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Analysis of the way data modeling is handled in the AngularJS framework_AngularJS

Release: 2016-05-16 15:12:01
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We know that AngularJS does not come with an immediately available data modeling solution. Instead, in a rather abstract way, let's use JSON data as a model in the controller. But as time went on and the project grew, I realized that this way of modeling no longer met the needs of our project. In this article I will introduce the way I handle data modeling in my AngularJS application.

Define model for Controller

Let’s start with a simple example. I want to display a page from a book. Here is the controller:


app.controller('BookController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.book = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Harry Potter',
    author: 'J. K. Rowling',
    stores: [
      { id: 1, name: 'Barnes & Noble', quantity: 3},
      { id: 2, name: 'Waterstones', quantity: 2},
      { id: 3, name: 'Book Depository', quantity: 5}
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This controller creates a book model, which we can use later in the template.

template for displaying a book

<div ng-controller="BookController">
  Id: <span ng-bind="book.id"></span>
  Name:<input type="text" ng-model="book.name" />
  Author: <input type="text" ng-model="book.author" />
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If we need to get book data from the backend API, we need to use $http:
BookController with $http

app.controller('BookController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
  var bookId = 1;
  $http.get('ourserver/books/' + bookId).success(function(bookData) {
    $scope.book = bookData;
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Notice that the bookData here is still a JSON object. Next we want to do something with this data. For example, updating book information, deleting books, and even other operations that do not involve the background, such as generating a url for a book image based on the requested image size, or determining whether the book is valid. These methods can be defined in the controller.

BookController with several book actions

app.controller('BookController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
  var bookId = 1;
  $http.get('ourserver/books/' + bookId).success(function(bookData) {
    $scope.book = bookData;
  $scope.deleteBook = function() {
    $http.delete('ourserver/books/' + bookId);
  $scope.updateBook = function() {
    $http.put('ourserver/books/' + bookId, $scope.book);
  $scope.getBookImageUrl = function(width, height) {
    return 'our/image/service/' + bookId + '/width/height';
  $scope.isAvailable = function() {
    if (!$scope.book.stores || $scope.book.stores.length === 0) {
      return false;
    return $scope.book.stores.some(function(store) {
      return store.quantity > 0;
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And then in our template:

template for displaying a complete book

<div ng-controller="BookController">
  <div ng-style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + getBookImageUrl(100, 100) + ')' }"></div>
  Id: <span ng-bind="book.id"></span>
  Name:<input type="text" ng-model="book.name" />
  Author: <input type="text" ng-model="book.author" />
  Is Available: <span ng-bind="isAvailable() &#63; 'Yes' : 'No' "></span>
  <button ng-click="deleteBook()">Delete</button>
  <button ng-click="updateBook()">Update</button>
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Share Models between controllers
If the structure and methods of the book are only related to one controller, then our current work can be handled. But as the application grows, other controllers will also need to deal with books. Those controllers often also need to get the book, update it, delete it, or get its image URL and see if it is valid. Therefore, we need to share the behavior of these books between controllers. We need to use a factory that returns book behavior to achieve this purpose. Before writing a factory, I would like to mention here that we create a factory to return objects with these book helper methods, but I prefer to use prototype to construct a Book class. I think this is more correct. Select:

Book model service

app.factory('Book', ['$http', function($http) {
  function Book(bookData) {
    if (bookData) {
// Some other initializations related to book
  Book.prototype = {
    setData: function(bookData) {
      angular.extend(this, bookData);
    load: function(id) {
      var scope = this;
      $http.get('ourserver/books/' + bookId).success(function(bookData) {
    delete: function() {
      $http.delete('ourserver/books/' + bookId);
    update: function() {
      $http.put('ourserver/books/' + bookId, this);
    getImageUrl: function(width, height) {
      return 'our/image/service/' + this.book.id + '/width/height';
    isAvailable: function() {
      if (!this.book.stores || this.book.stores.length === 0) {
        return false;
      return this.book.stores.some(function(store) {
        return store.quantity > 0;
  return Book;
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In this way, all book-related behaviors are encapsulated within the Book service. Now, we use this dazzling Book service in BookController.

BookController that uses Book model

app.controller('BookController', ['$scope', 'Book', function($scope, Book) {
  $scope.book = new Book();
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As you can see, the controller becomes very simple. It creates a Book instance, assigns it to the scope, and loads it from the background. When the book is loaded successfully, its properties are changed and the template is updated. Remember that other controllers that want to use the book functionality can simply inject the Book service. In addition, we also need to change the way template uses book.

template that uses book instance

<div ng-controller="BookController">
  <div ng-style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + book.getImageUrl(100, 100) + ')' }"></div>
  Id: <span ng-bind="book.id"></span>
  Name:<input type="text" ng-model="book.name" />
  Author: <input type="text" ng-model="book.author" />
  Is Available: <span ng-bind="book.isAvailable() &#63; 'Yes' : 'No' "></span>
  <button ng-click="book.delete()">Delete</button>
  <button ng-click="book.update()">Update</button>
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booksManager service

