The example in this article shares with you the corresponding code for realizing the second-level linkage menu effect in Javascript. The specific content is as follows
The rendering is as follows:
The specific implementation steps are as follows:
1. The js code used is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript"> var arr_province=["请选择省份/城市","北京市","上海市","天津市","河南省","山东省","河北省"]; var arr_city=[ ["请选择城市/地区"], ["中关村","海淀区","朝阳区","昌平区","丰台区","大兴区"], ["宝坻区","浦东新区","长宁区","徐汇区","虹口区","宝山区"], ["和平区","河东区","河西区","塘沽区","大港区","北辰区"], ["郑州市","洛阳市","商丘市","开封市","安阳市","濮阳市"], ["济南市","青岛市","烟台市","德州市"], ["石家庄","菏泽市","唐山市"], ]; function init() { var province=document.form1.province;"px"; var;"px"; //给province赋值高度,才能在其里面写入内容 province.length=arr_province.length; for(var i=0;i<arr_province.length;i++) { province.options[i].text=arr_province[i]; province.options[i].value=arr_province[i]; } //设置默认被选中的选项 var index=0; province.selectedIndex=index; //给city赋值高度,才能在其里面写入内容 city.length=arr_city[index].length; for(var j=0;j<arr_city[index].length;j++) { city.options[j].text=arr_city[index][j]; city.options[j].value=arr_city[index][j]; } } function select_change(num) { var; city.length=0; city.length=arr_city[num].length; for(var i=0; i<arr_city[num].length;i++) { city.options[i].text=arr_city[num][i]; city.options[i].value=arr_city[num][i]; } } </script>
The code in 2.body is as follows:
<body onload="init()"> <form name="form1"> 所在地区:<select name="province" onchange="select_change(this.selectedIndex)"></select> 城市:<select name="city"></select> </form> </body>
Second effect:
1. Use javascript to achieve the effect of zooming in when the mouse passes over the image and restoring the image when the mouse moves out. The specific code is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript"> function init() { var img0=document.getElementById("img0"); img0.onmouseover=function() {*1.5+"px" } img0.onmouseout=function() {"px" } } </script>
The code in 2.body is as follows:
<body onload="init()"> <img id="img0" src="images/4.jpg" /> </body>
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in learning javascript programming.