCanvas = p_dCtx = null; return function(dEl, sColor1, sColor2) { if (typeof(dEl) == 'string') dEl = document.getElementById(dEl); if (!dEl) return false; with( { backgroundColor = sColor2; }; } } })(); </script> <style> body{font:0.75em/1.4 Arial;text-align:left;margin:20px;} hr{clear:both;visibility:hidden;} xmp{font:12px/12px "Courier New";background:#fff;color:#666; border:solid 1px #ccc;} div.example{ border:solid 1px #555;margin:0 20px 20px 0;float:left; display:inline;margin:1em;background:#fff;width:300px;padding:40px;color:#222;font:xx-small/1.2 "Tahoma";text-align:justify;} </style> <body> <div id="example1" class="example"> CSS特效代码。 </div> <div id="example2" class="example"> 各类编程源码、 </div> <div id="example3" class="example"> 精品软件 </div> <div id="example4" class="example"> 上海世博园 </div> <div id="example5" class="example"> 我家北京天安门 </div> <div id="example6" class="example"> 北京欢迎您! </div> <script> setGradient('example1', '#4ddbbe', '#d449cc', 1); setGradient('example2', '#46ddbd', '#d8b617', 0); setGradient('example3', '#c81fc1', '#bf445f', 1); setGradient('example4', '#2285e5', '#d769eb', 0); setGradient('example5', '#8b4286', '#eac87d', 1); setGradient('example6', 'black', 'white', 0); </script> </body> </html>
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in JavaScript programming.