Chapter 6, Object-oriented Programming
1. Data attributes
configurable, indicating whether the attribute can be redefined by deleting the attribute through delete, whether the characteristics of the attribute can be modified, or whether the attribute can be modified into an accessor attribute. The default is true
enumerbale, indicating whether the attribute can be accessed through for-in, the default is true
writable, indicating whether the attribute value can be modified, the default is true
value, data storage location, default undefined
Modify the default attribute characteristics: Object.defineProperty(), which receives three parameters: the object where the attribute is located, the attribute name, and the descriptor object. The descriptor object attributes must be: configurable, enumerable, writable, value
var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj,”name”,{ writable:true, value:”nihao” });
2. Accessor properties
configurable, indicating whether the attribute can be redefined by deleting the attribute through delete, whether the characteristics of the attribute can be modified, or whether the attribute can be modified into an accessor attribute. The default is true
enumerbale, indicating whether the attribute can be accessed through for-in, the default is true
get, called when reading attributes, default is undefined
set, called when writing attributes, default is undefined
Modification must be done through Object.defineProperty()
var obj = { _year:2004, edition:1 } Object.defineProperty(book,”year”,{ get:function(){ return this._year; }, set:function(newValue){ if(newValue > 2004){ this._year = newValue; this.edition += newValue – 2004; } } }); book.year = 2005; alert(book.edition); //2
Define multiple properties: Object.defineProperties(), which receives two objects. One is the property to be modified or added. The properties of the second object correspond one-to-one with the properties of the first object to be modified or added. Supported Browsers: IE9+, FireFox4+, Safari5+, Opera12+, chrome
Read attributes: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), receives two parameters, the object where the attribute is located, and the attribute name of the descriptor to be read. Supported browsers: IE9+, FireFox4+, Safari5+, Opera12+, chrome
Create object:
Factory mode:
function createPerson(name,age){ var o = new Object(); = name; o.age = age; o.sayName = function(){ alert(; }; return o; } var person1 = createPerson(“g”,29);
Constructor pattern:
function Person(name,age){ = name; this.age = age; this.sayName() = function(){ alert(; }; } var person = new Person(“g”,28);
The difference between the two modes:
There is no need to display the created object in the constructor mode, directly assign a value to this, and there is no return statement
The first letter of the constructor name must be capitalized, and the new operator must be used to create a new instance
Prototype Mode
Each function created has a prototype attribute, which is a pointer to an object. The purpose of this object is to contain properties and methods that can be shared by all instances of a specific type. In other words: , prototype is the prototype object of the object created by the function. The advantage is that all instances can share the same properties and methods.
isPrototypeOf(), my personal understanding is that it can be used to determine whether the prototype of an instance is the same as the current prototype
Person.prototype.isPrototypeOf(person1); //true
Object.getPrototypeOf(), can return the prototype of a certain instance, supported browsers IE9+, Firefox3.5+, Safari5+, Opera12+, chrome
Note: When accessing the object attribute name, a search will be performed. First, search in the instance object. If it does not exist, search in the prototype object of the current object.
Note: If the attributes in the instance are the same as the attributes in the prototype object, the attributes of the prototype object will be blocked, which is exactly the same as the previous one
The hasOwnProperty() method can determine whether a property comes from an instance. If it does not come from an instance, it returns false, otherwise it returns true
When delete is called on an instance, only the attribute names on the instance will be deleted, and the attributes of the prototype will not be deleted
function Person(){ } = "Nicholas"; Person.prototype.age = 29; Person.prototype.sayName = function(){ alert(; } var per1 = new Person(); var per2 = new Person(); = "Greg"; alert(; //"Greg" 来自实例 alert(; //"Nicholas" delete; alert(; //"Nicholas" 来自原型 delete; alert(; //"Nicholas"
Note: The Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method can only be used for instance properties. To obtain the prototype property descriptor, this method must be called directly on the prototype object
in operator: Returns true only if the attribute is in the instance object or in the prototype object
alert(“name” in Person); //true alert(“name” in per1); //true
Use in and hasOwnProperty at the same time to determine whether the property exists in the prototype or instance
Object.keys() method: receives an object as a parameter and returns a string array composed of all enumerable properties
Object.getOwnPropertyNames() method: receives an object and returns a string array composed of all properties, whether enumerable or not
Simpler prototype syntax:
It is too troublesome to use the above method. The following method is more commonly used: using object literals
Person.prototype = { name : “Nicholas”, age : 29 sayName = function(){ alert(; } }
However, this method is equivalent to rewriting the entire prototype object, which will cause the constructor property to no longer point to Person but to Object. Although instanceof will still return the correct result, the object type cannot be determined through the constructor.
var per = new Person(); alert(per instanceof Object); //true alert(per instanceof Person); //true alert(per constructor Object); //true alert(per constructor Person); //false
Person.prototype = { constructor:Person, name : “Nicholas”, age : 29 sayName = function(){ alert(; } }
Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype,”constructor”,{ enumerable:false, value:Person });
function funName(arg0,arg1){ //函数体 }
var funName = function(arg0,arg1){ //函数体 }
var factorial = (function f(num){ if(num <= 1){ return 1; }else{ return num * f(num - 1); } });
function createFuncrions(){ var result = new Array(); for(var i = 0;i < 10;i++){ result[i] = function(){ return i; } } return result; } var re = createFuncrions(); alert(re[1](2));
每个函数返回的都将是10,而不是如预期般返回对应的索引值,因为createFuncrions函数最后返回时I = 10,此时每个函数都引用保存着变量i的同一个对象,所以在每个函数内部i都是10,可以使用如下方法强制闭包返回预期效果:
function createFuncrions(){ var result = new Array(); for(var i = 0;i < 10;i++){ result[i] = function(num){ return function(){ return num; }; }(i); } return result; } var re = createFuncrions(); alert(re[2]());
(function(){ alert("test"); //块级作用域,没有使用圆括号将function包起来将会出错 })();
var singleton = function(){ //private arg and private method var privateVariable = 10; function privateFunction(){ return false; } //create obj var obj = new Object(); obj.publicProperty = true; obj.publicFunction = function(){ privateVariable ++; return privateFunction(); }; return obj; }(); alert(typeof singleton); alert(singleton.publicProperty); alert(singleton.publicFunction());