Here are 10 practical
browsing aids
Tidy Read
javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement("script");s.charset="gb2312";s.language="javascript";s.type="text/javascript ";s.src="" encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) "&t=" encodeURIComponent(document.title);document.body.appendChild(s)} )();
Clean up those messy pages, and you can set preferences freely, which is very powerful.
Show Password
javascript :(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = ""; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j
View the web page The password shown is *****. I find it useful, like when Chrome remembers your password and you forget it...
javascript:(function(){ q=document.getSelection(); if(!q) q=prompt(' Search: '); if(q) location.href='' escape(q); })()
Translate selected Words, the only fly in the ointment is the English-English translation, suitable for friends with a certain level of English.
restore selecting
javascript:(function() { function R(a){ona = "on" a; if(window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener(a, function (e) { for(var n=e.originalTarget; n; n=n.parentNode) n[ona ]=null; }, true); window[ona]=null; document[ona]=null; if(document.body) document.body[ona]=null; } R("click"); R("mousedown "); R("mouseup"); R("selectstart"); })();
Some websites prohibit text selection, it can restore it. It seems that chrome can't be used.
Clear website cookies
javascript:(function(){C=document.cookie.split("; ");for(d=".";d;d=("" d).substr(1).match(/ ..*$/))for(sl=0;sl<2; sl)for(p="/" location.pathname;p;p=p.substring(0,p.lastIndexOf('/'))) for(i in C)if(c=C[i]){document.cookie=c "; domain=" d.slice(sl) "; path=" p.slice(1) "/" "; expires= " new Date((new Date).getTime()-1e11).toGMTString()}})()
Clear the cookies of the website, Chrome cannot use it.
Developer Tools Reload CSS
javascript:void(setInterval(function(){var qs='?' new Date().getTime(),l,i=0;while(l=document .getElementsByTagName('link')[i ]){if(l.rel&&'stylesheet'==l.rel.toLowerCase()){if(!l._h)l._h=l.href;l.href= l._h qs}}},2000));
Let the web page continuously reload CSS.
Spry Media
javascript :function fnStartDesign(sUrl) {var nScript = document.createElement('script');nScript.setAttribute('language','JavaScript');nScript.setAttribute('src',sUrl);document.body.appendChild(nScript );}fnStartDesign('');
A very powerful tool. Contains: grid, ruler, unit measurements, crosshairs. It is recommended that web designers try it.
Layout Grid
javascript:void(myDiv=document.createElement('div'));void(myBody=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]);void('url(http:/ /');void('absolute');void('100%');void( ='100%');void('0');void('0');void(myBody.appendChild(myDiv));
Generate beautiful meshes.
Print Screen
javascript :window.location='' location.href;
Another recommended tool. Capture the current webpage and automatically enter to edit the image.
Download as PDF
javascript:void('' document.location.href));
Store web pages as pdf files.
One more thing, Spry Media is really easy to use.
Occasionally, due to slow network speed, it may not work properly. Others have been tested and the results are good.
After use, first open the page you want to operate, then copy the script code, copy it to the IE address bar, and press Enter to run (you cannot click reload later)