A reference for several js writing words :
this.Word.Selection.Font.Size = 16; //Font size
this.Word.Selection.Font.Bold = true; //Whether to bold
this .Word.Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 2; //0 is left aligned, 1 is centered, 2 is right aligned, numbers can only be 0-9, try it slowly
this.Word.Selection.InsertRowsBelow(1) ; //Add a line below
this.Word.Selection.MoveRight(1); //Move the cursor right
this.Word.Selection.TypeText(string); //Only strings can be written
this.Word.Selection.MoveDown(); //The cursor moves down
this.Word.Selection.EndKey(); //The cursor moves to the end
this.Word.ActiveDocument .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.InsertAfter(string); //Write the header, and write
this._LoadData = function () {
//Replace the function, Used to replace text of type $strFld$
function replace( Range, strFld ) {
//[FindText], [MatchCase], [MatchWholeWord], [MatchWildcards], [MatchSoundsLike], [ MatchAllWordForms], [Forward], [Wrap], [Format], [ReplaceWith], [Replace], [MatchKashida], [MatchDiacritics], [MatchAlefHamza], [MatchControl]
Range.Find.Execute( " $" strFld "$", true, false, false, false, false, true, wdFindContinue, false, getElValue("l" strFld) )
//Initialize Word control
this._InitWord = function ()
this.Word = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
this.Word. visible = true;
this.Doc = this.Word.Documents.Open( this.TemplatePath );
this.Range = this. Doc.Range();
return true
} catch(e) {
//TODO: If the user manually cancels the running of ActiveX, a WINWORD.EXE process will be left. .
//Unless "Set as a trusted site and enable the second item in the custom level", the dialog box to enable ActiveX will not appear.
try {
if ( this.Doc ) { this.Doc.Close(0) };
if ( this.Word ) { this.Word.Quit() }
catch (e){}
return false