url paramter:
var getArgs =function() {//get url querystring
var params=document.location.search,reg=/(?:^?|&)(.*?)=(.*?)(?=&|$ )/g,temp,args={};
while((temp=reg.exec(params))!=null) args[temp[1]]=decodeURIComponent(temp[2]);
return args;
//Just take one:
var queryString=function(key){
return (document.location.search.match(new RegExp("(?:^\? |&)" key "=(.*?)(?=&|$)"))||['',null])[1];
var args=getArgs();
alert(args.name " | " args.sex " | " args.age);
//Test link:
test getQueryString< /a>
script paramter:
var getScriptArgs=function(){//Get multiple parameters
var scripts=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
script=scripts[scripts.length -1], //Because the following script tags have not been loaded when the current dom is loaded, the last one is the current script
reg=/(?:?|&)(. *?)=(.*?)(?=&|$)/g,
while((temp=reg.exec(src))!=null) res[ temp[1]]=decodeURIComponent(temp[2]);
return res;
var args=getScriptArgs();
alert(args.a " | " args.b " | " args.c);
//If the above js is in the script of js1.js
var getScriptArg=function(key){//Get a single parameter
var scripts=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
script=scripts[scripts .length-1],
return (src.match(new RegExp("(?:\?|&)" key "=(.*?)(?=&| $)"))||['',null])[1];
ps: Don’t use it in the method Call the method in the method, otherwise you may always get the parameters of the last js file. To use it in the method, please save it with a variable first and get it directly in the method.