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Release: 2016-06-20 12:26:23
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如果你是喷子,问我造轮子花这么多精力有什么用的话,那就走,看看我的这篇文章 为什么我要写自己的框架?框架所有的代码都在笔者的Github上做展示,并且有一个库存管理信息系统的实例,Github账号请看笔者简介



封装分为两个类:Connection类 | Command类


//Connection类private static $_instance;private function __construct() {}private function __clone() {}//单例public static function getinstance() {    if (!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) {        self::$_instance = new self();    }    return self::$_instance;}//类被回收的时候调用,此时关闭数据库连接public function __destruct() {    $this->close();}
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return [    'dsn'      => 'mysql:host=;dbname=dbname',    'user'     => 'root',    'password' => 'pass',    'charset'  => 'utf8',    'slaves' => [        [            'dsn'      => 'mysql:host=;dbname=dbname',            'user'     => 'root',            'password' => 'pass',            'charset'  => 'utf8',        ],    ],];
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//实例化后数据库连接属性public $connect;private $db; //数据库连接信息//服务器信息,私有属性private $dsn;private $user;private $pass;private $charset;private $rightNowDb; //当前服务器信息私有属性的服务器名private $PDOSlaves;  //从服务器实例化后数据库连接属性
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  • 抛出错误:One of the PDO::DB Parameter is empty!
  • 记录在系统的错误日之内(errordb.log文件夹内),LogWrite类是笔者自己封装的日志记录类,采用链式调用。
private function getInfo() {    $this->db = require (dirname(__FILE__).'/../../config/db.php');    if ($this->db['dsn'] && $this->db['user'] && $this->db['password']) {        $this->dsn        = $this->db['dsn'];        $this->user       = $this->db['user'];        $this->pass       = $this->db['password'];        $this->charset    = $this->db['charset']?$this->db['charset']:'utf8';        $this->rightNowDb = 'master';    } else {        $this->err('One of the PDO::DB Parameter is empty!');    }}private function err($err) {    $err = 'ErrInfo: '.$err;    LogWrite::getinstance()->IntoWhere('errordb')->Info($err)->execute();    throw new Exception($err);}
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PDO连接方法,这就是PDO的连接方法,运用new PDO进行操作

  • exec方法执行sql语句
  • getAttribute获取属性
private function nowConnect() {    try {        $connect = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->user, $this->pass);    } catch (PDOException $e) {        $this->err($e->getMessage());    }    if (!$connect) {        $this->err('PDO connect error');    }    $connect->exec('SET NAMES '.$this->charset);    $connect->getAttribute(constant("PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION"));    return $connect;}
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public function getConnect() {    $this->getInfo();    if ($this->isActive()) {        return $this->connect;    } else {        $this->connect = $this->nowConnect();        return $this->connect;    }}//if there is activepublic function isActive() {    return $this->connect;}//close connectionpublic function close() {    if ($this->isActive()) {        $this->connect = null;    }}
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  • 获取连接使用判断,如果不是active,则调用封装的PDO连接方法,赋值给类内的connect属性,返回此属性
public function getConnect() {    $this->getInfo();    if ($this->isActive()) {        return $this->connect;    } else {        $this->connect = $this->nowConnect();        return $this->connect;    }}
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  • 从服务器的话则从PDOSlaves属性内拿值,判断同主服务器,不同的从服务器连接对应PDOSlaves内不同的键值对
  • setToSlaves方法使私有数据库连接属性变成需要操作的数据库
  • setMaster私有数据库连接属性变回主服务器
  • 大家都看到了return $this;了吧,这就是链式调用的核心!
public function getSlavesConnect($num) {    $this->setToSlaves($num);    $key = 'slave'.$num;    if ($this->PDOSlaves[$key]) {        return $this->PDOSlaves[$key];    } else {        $connect               = $this->nowConnect();        $this->PDOSlaves[$key] = $connect;        return $this->PDOSlaves[$key];    }}//Serval attributes change to slaver DataBasepublic function setToSlaves($num) {    if ($this->db['slaves'][$num]['dsn'] && $this->db['slaves'][$num]['user'] && $this->db['slaves'][$num]['password']) {        $this->dsn        = $this->db['slaves'][$num]['dsn'];        $this->user       = $this->db['slaves'][$num]['user'];        $this->pass       = $this->db['slaves'][$num]['password'];        $this->rightNowDb = 'slaves'.$num;    } else {        $this->err('slaves '.$num.':: missing info!');    }}public function setMaster() {    $this->getInfo();    return $this;}public function getRightNowDb() {    return $this->rightNowDb;}
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  • 在连接数据库内部有一个数据库操作类的工厂方法
  • sql可有可无
public function createCommand($sql = null) {    //first connect the db    $command = new Command([            'db'  => $this->getConnect(),            'sql' => $sql,        ]);    return $command;}public function createSlavesComm($num = 0, $sql = null) {    $command = new Command([            'db'  => $this->getSlavesConnect($num),            'sql' => $sql,        ]);    return $command;}
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//this save sql wordprivate $sql;//pdo connectprivate $pdo;//the pdo statementprivate $pdoStmt;//the last db select is in hereprivate $lastCommandDb;private $dataType = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; //从数据库内取出数据的默认属性//Connection.php to new a commandpublic function __construct($arr) {    $this->sql = $arr['sql']?$arr['sql']:'';    $this->pdo = $arr['db'];}
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数据库sql搜索,分为准备和执行两步,运用PDO的方法,一旦有错误,抛错,记录日志,没有准备就执行的话,系统会抛throw new PDOException('PDO is Fail to use execute before prepare!');错误

