Home Backend Development PHP Tutorial php代码兑现aes加密


Jun 13, 2016 pm 01:05 PM


<?php require_once("PKCS5.php");

class Aes
	private $_pad;//填充方式
	private $_mode;//加密类
	 * 构造函数
	 * @param	base64keyString   密钥base64编码字符串
	public function Aes($base64keyString) 
		$this->_pad = new PKCS5(); //为了与java保持一致,所以采用PKCS5填充
		$key = Hex::string2ByteArray(base64_decode($base64keyString));
		$this-&gt;_mode = new ECBMode(new AESKey($key), $this-&gt;_pad);
	 * 将明文加密为密文base64编码字符串
	 * @param	plainSrc		 明文
	 * @return	密文base64编码
	public function encrypt($plainSrc)
		$src = Hex::string2ByteArray($plainSrc);
		$src = $this-&gt;_mode-&gt;encrypt($src);
		return base64_encode(Hex::ByteArray2String($src));

	 * 将base64编码字符串(密文)解密成 明文
	 * @param	base64Src  密文base64编码字符串
	 * @return	明文
	public function decrypt($base64Src)
		$src = base64_decode($base64Src);
		$src = $this-&gt;_mode-&gt;decrypt(Hex::string2ByteArray($src));
		return Hex::byteArray2String($src);
	 * 释放内存
	public function dispose()

$_aes = new Aes("MK2X82eL6jkKbzvlJU1ZMR6rcKO+SBhmbPOmFD/2Mxw=");
//echo "=================<br>";
$ret = $_aes-&gt;encrypt("1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdefaaafdsfsdffasfasfasfasdf");
echo $ret;

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<?php require_once("IPad.php");

class PKCS5 implements IPad
	private $blockSize = 0;
	public function PKCS5($blockSize=0) {
		$this->blockSize = $blockSize;
	public function pad($a)
		$c = $this-&gt;blockSize-count($a)%$this-&gt;blockSize;
		for ($i=0;$iblockSize;
		if ($c!=0) throw new Exception("PKCS#5::unpad: ByteArray.length isn't a multiple of the blockSize");
		$c = $a[$len-1];
		return $a;

	public function setBlockSize($bs) 
		$this-&gt;blockSize = $bs;
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<?php require_once("ISymmetricKey.php");

class AESKey implements ISymmetricKey
	private $_keyByte;
	private $_keyLength;
	private $_nNr;
	private $_stateByte;
	private $_tempByte;

	public function AESKey($key/*:ByteArray*/) {
		$this->_tempByte = array();
		$this-&gt;_stateByte = array();
		$this-&gt;_keyLength = count($key);
		$this-&gt;_keyByte = $key;
	// produce Nb bytes for each round
	private function expandKey() 
		$Nk = $this-&gt;_keyLength/4;
		$this-&gt;_nNr = $Nk+6;
		$_keyByte = $this-&gt;_keyByte;
		$_nNr = $this-&gt;_nNr;
		$Nb = AESKeyInclude::$Nb;
		$Sbox = AESKeyInclude::$_Sbox;
		$Rcon = AESKeyInclude::$_Rcon;
		for( $idx = $Nk; $idx  6 &amp;&amp; $idx % $Nk == 4 ) {
				$tmp0 = $Sbox[$tmp0];
				$tmp1 = $Sbox[$tmp1];
				$tmp2 = $Sbox[$tmp2];
				$tmp3 = $Sbox[$tmp3];
			$_keyByte[4*$idx+0] = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 4*$Nk + 0] ^ $tmp0;
			$_keyByte[4*$idx+1] = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 4*$Nk + 1] ^ $tmp1;
			$_keyByte[4*$idx+2] = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 4*$Nk + 2] ^ $tmp2;
			$_keyByte[4*$idx+3] = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 4*$Nk + 3] ^ $tmp3;
		$this-&gt;_keyByte = $_keyByte;

	public function getBlockSize()
		return 16;
	// encrypt one 128 bit block
	public function encrypt($block, $index=0)
		$_stateByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_stateByte;
		$_keyByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_keyByte;
		$Nb = AESKeyInclude::$Nb;
		$_nNr = $this-&gt;_nNr;
		$_stateByte = array();
		$_stateByte = array_merge($_stateByte,array_slice($block,$index,$Nb*4));
		$this-&gt;addRoundKey($_keyByte, 0);
		for ( $round = 1; $round mixSubColumns();
			} else {
			$this-&gt;addRoundKey($_keyByte, $round * $Nb * 4);
		return $_stateByte;
	public function decrypt($block, $index=0)
		$_stateByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_stateByte;
		$_keyByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_keyByte;
		$Nb = AESKeyInclude::$Nb;
		$_nNr = $this-&gt;_nNr;
		$_stateByte = array();
		$_stateByte = array_merge($_stateByte,array_slice($block,$index,$Nb*4));
		$this-&gt;addRoundKey($_keyByte, $_nNr*$Nb*4);
		for( $round = $_nNr; $round--; )
			$this-&gt;addRoundKey( $_keyByte, $round*$Nb*4);
			if ($round) {
		return $_stateByte;
	public function dispose() {

