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使用 Zephir 写 PHP 扩展之微信集合框架

Release: 2016-06-20 12:54:59
1284 people have browsed it


使用 Zephir 开发的微信集合框架,能够轻松的集成到你的 PHP 中。经过了简单的测试。





#Ubuntu    sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-mysql gcc libpcre3-dev#Fedora    sudo yum install php-devel php-mysqlnd gcc libtool#RHEL    sudo yum install php-devel php-mysql gcc libtool#Suse    yast2 -i php5-pear php5-devel php5-mysql gcc
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git clone https://git.coding.net/widuu/wechat.git cd wechat/ext && ./install
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DLL List
PHP 5.6 5.6 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x86
5.6 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x64
PHP 5.5 5.5 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86
5.5 Thread Safe (TS) x86
5.5 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x64
5.5 Thread Safe (TS) x64


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    Email: admin#widuu.com <#换成@>



            namespace Wechat;        class Wechat extends Wechatabstract{            /**             * 发送者id             */            protected _tousername { get,set };            /**             * wechat id             */            protected _fromusername { get,set };            /**             * 事件类型             */            protected _msgtype { get,set };            /**             * 事件             */            protected _event { get,set };            /**             * 创建时间             */            protected _createtime { get,set };            /**             * 文本消息内容                */            protected _content { get,set };            /**             * 消息id             */            protected _msgid { get,set };            /**             * 图片链接             */            protected _picurl { get,set };            /**             * 媒体id             */            protected _mediaid { get,set };            /**             * 语音格式             */            protected _format { get,set };            /**             * 缩略图的媒体id             */            protected _thumbmediaid { get,set };            /**             * 地理位置维度             */            protected _location_x { get,set };            /**             * 地理位置经度             */            protected _location_y { get,set };            /**             * 地图缩放大小             */            protected _scale { get,set };            /**             * 地理位置信息             */            protected _label { get,set };            /**             * 消息标题             */            protected _title { get,set };            /**             * 消息描述             */            protected _description { get,set };            /**             * 消息链接             */            protected _url { get,set };            /**             * TOKEN URL             */            const TOKEN_URL = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?";            /**             * User URL             */            const USER_URL = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/";            /**             * Menu URL             */            const MENU_URL = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/";            /**             * 接收 POST 信息             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function getRequest(){                if this->isPost() {                    var key,value;                    let this->_request_data = this->getInfo(true);                    if this->_debug {                        if empty this->_request_data{                            this->log("[ERROR".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."] Request Data NULL\r\n");                               }                    };                    if !empty this->_request_data{                        for key,value in this->_request_data {                            let key = "_".strtolower(key);                            if isset this->{key} {                                let this->{key} = value;                            }                        }                        return this->_request_data;                    }                }else{                    return false;                }            }            /**             * 返回消息方法             * @param  string type             * @param  (array|string) type             * @return boolean             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function response(string! type=null,info){                if empty this->_request_data {                    return false;                }                var  tpl;                let  tpl = this->getTpl(type,info);                if this->_debug {                    if empty tpl{                        this->log("[ERROR".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."] Get Response XML Type Error\r\n");                         }                };                echo tpl;            }            /**             * 订阅事件             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function subscribe(string! type="text", info){                if empty this->_request_data {                    return false;                }                if(this->_event == "subscribe"){                    this->response(type,info);                    return;                }            }            /**             * 获取Token             * @param string appid              * @param string secret             * @return array             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function getToken(string! appid="",string! secret=""){                if (empty appid || empty secret) {                    throw new Exception("getToken Method Parameter does not allow nulls",4001);                };                var tokenUrl,urlQurey,result;                let urlQurey = ["grant_type":"client_credential","appid":appid,"secret":secret];                let tokenUrl = Wechat::TOKEN_URL.http_build_query(urlQurey);                let result   = this->httpGet(tokenUrl);                return json_decode(result,true);            }            /**             * 获取用户信息             * @param string type              * @param string token             * @param string openid             * @return array             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function getUser(string! type=null,string! token="",string openid=""){                if empty token || empty type {                    throw new Exception("Parameter does not allow nulls",4002);                }                var url,param,result;                switch(type){                    case "userinfo" :                        let param  = ["access_token":token,"openid":openid,"lang":"zh_CN"];                        let url    = Wechat::USER_URL."info?".http_build_query(param);                        let result = this->httpGet(url);                        break;                    case "userlist" :                        let param  = ["access_token":token,"next_openid":openid];                        let url    = Wechat::USER_URL."get?".http_build_query(param);                        let result = this->httpGet(url);                        break;                    default:                        return false;                }                return json_decode(result,true);            }            /**             * 设置用户备注             * @param string token              * @param string openid             * @param string remarke             * @return array             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function setRemark(string! token=null,string! openid=null,string! remarke=null)->boolean{                var remarkUrl,postInfo,result;                let remarkUrl = Wechat::USER_URL."info/updateremark?access_token=".token;                let postInfo  = ["openid":openid,"remark":remarke];                let result    = this->httpPost(remarkUrl,postInfo);                if  !result {                    return false;                }                return  json_decode(result,true);            }            /**             * 获取自定义菜单             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function Menu(string!type = null,string! token =null,array info = null){                var menu_url,result;                switch(type){                    case "get":                        let menu_url = Wechat::MENU_URL."get?access_token=".token;                        let result   = this->httpGet(menu_url);                        break;                    case "delete":                        let menu_url = Wechat::MENU_URL."delete?access_token=".token;                        let result   = this->httpGet(menu_url);                        break;                    case "create":                        if typeof info != "array" || empty info {                            throw new Exception("create param error",4005);                        }                        let menu_url = Wechat::MENU_URL."create?access_token=".token;                        let result   = this->httpPost(menu_url,info);                      default :                        return false;                }                if !empty result{                    return json_decode(result,true);                }else{                    throw new Exception("Response Error",4003);                }            }            /**             * 获取变量的方法             * @param  string name             * @return boolean | string             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function _get(string! name){                let name = "_".name;                if isset this->{name} {                    return this->{name};                }                return false;            }            /**             * 设置变量的方法             * @param string   name             * @param          value             * @return boolean              * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public function _set(string! name,value) ->boolean{                let name = "_".name;                if isset this->{name} {                    let this->{name} = value;                    return true;                }                return false;            }            /**             * 设置变量的方法             * @param string   name             * @param          value             * @return boolean              * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            protected function getTpl(string! type=null,info){                //组织 xml                var tpl;                let tpl = "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[".this->_fromusername."]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[".this->_tousername."]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>".time()."</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[".type."]]></MsgType>";                switch (type){                    case "text":                        let tpl .= "<Content><![CDATA[".info."]]></Content>";                        break;                    case "image":                        let tpl .= "<Image><MediaId><![CDATA[".info."]]></MediaId></Image>";                        break;                    case "voice":                        let tpl .= "<Voice><MediaId><![CDATA[".info."]]></MediaId></Voice>";                        break;                    case "video":                        let tpl .= "<Video><MediaId><![CDATA[".info."]]></MediaId><Title><![CDATA[title]]></Title><Description><![CDATA[description]]></Description></Video> ";                        break;                    case "music":                        if typeof info != "array"{                            return false;                        }                        let tpl .= "<Music><Title><![CDATA[".info["title"]."]]></Title><Description><![CDATA[".info["description"]."]]></Description><MusicUrl><![CDATA[".info["musicurl"]."]]></MusicUrl><HQMusicUrl><![CDATA[".info["hqmusicurl"]."]]></HQMusicUrl><ThumbMediaId><![CDATA[".info["mediaid"]."]]></ThumbMediaId></Music>";                        break;                    case "news" :                        if typeof info != "array"{                            return false;                        }                        var num;                        if  isset info["title"] {                            let num = 1;                        }else{                            let num = count(info);                        }                           let tpl .= "<ArticleCount>".num."</ArticleCount><Articles>".this->getNews(info)."</Articles>";                        break;                    default :                        return false;                }                let tpl.= "</xml>";                return tpl;            }            /**             * 判断请求方法             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            private function isPost() -> boolean {                if strtolower(_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) == "post" {                    return  true;                }                return false;            }            /**             * 获取新闻             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            private function getNews(array! info){                var value,tpl = "";                if  isset info["title"] {                    let tpl.="<item><Title><![CDATA[".info["title"]."]]></Title><Description><![CDATA[".info["description"]."]]></Description><PicUrl><![CDATA[".info["picurl"]."]]></PicUrl><Url><![CDATA[".info["url"]."]]></Url></item>";                }else{                    for _,value in info {                        let tpl.="<item><Title><![CDATA[".value["title"]."]]></Title><Description><![CDATA[".value["description"]."]]></Description><PicUrl><![CDATA[".value["picurl"]."]]></PicUrl><Url><![CDATA[".value["url"]."]]></Url></item>";                    }                }                return tpl;            }            /**             * 微信验证             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            static public function valid(string! token = null){                var signature,timestamp,nonce,tmpArr,tmpStr,echoStr;                let signature = _GET["signature"];                let timestamp = _GET["timestamp"];                let nonce     = _GET["nonce"];                let echoStr   = _GET["echostr"];                 let tmpArr    = [ token, timestamp, nonce ];                sort(tmpArr, SORT_STRING);                let tmpStr = implode( "", tmpArr );                let tmpStr = sha1( tmpStr );                if  tmpStr == signature {                    echo echoStr;                }else{                    return false;                }            }            /**             * 设置URL过期时间             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            public static function setTimeout(int! timeout = 1){                 globals_set("curl_timeout", timeout);                 return true;            }            /**             * HTTP GET 方法             * @param  string url              * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */            protected function httpGet(string! url="") {                 var curlHandle, content,timeout ;                let timeout    = globals_get("curl_timeout");                let curlHandle = curl_init();                 curl_setopt( curlHandle , CURLOPT_URL, url );                 curl_setopt( curlHandle , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );                 curl_setopt( curlHandle , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);                curl_setopt( curlHandle , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);                curl_setopt( curlHandle , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, timeout );                 let content = curl_exec( curlHandle );                curl_close( curlHandle );                 return content;             }            /**             * HTTP POST 方法             * @param  string url              * @param  array  info             * @author widuu <admin@widuu.com>             */             protected function httpPost(string! url=null ,array info){                var curlHandle, content,timeout ;                if typeof info != "array"{                    throw new Exception("infomation must be type array",4004);                }                let timeout    = globals_get("curl_timeout");                let curlHandle = curl_init( url );                    curl_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);                    curl_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);                    curl_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);                    curl_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(info,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));                  curl_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);                curl_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);                curl_setopt(curlHandle ,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, timeout );                 let content = curl_exec( curlHandle );                    curl_close( curlHandle );                 return content;             }
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