//Must handleprivate function prepare() {    //if there have stmt    if ($this->pdoStmt) {        $this->lastCommandDb = $this->pdoStmt;    }    $this->pdoStmt = $this->pdo->prepare($this->sql);}//execute it and returnprivate function execute($method) {    if ($this->pdoStmt) {        $pdoStmt = $this->pdoStmt;        $pdoStmt->execute();        $res = $pdoStmt->$method($this->dataType);        if (!$res) {            $msg = 'The result is empty, The sql word is :: '.$this->sql;            LogWrite::getinstance()->IntoWhere('errordb')->Info($msg)->execute();            return false;        }        return $res;    } else {        throw new PDOException('PDO is Fail to use execute before prepare!');    }}
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银行内部不同的人会对应不同的账户,每个账户都是一条数据库记录,下面模拟一个转账业务:A转账给B 100块



//transction handleprivate function transction() {    try {        $this->pdo->beginTransaction();        $res = $this->pdo->exec($this->sql);        if ($this->pdo->errorInfo()[0] != '00000') {            throw new PDOException('DB Error::Fail to change the database!!  The sql is: '.$this->sql.' The Error is :: '.$this->pdo->errorInfo()[2]);        }        $this->pdo->commit();        return true;    } catch (PDOException $e) {        $this->pdo->rollback();        LogWrite::getinstance()->IntoWhere('errordb')->Info($e)->execute();        return false;    }}//change it latelyprivate function transctions(array $sqlArr = array()) {    try {        $this->pdo->beginTransaction();        foreach ($sqlArr as $value) {            $res = $this->pdo->exec($value);            print_r($this->pdo->errorInfo());            if ($this->pdo->errorInfo()[0] != '00000') {                throw new PDOException('DB Error::Fail to change the database!!  The sql is: '.$value.' The Error is :: '.$this->pdo->errorInfo()[2]);            }        }        $this->pdo->commit();        return true;    } catch (PDOException $e) {        $this->pdo->rollback();        LogWrite::getinstance()->IntoWhere('errordb')->Info($e)->execute();        return false;    }}
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public function queryAll($fetchMode = null) {    return $this->queryInit('fetchAll', $fetchMode);}public function queryOne($fetchMode = null) {    return $this->queryInit('fetch', $fetchMode);}//insert into databasepublic function insert($table, $arr) {    $this->sql = Merj::sql()->insert($table)->value($arr)->sqlVal();    return $this->transction();}//insert serval databasepublic function insertSomeVal($table, array $key, array $arr) {    $this->sql = Merj::sql()->insert($table)->servalValue($key, $arr)->sqlVal();    return $this->transction();}//update the databasepublic function update($table, $arr, $where) {    $this->sql = Merj::sql()->update($table)->set($arr)->where($where)->sqlVal();    return $this->transction();}public function updateTrans(array $sqlArr = array()) {    return $this->transctions($sqlArr);}//delete one recordpublic function delete($table, $whereArr) {    $this->sql = Merj::sql()->delete($table)->where($whereArr)->sqlVal();    return $this->transction();}private function queryInit($method, $fetchMode = null) {    if ($fetchMode) {        $this->dataType = $fetchMode;    }    if ($this->sql && $this->pdo) {        $this->prepare();        $result = $this->execute($method);        return $result?$result:'';    } else {        $err = 'Sql or PDO is empty; The sql is '.$this->sql;        LogWrite::getinstance()->IntoWhere('errordb')->Info($this->sql)->execute();        throw new PDOException($err);        return false;    }}
