ES6 provides two new data structures-Set and WeakSet. Set is similar to an array, but the values of member variables are unique and there are no duplicate values. WeakSet is also a collection of unique values, but it can only be used to store objects.
1. Use of Set
(1)Set itself provides a constructor to generate the Set data structure.
var s = new Set(); [2,2,2,5,8,16,2,1].map(x => s.add(x)) for(i of s){console.log(i)} //2,5,8,16,1
(2) The Set() function can accept an array as a construction parameter for initialization.
var s = new Set([1,2,3,4,2,4,3]); [...s] //[1,2,3,4]
Note: Type conversion does not occur when adding a value to a Set, so 5 and "5" are two different values. Set internally determines whether the two values are equal, using = ==, which means the two objects are always not equal. The only thing outside the list is NaN itself (the exact equality operator considers NaN not equal to itself)
let set = new Set(); set.add({}) set.size//1 set.add({}) set.size//2
Then, the above code means that since the two empty objects are not exactly equal, they have two different values.
(3)Set methods and attributes
(3.1)Set attributes
Set.prototype.size: Returns the number of members of the Set instance.
Set.prototype.constructor: The default constructor Set function.
(3.2)Set operation function
add(value): Add a value and return the Set structure itself.
delete(value): Delete a certain value and return a Boolean value indicating successful deletion.
has(value): Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the parameter is a member of Set.
clear(): Clear all members, no return value.
var set = new Set();
(3.3)Set traversal operation
Set has four traversal methods. Can be used to traverse members.
keys(): Returns a traverser of key names
values() : returns a value traverser
entries(): Returns a traverser of key-value pairs
forEach(): Use callback function to traverse each member
Note: Since Set has no key name, only value name, the results returned by keys() and values() are the same,
let set = new Set(['red','green','blue']); for(let item of set.keys()){ console.log(item); } //red,green,blue for(let item of set.values()){ console.log(item); } //red,green,blue for(let item of set.entries()){ console.log(item); } //["red","red"] //["green","green"] //["blue","blue"] //所以,entries方法返回的遍历器同时包括键名和值,所以每次输出的是一个数组。其实成员都是完全一样的。
Note: Set is traversable by default, and its default traverser generation function is its values method.
This means that you can omit the values method and directly use for...of to traverse.
var set = new Set([1,2,3,4]); for(let x of set){ console.log(x); } //1 //2 //3 //4
If you use the spread operator (...), a for...of loop is used internally, so it can also be used for the Set structure.
let set = new Set(['red','green','blue']); let arr = [...set]; //['red','green','blue'];
(3.4)Set implements union, intersection and difference set
let set1 = new Set([1,2,3,4,5,6]); let set2 = new Set([4,5,6,7,8,9]); //并集 let union = new Set([...set1,...set2]); //[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] //交集 let intersect = new Set([...set1].filter(x => b.has(s))); //[4,5,6] //差集 let intersect = new Set([...set1].filter(x => !b.has(s))); //[1,2,3,4]
(3.5)Set implements the use of forEach
let set = new Set([1,2,3,4,5,6]); set.forEach(value,key)=>consloe.log(vlaue+1); //2 //3 //4 //5 //6 //7
Note: The parameter of the forEach method is a processing function, which in turn is the (key value, key name) collection itself. In addition, the forEach method has a second parameter, which represents the object to which this is bound.
2. Use of WeakSet
WeakSet is similar to Set and is also a collection of non-repeating values. But it can only be used to store objects. It cannot be any other type of value.
WeakSet is a constructor. Can accept arrays and array-like objects as arguments. (In fact, any object with an iterable interface can be used as a parameter of WeakSet). All members of the array will automatically become members of the WeakSet instance object.
var a = new [[1,2],[3,4]];
var ws = new WeakSet(a);
var ws = new WeakSet(); ws.add(1);//TypeError:Invalid value used in weak set ws.add(Symbol);//TypeError:Invalid value used in weak set
Add a value and a Symbol, and an error will be reported at the same time.
The WeakSet structure has the following methods
WeakSet.protoptype.add(value): Add a new member to the WeakSet instance.
WeakSet.protoptype.delete(value): Delete the specified member of the WeakSet instance.
WeakSet.protoptype.has(value): Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a value is in a WeakSet instance.
var ws = new WeakSet(); var obj = {}; var foo = {}; ws.add(window); ws.add(obj); ws.has(window);//true ws.has(foo);false ws.delete(window);//true ws.has(window);//false
WeakSet cannot be traversed because the members are weak references and may disappear at any time. Traversal cannot guarantee the existence of members. It may be that just after the traversal is completed, the members are no longer available. One use of WeakSet is to store DOM nodes without worrying about memory leaks when these nodes are removed from the document.