app.factory('booksManager', ['$http', '$q', 'Book', function($http, $q, Book) {
  var booksManager = {
    _pool: {},
    _retrieveInstance: function(bookId, bookData) {
      var instance = this._pool[bookId];
      if (instance) {
      } else {
        instance = new Book(bookData);
        this._pool[bookId] = instance;
      return instance;
    _search: function(bookId) {
      return this._pool[bookId];
    _load: function(bookId, deferred) {
      var scope = this;
      $http.get('ourserver/books/' + bookId)
        .success(function(bookData) {
          var book = scope._retrieveInstance(bookData.id, bookData);
        .error(function() {
/* Public Methods */
/* Use this function in order to get a book instance by it's id */
    getBook: function(bookId) {
      var deferred = $q.defer();
      var book = this._search(bookId);
      if (book) {
      } else {
        this._load(bookId, deferred);
      return deferred.promise;
/* Use this function in order to get instances of all the books */
    loadAllBooks: function() {
      var deferred = $q.defer();
      var scope = this;
        .success(function(booksArray) {
          var books = [];
          booksArray.forEach(function(bookData) {
            var book = scope._retrieveInstance(bookData.id, bookData);
        .error(function() {
      return deferred.promise;
/* This function is useful when we got somehow the book data and we wish to store it or update the pool and get a book instance in return */
    setBook: function(bookData) {
      var scope = this;
      var book = this._search(bookData.id);
      if (book) {
      } else {
        book = scope._retrieveInstance(bookData);
      return book;
  return booksManager;
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EditableBookController and BooksListController that uses booksManager

app.factory('Book', ['$http', function($http) {
  function Book(bookData) {
    if (bookData) {
// Some other initializations related to book
  Book.prototype = {
    setData: function(bookData) {
      angular.extend(this, bookData);
    delete: function() {
      $http.delete('ourserver/books/' + bookId);
    update: function() {
      $http.put('ourserver/books/' + bookId, this);
    getImageUrl: function(width, height) {
      return 'our/image/service/' + this.book.id + '/width/height';
    isAvailable: function() {
      if (!this.book.stores || this.book.stores.length === 0) {
        return false;
      return this.book.stores.some(function(store) {
        return store.quantity > 0;
  return Book;
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AngularJS 中的一些坑


<body ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl">
  <li ng-repeat="phone in phones">
   {{ phone.name }}
   <p>{{ phone.snippet }}</p>
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如果你做的是SPA(Single Page Application),这个问题只会在第一次加载页面的时候出现,幸运的是,可以很容易杜绝这种情形发生: 放弃{{ }}表达式,改用ng-bind指令

<body ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl">
  <li ng-repeat="phone in phones">
   <span ng-bind="phone.name"></span>
   <p ng-bind="phone.snippet">Optional: visually pleasing placeholder</p>

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你需要一个tag来包含这个指令,所以我添加了一个给phone name.




Angular为此还提供了ng-cloak指令,工作原理就是在初始化阶段inject了css规则,或者你可以包含这个css 隐藏规则到你自己的stylesheet。Angular就绪后就会移除这个cloak样式,让我们的应用(或者元素)立刻渲染。

Angular并不依赖jQuery。事实上,Angular源码里包含了一个内嵌的轻量级的jquery:jqLite. 当Angular检测到你的页面里有jQuery出现,他就会用这个jQuery而不再用jqLite,直接证据就是Angular里的元素抽象层。比如,在directive中访问你要应用到的元素。

angular.module('jqdependency', [])
 .directive('failswithoutjquery', function() {
  return {
   restrict : 'A',
   link : function(scope, element, attrs) {

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所以Angular如果没有检测到jQuery,那么就会使用jqLite元素,hide()方法值能用于jQuery元素,所以说这个示例代码只能当检测到jQuery时才可以使用。如果你(不小心)修改了AngularJS和jQuery的出现顺序,这个代码就会失效!虽说没事挪脚本的顺序的事情不经常发生,但是在我开始模块化代码的时候确实给我造成了困扰。尤其是当你开始使用模块加载器(比如 RequireJS), 我的解决办法是在配置里显示的声明Angular确实依赖jQuery



特别需要注意的是Angular应用压缩问题。否则错误信息比如 ‘Unknown provider:aProvider <- a' 会让你摸不到头脑。跟其他很多东西一样,这个错误在官方文档里也是无从查起的。简而言之,Angular依赖参数名来进行依赖注入。压缩器压根意识不到这个这跟Angular里普通的参数名有啥不同,尽可能的把脚本变短是他们职责。咋办?用“友好压缩法”来进行方法注入。看这里:

module.service('myservice', function($http, $q) {
// This breaks when minified
to this:

module.service('myservice', [ '$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
// Using the array syntax to declare dependencies works with minification<b>!</b>

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这个数组语法很好的解决了这个问题。我的建议是从现在开始照这个方法写,如果你决定压缩JavaScript,这个方法可以让你少走很多弯路。好像是一个automatic rewriter机制,我也不太清楚这里面是怎么工作的。


// the directive itself needs array injection syntax:
module.directive('directive-with-controller', ['myservice', function(myservice) {
  return {
   controller: ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
// but this controller needs array injection syntax, too! 
   link : function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
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注意:link function不需要数组语法,因为他并没有真正的注入。这是被Angular直接调用的函数。Directive级别的依赖注入在link function里也是使用的。


在directive中,一个令人掉头发的事就是directive已经‘完成'但你永远不会知道。当把jQuery插件整合到directive里时,这个通知尤为重要。假设你想用ng-repeat把动态数据以jQuery datatable的形式显示出来。当所有的数据在页面中加载完成后,你只需要调用$(‘.mytable).dataTable()就可以了。 但是,臣妾做不到啊!

为啥呢?Angular的数据绑定是通过持续的digest循环实现的。基于此,Angular框架里根本没有一个时间是‘休息'的。 一个解决方法就是将jQuery dataTable的调用放在当前digest循环外,用timeout方法就可以做到。

angular.module('table',[]).directive('mytable', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
  return {
   restrict : 'E',
   template: '<table class="mytable">' +
          '<thead><tr><th>counting</th></tr></thead>' +
          '<tr ng-repeat="data in datas"><td></td></tr>' +
   link : function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
     scope.datas = ["one", "two", "three"]
// Doesn't work, shows an empty table:
// $('.mytable', element).dataTable() 
// But this does:
     $timeout(function() {
      $('.mytable', element).dataTable();
     }, 0)
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