<script> <br>var index=0; //mouse It will be displayed when you click it for the first time. Click the mouse again and the layer will no longer be displayed <br>/**<br>* Mouse click event <br>*bizData: passed parameters <br>*/ <br>function search(bizData) <br>{ <br>if(index==0) <br> { <br>if(bizData==null) //When the parameter is empty, the content of this layer is cleared and null is not displayed <br>{ <br>$("bizDiv").innerText = ""; <br>$("bizDiv").style.background='#99FFFF'; <br>document.onclick = mouseMove; <br>index ; <br>}else <br>{ <br>$("bizDiv"). innerText = bizData; <br>$("bizDiv").style.background='#99FFFF'; //Relative page color settings<br>document.onclick = mouseMove; //Click trigger event<br>index; <br>} <br>}else{ //Second mouse click<br>$("bizDiv").innerText = ""; <br>document.onclick = mouseMove; <br>$("bizDiv") .style.background='transparent'; //Set the background color of the layer to "transparent color" <br>index=0; <br>} <br>} <br>/* <br>*Mouse move event, Get the position of top and right of the layer <br>*/ <br>function mouseMove(ev) <br>{ <br>ev= ev || window.event; <br>var mousePos = mouseCoords(ev); <br>$("bizDiv").style.right = document.body.clientWidth-mousePos.x 15; <br>$("bizDiv").style.top = document.body.clientHeight-200; <br>$( "bizDiv").style.width='200'; <br>//$("bizDiv").style.hight='200'; <br>} <br>/* <br>* Get the position of the mouse <br>*/ <br>function mouseCoords(ev) <br>{ <br>if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY){ <br>return {x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY}; <br>} <br>return { <br>x:ev.clientX document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft, <br>y:ev.clientY document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop <br>}; <br>} <br></script>