1. Accurate and simple selection of objects (dom):
$('#element');// Equivalent to document.getElementById
$('p' );//html tag
$("form > input");//sub-object
$("div,span,p.myClass");//select multiple objects at the same time
$ ("tr:odd").css("background-color", "#bbbbff");//
interlaced background of the table
$(":input");//Form object
$ ("input[name='newsletter']");//Specific form object
2. The application of object functions is simple and unrestricted:
$("p.surprise" ).addClass("ohmy").show("slow")...
3. Operations on selected objects (including styles):
$("#element").addClass("selected");/ /Add style to object
$('#element').css({ "background-color":"yellow", "font
-weight":"bolder" });//Change object style
$("p").text("Some new text.");//Change the object text
$("img").attr({ src: "test.jpg", alt: "Test Image "
});//Change the object text
$("p").add("span");//Add a label to the object
$("p").find("span" );//Find the corresponding element inside the object
$("p").parent();//The parent element of the object
$("p").append("Hello< /b>");//Add content to the object
4. Support aJax, support file format: xml/html/script/json/jsonp
$("#feeds").load("feeds.html"); //Import static page content into the corresponding area
$("#feeds").load("feeds.php", {limit: 25}, function()
{alert("The last 25 entries in the feed have been
loaded");});//Import dynamic content
5. Support for events:
$("p").hover(function () {
$(this).addClass( "hilite");//When the mouse is placed
}, function () {
$(this).removeClass("hilite");//Remove the mouse
});//When the mouse is placed Different effects of going up and moving away (automatically loop all p objects
6. Animation:
$("p").show("slow");//Hidden object (slow gradient)
width: "90%",
height: "100%",
fontSize: "10em"
}, 1000 );
});//Dynamic changes in width, height and font after mouse click
7. Extension:
$.fn.background = function(bg) {
return this.css('background', bg);