1: Constructor method ]
1 : A Dog object is defined here (in JavaScript, a function is an object, here function Dog(name,weight) is also a constructor), and an object instance dog is created using the new keyword.
2: Among them, _name, _weight, _show, and _sex are the attributes of the instance dog. Instance attributes can be accessed through: instance name.attribute name or instance name ["attribute name"], that is, dog._name=dog["_name"].
3: The attributes in the constructor (here function Dog(name,weight) is also a constructor) will be attached to all instances, for example: var dog1=new Dog(…);dog1 will have _name, _weight, _show attributes, but the _sex attribute is only exclusive to the dog instance, it will not be loaded to other objects.
2: Object creation method:
The object object provides a simple method to create custom objects without defining a constructor.
If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute
Here A cat instance is created using the Object object. 3: Object initializer method
[Ctrl A Select all Note:
If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute
] Note: 1 , here we have actually implemented static properties and methods, without creating an instance.