This can be done using a jquery plug-in cluetip
The download address is:
The following is a brief explanation of the usage:
1 First of all, of course Put the basic JS of JQUERY and the JS of this plug-in, such as:
$('a. basic').cluetip();
3 Define the height of the pop-up box, etc.:
$('a.custom-width').cluetip ({width: '200px', showTitle: false});
4 Pops up when the mouse moves to a connection: Hover over me
$('h4').cluetip({attribute: 'id', hoverClass: 'highlight'});
5 When the user actively clicks this link
$('#clickme').cluetip({activation: 'click', width: 650});
6 Rounded corners
$('ol.rounded a:eq(0)').cluetip({splitTitle: '|', dropShadow: false, cluetipClass: 'rounded', showTitle: false});