mysql usage
Install mysql module:
Execute the command on the cmd command line in the installation root directory
npm install mysql
After successful installation,
When the mysql database table already exists.
Create a new mysql.js in the nodejs root directory:
var sys = require('util'); var mysql=require('mysql'); console.log('正在连接MySQL...'); var http = require("http"); var server=http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html;charset:utf-8"}); response.write("<!doctype html><html><meta charset='utf-8'/>"); var client = mysql.createConnection({'host':'localhost','port':3306,'user':'testmysql','password':'123456'}); clientConnectionReady = function(client) { client.query('use test', function(error, results) { if(error) { console.log('ClientConnectionReady Error: ' + error.message); client.end(); return; }else{ response.write("nodejs 服务器已经开始工作...<br/>"); response.write("已经连接上MySQL....<br/>"); } clientReady(client); }); }; clientReady = function(client) { var values = ['不错啊']; client.query('insert into nodemysql set names = :1', values, function(error, results) { if(error) { console.log("ClientReady Error: " + error.message); client.end(); return; } console.log('Inserted: ' + results.affectedRows + ' row.'); console.log('Id inserted: ' + results.insertId); } ); getData(client); } getData = function(client) { client.query( 'select * from nodemysql', function selectCb(error, results, fields) { if (error) { console.log('GetData Error: ' + error.message); client.end(); return; } var data = ''; for(var i=0; i<results.length; i++){ var firstResult = results[i]; data += 'id: ' + firstResult['id']+' name: ' + firstResult['names']+"<br/>"; } response.write(data); response.write("关闭MySQL连接..."); response.write("</html>"); response.end(); } ); client.end(); }; clientConnectionReady(client); }); server.listen(8033,""); var sys = require("util"); sys.puts("Server running at http://localhost:8033/");
Run node mysql.js .
Visit http://localhost:8033 with your browser to see the effect.
Configure oracle support
Download the oracle database client connection package from the oracle website
instantclient-basic-linux, instantclient-sdk-linux
Unzip the oracle client connection module
$ unzip $ unzip $ sudo mv instantclient_11_2/ /opt/instantclient $ cd /opt/instantclient $ sudo ln -s $ sudo ln -s
Configure environment variables
$ export OCI_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/instantclient/sdk/include/ $ export OCI_LIB_DIR=/opt/instantclient
Enter the nodejs directory and install oracle module support
$ cd /usr/local/lib $ npm install oracle export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/instantclient
var oracle = require("oracle"); oracle.connect({ "hostname": "localhost", "user": "demo", "password": "demo", "database": "orcl", "port": 1521}, function(err, connection) { if(err) { console.log(err); } // selecting rows 注意 connection.execute 方法必须要三个参数 不然会出错 connection.execute("SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID = :1", ['1'], function(err1, results) { // results will be an array of objects console.log("query start"); if(err1) { console.log(err1); } // console.log(results.length); for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { console.log(results[i].ID); } connection.close(); }); });
node oracle.js