//Traverse options and add and remove options
function changeShipMethod(shipping){
var len = $("select[@name=ISHIPTYPE] option").length
if(shipping.value != "CA"){
$("select[@name=ISHIPTYPE] option").each(function(){
if($(this).val() == 111){
$ (this).remove();
$(""). appendTo($("select[@name=ISHIPTYPE]"));
//Get the selection value of the drop-down menu
$( #testSelect option:selected').text();
or $("#testSelect").find('option:selected').text();
or $("#testSelect").val ();
/////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////
If you have a bad memory, you can save it:
1, drop-down box:
var cc1 = $(".formc select[@name='country'] option[@selected]").text(); //Get the text of the selected item in the drop-down menu (note the space in the middle)
var cc2 = $( '.formc select[@name="country"]').val(); //Get the value of the selected item in the drop-down menu
var cc3 = $('.formc select[@name="country"]' ).attr("id"); //Get the ID attribute value of the selected item in the drop-down menu
$("#select").empty();//Clear the drop-down box//$("#select") .html('');
$("").appendTo("#select")//Add the option of the drop-down box
Explain it a little:
1.select[@name='country'] option[@selected] means the option element with the selected attribute in the select element that has the name attribute,
and the attribute value is 'country';
can be seen Anything starting with @ means that what follows is an attribute.
2, radio button:
$("input[@type=radio][@checked]").val(); //Get the value of the selected item of the radio button (note the middle No spaces)
$("input[@type=radio][@value=2]").attr("checked",'checked'); //Set the radio button value=2 to the selected state. (Note that there is no space in the middle)
3, check box:
$("input[@type=checkbox][@checked]").val(); //Get the check box selected The value of the first item
$("input[@type=checkbox][@checked]").each(function(){ //Since multiple check boxes are generally selected, the output can be looped
if($("#chk1").attr('checked')==undefined){} // Determine whether it has been checked
Of course jquery's selector is powerful. There are many methods.
jquery radio takes the value, checkbox takes the value Value, select value, radio selected, checkbox selected, select selected, and related to obtain the value of a set of radio selected items
var item = $('input[@name=items][@checked]'). val();
Get the text of the selected item in select
var item = $("select[@name=items] option[@selected]").text();
select the item of the drop-down box The two elements are the currently selected value
$('#select_id')[0].selectedIndex = 1;
The second element of the radio radio selection group is the currently selected value
$('input[@ name=items]').get(1).checked = true;
Get value:
Text box, text area: $("#txt").attr("value");
Multiple Checkbox: $("#checkbox_id").attr("value");
Radio group radio: $("input[@type=radio][@checked]").val();
Drop-down box select: $('#sel').val();
Control form element:
Text box, text area: $("#txt").attr("value",'') ;//Clear content
$("#txt").attr("value",'11');//Fill content
Multiple selection box checkbox: $("#chk1").attr(" checked",'');//Unchecked
if($("#chk1").attr ('checked')==undefined) //Determine whether the
radio group radio has been checked: $("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2');// Set the item with value=2 as the currently selected item
").appendTo("#sel")//Add the option of the drop-down box
$("#sel").empty( ); //Clear the drop-down box
Get the value of a set of radio selected items
var item = $('input[@name=items][@checked]').val();
Get the text of the selected item in select
var item = $("select[@name=items] option[@selected]").text();
The second element of the select drop-down box is the current Selected value
$('#select_id')[0].selectedIndex = 1;
The second element of the radio radio selection group is the currently selected value
$('input[@name=items]' ).get(1).checked = true;
Get value:
Text box, text area: $("#txt").attr("value");
Multiple selection box checkbox: $ ("#checkbox_id").attr("value");
Radio selection group radio: $("input[@type=radio][@checked]").val();
Drop-down box select: $('#sel').val();
Control form elements:
Text box, text area: $("#txt").attr("value",'');//Clear the content
$("#txt").attr("value",'11');//Fill content
Multiple selection box checkbox: $("#chk1").attr("checked",'' );//Unchecked
if($("#chk1").attr('checked') ==undefined) //Judge whether
radio group radio has been checked: $("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2');//Set value=2 The item is the currently selected item $( "
").appendTo("#sel")//Add the option of the drop-down box
$("#sel").empty();//Clear Drop-down box
Introduction to the basics of jquery common operations
Jquery select (list) operations (value/assignment)