Because of the existence of DOM, this allows us to obtain, create, modify, or delete nodes through JavaScript.
NOTE: The elements in the examples provided below are all element nodes.
Get node
Father-son relationship
element.parentNode element.firstChild/element.lastChild element.childNodes/element.children
Brotherly relationship
element.previousSibling/element.nextSibling element.previousElementSibling/element.nextElementSibling
Acquiring nodes through the direct relationship between nodes will greatly reduce the maintainability of the code (changes in the relationship between nodes will directly affect the acquisition of nodes), but this problem can be effectively solved through interfaces.
Acquiring nodes through the direct relationship between nodes will greatly reduce the maintainability of the code (changes in the relationship between nodes will directly affect the acquisition of nodes), but this problem can be effectively solved through interfaces.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>ELEMENT_NODE & TEXT_NODE</title> </head> <body> <ul id="ul"> <li>First</li> <li>Second</li> <li>Third</li> <li>Fourth</li> </ul> <p>Hello</p> <script type="text/javascript"> var ulNode = document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; console.log(ulNode.parentNode); //<body></body> console.log(ulNode.previousElementSibling); //null console.log(ulNode.nextElementSibling); //<p>Hello</p> console.log(ulNode.firstElementChild); //<li>First</li> console.log(ulNode.lastElementChild); //<li>Fourth</li> </script> </body> </html>
NTOE: Careful people will find that in the example of node traversal, there are no spaces between the body, ul, li, and p nodes, because if there are spaces, then the spaces will be regarded as a TEXT node, so use ulNode.previousSibling gets an empty text node instead of the
<html lang> <head> <meta charest="utf-8"> <title>Compatible Children Method</title> </head> <body id="body"> <div id="item"> <div>123</div> <p>ppp</p> <h1>h1</h1> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function getElementChildren(e){ if(e.children){ return e.children; }else{ /* compatible other browse */ var i, len, children = []; var child = element.firstChild; if(child != element.lastChild){ while(child != null){ if(child.nodeType == 1){ children.push(child); } child = child.nextSibling; } }else{ children.push(child); } return children; } } /* Test method getElementChildren(e) */ var item = document.getElementById("item"); var children = getElementChildren(item); for(var i =0; i < children.length; i++){ alert(children[i]); } </script> </body> </html>
NOTE: This compatibility method is a preliminary draft and has not been tested for compatibility.
Interface to get element node
getElementById getElementsByTagName getElementsByClassName querySelector querySelectorAll
Get the node object with the specified id in the document.
var element = document.getElementById('id'); getElementsByTagName
Dynamicly obtain a collection of element nodes with specified tags (its return value will be affected by DOM changes, and its value will change). This interface can be obtained directly through the element and does not have to act directly on the document.
// 示例 var collection = element.getElementsByTagName('tagName'); // 获取指定元素的所有节点 var allNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); // 获取所有 p 元素的节点 var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('p'); // 取出第一个 p 元素 var p = elements[0];
Get all nodes with the specified class in the specified element. Multiple class options can be separated by spaces, regardless of order.
var elements = element.getElementsByClassName('className');
NOTE: IE9 and below do not support getElementsByClassName
Compatible methods
function getElementsByClassName(root, className) { // 特性侦测 if (root.getElementsByClassName) { // 优先使用 W3C 规范接口 return root.getElementsByClassName(className); } else { // 获取所有后代节点 var elements = root.getElementsByTagName('*'); var result = []; var element = null; var classNameStr = null; var flag = null; className = className.split(' '); // 选择包含 class 的元素 for (var i = 0, element; element = elements[i]; i++) { classNameStr = ' ' + element.getAttribute('class') + ' '; flag = true; for (var j = 0, name; name = className[j]; j++) { if (classNameStr.indexOf(' ' + name + ' ') === -1) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { result.push(element); } } return result; } }
querySelector / querySelectorAll
Get the first element or all elements of a list (the return result will not be affected by subsequent DOM modifications and will not change after acquisition) that matches the incoming CSS selector.
var listElementNode = element.querySelector('selector'); var listElementsNodes = element.querySelectorAll('selector'); var sampleSingleNode = element.querySelector('#className'); var sampleAllNodes = element.querySelectorAll('#className');
NOTE: IE9 does not support querySelector and querySelectorAll
Create Node
Create node -> Set properties -> Insert node
var element = document.createElement('tagName');
Modify node
Gets or sets the text content of the node and its descendant nodes (for all text content in the node).
element.textContent; // 获取 element.textContent = 'New Content';
NOTE: IE 9 and below are not supported.
innerText (not W3C compliant)
Gets or sets the text content of the node and its descendants. Its effect on textContent is almost the same.
NOTE: Not compliant with W3C specifications and does not support FireFox browser.
FireFox Compatibility Solution
if (!('innerText' in document.body)) { HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__('innerText', function(){ return this.textContent; }); HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__('innerText', function(s) { return this.textContent = s; }); }
Insert node
Append an element node within the specified element.
var aChild = element.appendChild(aChild);
Insert the specified element before the specified node of the specified element.
var aChild = element.insertBefore(aChild, referenceChild);
Delete node
Delete the child element nodes of the specified node.
var child = element.removeChild(child);
Get or set all HTML content in the specified node. Replaces all previous internal content and creates a completely new batch of nodes (removing previously added events and styles). innerHTML does not check the content, runs directly and replaces the original content.
NOTE: This is only recommended when creating a brand new node. Not to be used under user control.
var elementsHTML = element.innerHTML;
PS: appendChild() , insertBefore()插入节点需注意的问题
//由于这两种方法操作的都是某个节点的子节点,所以必须现取得父节点,代码中 someNode 表示父节点 //使用appendChild()方法插入节点 var returnedNode = someNode.appendChild(newNode); alert(returnedNode == newNode) //true //使用insertBefore()方法插入节点 var returnedNode = someNode.appendChild(newNode); alert(returnedNode == newNode) //true
<div id="test"> <div>adscasdjk</div> <div id="a">adscasdjk</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var t = document.getElementById("test"); var a = document.getElementById('a'); //var tt = a.cloneNode(true); t.appendChild(a); </script>
<div id="test"> <div>adscasdjk</div> <div id="a">adscasdjk</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var t = document.getElementById("test"); var a = document.getElementById('a'); var tt = a.cloneNode(true); t.appendChild(tt); </script>
相似的操作方法还有 removeNode(node)删除一个节点,并返回该节;replaceNode(newNode,node)替换node节点,并返回该节点。这两种方法相对来说更容易使用一些。