Jquery form validation plug-in
janchie 2010.1 janchie@163.com
Version 1.01
$.fn .extend({
if( ! $(this).is("form") ) return;
//Get parameters
var items = $.isArray( arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : [],
isBindSubmit = typeof arguments[1] ==="boolean" ? arguments[1] :true,
isAlert = typeof arguments[2] == ="boolean" ? arguments[2] :false,
//Verification rule
rule = {
// Regular rule
"eng" : /^[A-Za-z] $/ ,
"chn" :/^[u0391-uFFE5] $/,
"mail" : /w ([- .]w )*@w ([-.]w )*.w ([- .]w )*/,
"url" : /^http[s]?://[A-Za-z0-9] .[A-Za-z0-9] [/=?%-&_ ~`@[]': !]*([^<>""])*$/,
"currency" : /^d (.d )?$/,
"number" : /^d $/,
"int" : /^[0-9]{1,30}$/,
"double" : /^[- ]?d (.d )?$/,
"username" : /^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/,
"password" : /^(w){6,20}$/,
"safe" : />|<|,|[|]|{|}|?|/| |=|||'|\| "|:|;|~|!|@|#|*|$|%|^|&|(|)|`/i,
"dbc" : /[ススA-Z0-9!@#¥%^&*()_+{}[]|:"';.,/?<>`~ ]/,
"qq" : /[1-9][0-9]{4,}/,
"date" : /^((((1[6-9]|[2-9]d)d{2})-(0?[13578]|1[02])-(0?[1-9]|[12]d|3[01]))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]d)d{2})-(0?[13456789]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]d|30))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]d)d{2})-0?2-(0?[1-9]|1d|2[0-8]))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]d)(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|((16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))-0?2-29-))$/,
"year" : /^(19|20)[0-9]{2}$/,
"month" : /^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])$/,
"day" : /^((0?[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|30|31)$/,
"hour" : /^((0?[1-9])|((1|2)[0-3]))$/,
"minute" : /^((0?[1-9])|((1|5)[0-9]))$/,
"second" : /^((0?[1-9])|((1|5)[0-9]))$/,
"mobile" : /^(((d{2,3}))|(d{3}-))?13d{9}$/,
"phone" : /^[ ]{0,1}(d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((d)|[ ]){1,12}) $/,
"zipcode" : /^[1-9]d{5}$/,
"bodycard" : /^((1[1-5])|(2[1-3])|(3[1-7])|(4[1-6])|(5[0-4])|(6[1-5])|71|(8[12])|91)d{4}((19d{2}(0[13-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]d|30))|(19d{2}(0[13578]|1[02])31)|(19d{2}02(0[1-9]|1d|2[0-8]))|(19([13579][26]|[2468][048]|0[48])0229))d{3}(d|X|x)?$/,
"ip" : /^(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5])$/,
"file": /^[A-Za-z0-9] ((.|-)[A-Za-z0-9] )*.[A-Za-z0-9] $/,
"image" : /. .(jpg|gif|png|bmp)$/i,
"word" : /. .(doc|rtf|pdf)$/i,
// 函数规则
"eq": function(arg1,arg2){ return arg1==arg2 ? true:false;},
"gt": function(arg1,arg2){ return arg1>arg2 ? true:false;},
"gte": function(arg1,arg2){ return arg1>=arg2 ? true:false;},
"lt": function(arg1,arg2){ return arg1
"lte": function(arg1,arg2){ return arg1<=arg2 ? true:false;}
msgSuffix = {
"eng" : "只能输入英文" ,
"chn" : "只能输入汉字",
"mail" : "格式不正确",
"url" : "格式不正确",
"currency" : "数字格式有误",
"number" : "只能为数字",
"int" : "只能为整数",
"double" : "只能为带小数的数字",
"username" :"只能为数字和英文及下划线和.的组合,开头为字母,4-20个字符",
"password" : "只能为数字和英文及下划线的组合,6-20个字符",
"safe" : "不能有特殊字符",
"dbc" : "不能有全角字符",
"qq" : "格式不正确",
"date" : "格式不正确",
"year" : "不正确",
"month" :"不正确",
"day" : "不正确",
"hour" : "不正确",
"minute" :"不正确",
"second" :"不正确",
"mobile" : "格式不正确",
"phone" : "格式不正确",
"zipcode" : "格式不正确",
"bodycard" : "格式不正确",
"ip" : "IP不正确",
"file": "类型不正确",
"image" : "类型不正确",
"word" : "类型不正确",
"eq": "不等于",
"gt": "不大于",
"gte": "不大于或等于",
"lt": "不小于",
"lte": "不小于或等于"
msg = "", formObj = $(this) , checkRet = true, isAll,
tipname = function(namestr){ return "tip_" namestr.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9])/g,"-$1"); },
typeTest = function(){
var result = true,args = arguments;
var t = rule[args[0]], v = args[1];
result = args.length>2 ? t.apply(arguments,[].slice.call(args,1)):($.isFunction(t) ? t(v) :t.test(v));
return result;
//错误信息提示 ****** 自定义修改 ******
showError = function(fieldObj,filedName,warnInfo){
checkRet = false;
var tipObj = $("#" tipname(filedName));
if(tipObj.length>0) tipObj.remove();
var tipPosition = fieldObj.next().length>0 ? fieldObj.nextAll().eq(this.length-1):fieldObj.eq(this.length-1);
tipPosition.after(" " warnInfo " ");
if(isAlert && isAll) msg = "n" warnInfo;
//if(isAlert && !isAll) alert(warnInfo);
//正确信息提示 ****** 自定义修改 ******
showRight = function(fieldObj,filedName){
var tipObj = $("#" tipname(filedName));
if(tipObj.length>0) tipObj.remove();
var tipPosition = fieldObj.next().length>0 ? fieldObj.nextAll().eq(this.length-1):fieldObj.eq(this.length-1);
