Implementation Principle
Change all images that need to be delayed loaded into the following format:
Then when the page loads, save all the images using lazy_src into an array, then calculate the top of the visible area when scrolling, and then make the top of the delayed-loaded images smaller than the current visible area (i.e. the image The src value of the image appearing in the visible area is replaced with lazy_src (load the image)
lazyLoad=(function() { var map_element = {}; var element_obj = []; var download_count = 0; var last_offset = -1; var doc_body; var doc_element; var lazy_load_tag; function initVar(tags) { doc_body = document.body; doc_element = document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ? doc_body: document.documentElement; lazy_load_tag = tags || ["img", "iframe"]; }; function initElementMap() { var all_element = []; //从所有相关元素中找出需要延时加载的元素 for (var i = 0, len = lazy_load_tag.length; i < len; i ) { var el = document.getElementsByTagName(lazy_load_tag[i]); for (var j = 0, len2 = el.length; j < len2; j ) { if (typeof(el[j]) == "object" && el[j].getAttribute("lazy_src")) { element_obj.push(all_element[key]); } } } for (var i = 0, len = element_obj.length; i < len; i ) { var o_img = element_obj[i]; var t_index = getAbsoluteTop(o_img);//得到图片相对document的距上距离 if (map_element[t_index]) { map_element[t_index].push(i); } else { //按距上距离保存一个队列 var t_array = []; t_array[0] = i; map_element[t_index] = t_array; download_count ;//需要延时加载的图片数量 } } }; function initDownloadListen() { if (!download_count) return; var offset = (window.MessageEvent && !document.getBoxObjectFor) ? doc_body.scrollTop: doc_element.scrollTop; //可视化区域的offtset=document的高 var visio_offset = offset doc_element.clientHeight; if (last_offset == visio_offset) { setTimeout(initDownloadListen, 200); return; } last_offset = visio_offset; var visio_height = doc_element.clientHeight; var img_show_height = visio_height offset; for (var key in map_element) { if (img_show_height > key) { var t_o = map_element[key]; var img_vl = t_o.length; for (var l = 0; l < img_vl; l ) { element_obj[t_o[l]].src = element_obj[t_o[l]].getAttribute("lazy_src"); } delete map_element[key]; download_count--; } } setTimeout(initDownloadListen, 200); }; function getAbsoluteTop(element) { if (arguments.length != 1 || element == null) { return null; } var offsetTop = element.offsetTop; while (element = element.offsetParent) { offsetTop = element.offsetTop; } return offsetTop; } function init(tags) { initVar(tags); initElementMap(); initDownloadListen(); }; return { init: init } })(); |
How to use: Change the src of the image that needs to be delayed loaded on the page to lazy_src, then put the above js at the end of the body, and then call: lazyLoad.init();
The method of teasing can be to use firebug to check whether the temporary image is delayed loading.
If there is a column with content switching on your page, the images in the content may not be displayed when switching. The solution is to load the images separately during the content, such as: