To get the value of a certain element, such as an input box, we often use $('#test').val();
$('#test') I won’t say more about this, anyway Just get the element with ID test.
$('#test').val(), that is, to get its value. Generally speaking, any element that can be used in FORM can use .val() to get the value. , such as input, textarea, select, etc., you can use .val() to get their current value
and .val('aa'); is to set the value of the element, $('#test ').val('aa'), which is equivalent to setting the value of the test element to aa.
There are two other usages like this: .html(), .text(). These two usages are often used on div and span elements. Generally, they are assigned and obtained values for these two elements. .
.html() replaces the previous .innerHTML, .html('test'), and replaces .innerHTML = 'test';
These similar simplified writing methods allow us to It feels smoother in actual operation.
These methods all assign and obtain values by adding parameters directly to the method name. There are also some values that are obtained through the second parameter (not clear...), such as $('#test').attr('name'), then the returned value is in its attribute name. If $('#test').attr('id','test2'), it is equivalent to setting the name of the test element to test2. When the value is retrieved, the name will be test2.
That’s too confusing. . . .