tipPosition.after(" 正确 ");
findTo = function(objName){
var find;
$.each(items, function(){
if(this.name == objName && this.simple){
find = this.simple; return false;
if(!find) find = $("[name='" objName "']")[0].name;
return find;
//Single element verification
fieldCheck = function(item){
var i = item, field = $("[name='" i.name "']",formObj[0]) ;
if(!field[0]) return;
var warnMsg,fv = $.trim(field.val()),isRq = typeof i.require ==="boolean" ? i.require : true;
if( isRq && ((field.is(":radio")|| field.is(":checkbox")) && !field.is(":checked"))){
warnMsg = i.message|| i.simple "No selection";
showError(field ,i.name, warnMsg);
}else if (isRq && fv == "" ){
warnMsg = i .message|| i.simple ( field.is("select") ? "No selection" :"cannot be empty" );
showError(field ,i.name, warnMsg);
}else if( fv != ""){
if(i.min || i.max){
var len = fv.length, min = i.min || 0, max = i.max;
warnMsg = i.message || (max? i.simple "The length range should be between " min "~" max "":i.simple "The length should be greater than " min);
if( (max && (len> ;max || lenshowError(field ,i.name, warnMsg); return;
if( i.type){
var matchVal = i.to ? $.trim($("[name='" i.to "']").val()) :i.value;
var matchRet = matchVal ? typeTest(i.type,fv,matchVal) :typeTest(i.type,fv);
warnMsg = i.message|| i.simple msgSuffix[i.type];
if(matchVal && i.simple) warnMsg = (i.to ? findTo(i.to) "the value" :i.value);
if(!matchRet) showError(field ,i.name, warnMsg);
else showRight(field,i.name);
}else if (isRq){
showRight(field,i. name);
//Element group validation
validate = function(){
$.each(items, function(){isAll=true; fieldCheck(this) ;});
if(isAlert && msg != ""){
alert(msg); msg = "";
return checkRet;
/ /Single element event binding
$.each(items, function(){
var field = $("[name='" this.name "']",formObj[0]);
if(field.is(":hidden")) return;
var obj = this,toCheck = function(){ isAll=false; fieldCheck(obj);};
if(field.is(": file") || field.is("select")){
}) ;
//Submit event binding
if(isBindSubmit) {
return validate();
Parameters and descriptions:
---------------- ---Configuration parameters:----------------------
-------- Form--------
Parameter one is the form item array (Json mode), required
Parameter two is whether the form is a manual call verification result. The default is true, which is an automatic verification submit event. , optional;
Parameter three is the Alert prompt method for verification information, the default is No, optional.
-------- Form item array--------
name: name of form field, required
type: validation type, optional
simple: simple prompt Message, only enter the Chinese name of the domain [recommended]
message: complete prompt message, replacing the simple prompt message
require: whether it is required, the default is true, that is, required, false is optional, optional
to: Matching value comparison, the name of the object, optional
value: Direct matching value comparison, if there is to, the value is ignored, optional
min: minimum length, optional
max: Maximum length, optional
ajax: The address to obtain the result of asynchronous verification, optional
****** type The verification type is as follows: ******
eng: English
chn: Chinese characters
mail: email
url: URL
currency: currency
number: number
int: integer
double: floating point number
username: number and English and underline A combination of and., starting with a letter, 4-20 characters
password: a combination of numbers, English and underscores, 6-20 characters
safe: no special characters included
dbc: including full-width characters ( (Except Chinese characters)
qq: 5-9 digits
date: time
year: year
day: day
hour: hour
minute: minute
second seconds
mobile: mobile phone
phone: phone number
zipcode: zip code
bodycard: ID card, supports 15 digits, 18 digits, x letter
ip: IP
file: File type
image: Picture file type
word: Document file type
**** The following types require matching objects or values****
eq: =
gt: > ;
lt: <
What is a simple and easy method? ? ?
Look at the code:
//Verification selection
{ name:"checkbox",simple:"Multi-select" },
//Required for verification, as long as it is not Empty
{ name:"username",simple:"username"},
//Not required, email type
{ name:"email",type:"mail",simple:"Email ",require:false }
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