function fn()
for(var i = 0;i < arguments.length;i ){
alert("The value of the" (i 1) "th parameter: " arguments[i]);
var str = '
str.replace(/{([a-z] )}/ig, fn);
According to the output results of multiple tests, it can be concluded that in fn:
The first parameter is the matched string, such as {wo} and {ni};
The second parameter can have 0-N, which matches a bracketed regular string in the first parameter. For example, wo and ni in the first parameter can match ([a-z] ),
There are several groups of brackets, and there are several parameters;
The third parameter is the position of the string matched in the first parameter, such as {wo} returns 9, {no} returns 16;
The fourth parameter is the string used to match, in this example it is
In this example, for a json object containing wo and ni, you can simply use:
str.replace(/{([a-z] )}/ig, function(s, t){
return json[t];
to replace.