	// exchanges columns in each of 4 rows
	// row0 - unchanged, row1- shifted left 1, 
	// row2 - shifted left 2 and row3 - shifted left 3
	protected function shiftRows()
		$tmp = 0;
		$_stateByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_stateByte;
		$Sbox = AESKeyInclude::$_Sbox;
		// just substitute row 0
		$_stateByte[0] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[0]]; $_stateByte[4] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[4]];
		$_stateByte[8] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[8]]; $_stateByte[12] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[12]];
		// rotate row 1
		$tmp = $Sbox[$_stateByte[1]]; $_stateByte[1] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[5]];
		$_stateByte[5] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[9]]; $_stateByte[9] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[13]]; $_stateByte[13] = $tmp;
		// rotate row 2
		$tmp = $Sbox[$_stateByte[2]]; $_stateByte[2] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[10]]; $_stateByte[10] = $tmp;
		$tmp = $Sbox[$_stateByte[6]]; $_stateByte[6] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[14]]; $_stateByte[14] = $tmp;
		// rotate row 3
		$tmp = $Sbox[$_stateByte[15]]; $_stateByte[15] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_stateByte[11] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[7]]; $_stateByte[7] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[3]]; $_stateByte[3] = $tmp;
	// restores columns in each of 4 rows
	// row0 - unchanged, row1- shifted right 1, 
	// row2 - shifted right 2 and row3 - shifted right 3
	protected function invShiftRows ()
		$tmp = 0;
		$_stateByte = $this-&gt;_stateByte;
		$InvSbox = AESKeyInclude::$_InvSbox;
		// restore row 0
		$_stateByte[0] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[0]]; $_stateByte[4] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[4]];
		$_stateByte[8] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[8]]; $_stateByte[12] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[12]];
		// restore row 1
		$tmp = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[13]]; $_stateByte[13] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[9]];
		$_stateByte[9] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[5]]; $_stateByte[5] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[1]]; $_stateByte[1] = $tmp;
		// restore row 2
		$tmp = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[2]]; $_stateByte[2] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[10]]; $_stateByte[10] = $tmp;
		$tmp = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[6]]; $_stateByte[6] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[14]]; $_stateByte[14] = $tmp;
		// restore row 3
		$tmp = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[3]]; $_stateByte[3] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_stateByte[7] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[11]]; $_stateByte[11] = $InvSbox[$_stateByte[15]]; $_stateByte[15] = $tmp;
		$this-&gt;_stateByte = $_stateByte;
	// recombine and mix each row in a column
	protected function mixSubColumns ()
		$_tempByte = array();//.length=0;
		$Xtime2Sbox = AESKeyInclude::$_Xtime2Sbox;
		$Xtime3Sbox = AESKeyInclude::$_Xtime3Sbox;
		$_stateByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_stateByte;
		$Sbox = AESKeyInclude::$_Sbox;
		// mixing column 0
		$_tempByte[0] = $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[15]];
		$_tempByte[1] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[15]];
		$_tempByte[2] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[15]];
		$_tempByte[3] = $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[15]];
		// mixing column 1
		$_tempByte[4] = $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[3]];
		$_tempByte[5] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[3]];
		$_tempByte[6] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[3]];
		$_tempByte[7] = $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[3]];
		// mixing column 2
		$_tempByte[8] = $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_tempByte[9] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_tempByte[10]  = $Sbox[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_tempByte[11]  = $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[7]];
		// mixing column 3
		$_tempByte[12] = $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_tempByte[13] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_tempByte[14] = $Sbox[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_tempByte[15] = $Xtime3Sbox[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $Sbox[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $Xtime2Sbox[$_stateByte[11]];
		_stateByte.writeBytes(_tempByte, 0, Nb*4);*/
		$_stateByte = $_tempByte;
		$this-&gt;_tempByte = $_tempByte;
	// restore and un-mix each row in a column
	protected function invMixSubColumns ()
		$_tempByte = array();//.length=0;
		$_stateByte = &amp;$this-&gt;_stateByte;
		$XtimeE = AESKeyInclude::$_XtimeE;
		$XtimeB = AESKeyInclude::$_XtimeB;
		$Xtime9 = AESKeyInclude::$_Xtime9;
		$XtimeD = AESKeyInclude::$_XtimeD;
		$InvSbox = AESKeyInclude::$_InvSbox;
		$Nb = AESKeyInclude::$Nb;
		// restore column 0
		$_tempByte[0] = $XtimeE[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[3]];
		$_tempByte[5] = $Xtime9[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[3]];
		$_tempByte[10] = $XtimeD[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[3]];
		$_tempByte[15] = $XtimeB[$_stateByte[0]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[1]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[2]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[3]];
		// restore column 1
		$_tempByte[4] = $XtimeE[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_tempByte[9] = $Xtime9[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_tempByte[14] = $XtimeD[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[7]];
		$_tempByte[3] = $XtimeB[$_stateByte[4]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[5]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[6]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[7]];
		// restore column 2
		$_tempByte[8] = $XtimeE[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_tempByte[13] = $Xtime9[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_tempByte[2]  = $XtimeD[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[11]];
		$_tempByte[7]  = $XtimeB[$_stateByte[8]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[9]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[10]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[11]];
		// restore column 3
		$_tempByte[12] = $XtimeE[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[15]];
		$_tempByte[1] = $Xtime9[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[15]];
		$_tempByte[6] = $XtimeD[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $XtimeB[$_stateByte[15]];
		$_tempByte[11] = $XtimeB[$_stateByte[12]] ^ $XtimeD[$_stateByte[13]] ^ $Xtime9[$_stateByte[14]] ^ $XtimeE[$_stateByte[15]];
		for( $i=0; $i _stateByte;
		for( $idx = 0; $idx _keyLength);