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  • 这个工厂方法Merj::sql()是一个链式方法,实例化拼接sql语句的类
    public static function sql() {  return new QueryBuilder();}
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  • 搜索方法调用queryInit方法
  • 增删改都运用刚刚提到的transction方法
  • 如果需要使用完整的方法,只需要像下面这样,是不是很方便!
    $connect = Connection::getinstance();$connect->createCommand($sql)->queryOne();$connect->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();$connect::db()->createCommand()->insert('tableName', [      'Val Key1' => 'Val1',      'Val Key2' => 'Val2',  ]);Merj::db()->createSlavesComm(0, 'SELECT * FROM content')->queryAll(); //从服务器操作数据库
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/** * 返回一条纪录内的一个值 * @param  想要取出的值 * @param  主键对应的值 * @return 返回一个值 **/public function findOnlyOne($target, $idVal) {    $sql = Merj::sql()->select($target)->from($this->tableName)->where([            $this->primKey => $idVal,        ])->sqlVal();    $rows = Merj::db()->createCommand($sql)->queryOne();    if ($rows) {        return $rows[$target];    } else {        return false;    }}/** * 返回一条纪录 * @param  主键属性 * @param  主键对应的值 * @return 返回这条纪录 **/public function findOneRecord($userIdVal) {    $sql = Merj::sql()->select()->from($this->tableName)->where([            $this->primKey => $userIdVal,        ])->sqlVal();    $rows = Merj::db()->createCommand($sql)->queryOne();    if ($rows) {        return $rows;    } else {        return false;    }}/** * 通过sql语句查找 * @param  sql words * @return results **/public function findBySql($sql) {    return Merj::db()->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();}/** * @param  Insert info * @return success or not **/    public function insertOne($arr) {    return Merj::db()->createCommand()->insert($this->tableName, $arr);}/** * @param  Insert infos * @return success or not **/public function insertNum(array $key = array(), array $arr = array()) {    return Merj::db()->createCommand()->insertSomeVal($this->tableName, $key, $arr);}/**     * 更新一条记录 * @param * @param * @return success or not **/public function updateOneRec($arrUpDate, $idVal) {    return Merj::db()->createCommand()->update($this->tableName, $arrUpDate, [            $this->primKey => $idVal,        ]);}/** * 多个sql语句更新 * @param  sql array * @return success or not **/public function updateTrans($sqlArr) {    return Merj::db()->createCommand()->updateTrans($sqlArr);}/** * 删除一条记录 * @param  where $arr * @return success or not **/public function deleteOne($arr) {    return Merj::db()->createCommand()->delete($this->tableName, $arr);}/** * object to array * @param  object * @return array **/public function obj_arr($obj) {    if (is_object($obj)) {        $array = (array) $obj;    }if (is_array($obj)) {        foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {            $array[$key] = $this->obj_arr($value);        }    }    return $array;}public function jsonUtf8Out($arr) {    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {        if (is_array($value)) {            $arr[$key] = $this->jsonUtf8Out($value);        } else {            $arr[$key] = urlencode($value);        }    }    return $arr;}
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  • 对象变成数组
  • 数组内元素urlencode,由于变成json的json_encode方法会转译中文,所以需要让数组内所有元素urlencode再urldecode


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