1: The difference between rules and cssRules:
function addCSSRule(css,key,value){
//var css = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1];
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")>0 )
css.insertRule(key "{" value "}", css.cssRules.length)
css.addRules(key,value) ;
function removeCSSRule(key){
for(var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i ){
var css = document.styleSheets[ i];
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")>0 ?
for(var j = 0; j < css.cssRules.length; j ){
})() :
(css. removeRule(key)) ;
This is how I added a method to solve this problem. .
2: Problem with getting background color in Firefox and IE (difference between getComputedStyle and currentStyle)
function getCurrentStyle(oElement) {
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")>0 ){
var rgbstr=document.defaultView. getComputedStyle(oElement,null).backgroundColor;
var strR;
if(rgbstr.toString().indexOf('(')>0 && rgbstr.toString().indexOf(')')> 0)
strR= rgbstr.toString().substring(parseInt(rgbstr.toString().indexOf('(') 1),rgbstr.toString().indexOf(')')). split(',');
return toHexColor(strR[0],strR[1],strR[2]).substring(1);
return oElement.currentStyle.backgroundColor.trim().substring(1);
function toHexColor(r,g,b){
var hex='#';
var hexStr = '0123456789ABCDEF';
low = r % 16;
high = (r - low)/16;
hex =hexStr.charAt(high) hexStr.charAt(low);
low = g % 16;
high = (g - low)/16;
hex =hexStr.charAt(high) hexStr.charAt(low);
low = b % 16;
high = (b - low)/16;
hex =hexStr.charAt(high) hexStr.charAt(low);
return hex;
Remember that the rgbstr obtained by Firefox is rgb, so I also need Convert to hexadecimal. I also compiled a very stupid conversion method and then looked at it and hit it!