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<?php require_once("IMode.php");

class ECBMode implements IMode
	private $_key;
	private $_padding;
	public function ECBMode($key/*:ISymmetricKey*/, $padding/*:IPad*/ = NULL) 
		$this->_key = $key;
		if ($padding == NULL) {
			$padding = new PKCS5($key-&gt;getBlockSize());
		} else {
		$this-&gt;_padding = $padding;
	public function getBlockSize() {
		return $this-&gt;_key-&gt;getBlockSize();
	public function encrypt($src) 
		$src = $this-&gt;_padding-&gt;pad($src);
		$blockSize = $this-&gt;_key-&gt;getBlockSize();
		$dst = array();
		$len = count($src);
		for ($i=0;$i_key-&gt;encrypt($tmp);
			$dst = array_merge($dst,$ret);
		return $dst;
	public function decrypt($src) 
		$blockSize = $this-&gt;_key-&gt;getBlockSize();
		$len = count($src);
		// sanity check.
		if ($len % $blockSize!=0) {
			throw new Exception("ECB mode cipher length must be a multiple of blocksize ".$blockSize);
		$tmp = array();
		$dst = array();
		for ($i=0;$i_key-&gt;decrypt($tmp);
			$dst = array_merge($dst,$ret);
		$dst = $this-&gt;_padding-&gt;unpad($dst);
		return $dst;
	public function dispose() 
	public function toString() {
		return $this-&gt;_key-&gt;toString()."-ecb";

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<?php class Hex
	static function string2ByteArray($src)
		//$hex = bin2hex($src);
		$ret = array();
		$len = strlen($src);
		for($i = 0; $i<$len; ++$i)
			$ret[] = ord($src[$i]);
		return $ret;
	static function byteArray2String($src)
		$ret = "";
		$len = count($src);
		for($i = 0; $i<$len; ++$i)
			$ret .= chr($src[$i]);
		return $ret;

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<?php interface ICipher
	function getBlockSize();
	function encrypt($src);
	function decrypt($src);
	function dispose();
	function toString();
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<?php require_once("ICipher.php");
interface IMode extends ICipher

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<?php interface IPad
	 * Add padding to the array
	function pad($a);
	 * Remove padding from the array.
	 * @throws Error if the padding is invalid.
	function unpad($a);
	 * Set the blockSize to work on
	function setBlockSize($bs);

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<?php interface ISymmetricKey
	 * Returns the block size used by this particular encryption algorithm
	function getBlockSize();
	 * Encrypt one block of data in "block", starting at "index", of length "getBlockSize()"
	function encrypt($block, $index);
	 * Decrypt one block of data in "block", starting at "index", of length "getBlockSize()"
	function decrypt($block, $index);
	 * Attempts to destroy sensitive information from memory, such as encryption keys.
	 * Note: This is not guaranteed to work given the Flash sandbox model.
	function dispose();
	function toString();
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