This represents the current object. If this is used in the global scope, it refers to the current page object window; if this is used in a function, what this refers to is based on the object on which this function is called at runtime. We can also use the two global methods apply and call to change the specific pointer of this in the function.
Let’s first look at an example of using this in the global scope:
<script type="text/javascript"> console.log(this === window); // true console.log(window.alert === this.alert); // true console.log(this.parseInt("021", 10)); // 10 </script>
This in the function is determined at runtime, not when the function is defined, as follows:
// 定义一个全局函数 function foo() { console.log(this.fruit); } // 定义一个全局变量,等价于window.fruit = "apple"; var fruit = "apple"; // 此时函数foo中this指向window对象 // 这种调用方式和;是完全等价的 foo(); // "apple" // 自定义一个对象,并将此对象的属性foo指向全局函数foo var pack = { fruit: "orange", foo: foo }; // 此时函数foo中this指向window.pack对象; // "orange"
The global functions apply and call can be used to change the pointer of this in the function, as follows:
// 定义一个全局函数 function foo() { console.log(this.fruit); } // 定义一个全局变量 var fruit = "apple"; // 自定义一个对象 var pack = { fruit: "orange" }; // 等价于; foo.apply(window); // "apple" // 此时foo中的this === pack foo.apply(pack); // "orange"
Because functions are also objects in JavaScript, we can see the following interesting examples:
// 定义一个全局函数 function foo() { if (this === window) { console.log("this is window."); } } // 函数foo也是对象,所以可以定义foo的属性boo为一个函数 = function() { if (this === foo) { console.log("this is foo."); } else if (this === window) { console.log("this is window."); } }; // 等价于; foo(); // this is window. // 可以看到函数中this的指向调用函数的对象; // this is foo. // 使用apply改变函数中this的指向; // this is window.
We have already used prototypes to simulate the implementation of classes and inheritance in Chapter 1. Prototype is essentially a JavaScript object. And every function has a default prototype attribute.
If this function is used in the scenario of creating a custom object, we call this function a constructor. For example, the following is a simple scenario:
// 构造函数 function Person(name) { = name; } // 定义Person的原型,原型中的属性可以被自定义对象引用 Person.prototype = { getName: function() { return; } } var zhang = new Person("ZhangSan"); console.log(zhang.getName()); // "ZhangSan"
// 定义数组的构造函数,作为JavaScript的一种预定义类型 function Array() { // ... } // 初始化数组的实例 var arr1 = new Array(1, 56, 34, 12); // 但是,我们更倾向于如下的语法定义: var arr2 = [1, 56, 34, 12];
// 向JavaScript固有类型Array扩展一个获取最小值的方法 Array.prototype.min = function() { var min = this[0]; for (var i = 1; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] < min) { min = this[i]; } } return min; }; // 在任意Array的实例上调用min方法 console.log([1, 56, 34, 12].min()); // 1
var arr = [1, 56, 34, 12]; var total = 0; for (var i in arr) { total += parseInt(arr[i], 10); } console.log(total); // NaN
var arr = [1, 56, 34, 12]; var total = 0; for (var i in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) { total += parseInt(arr[i], 10); } } console.log(total); // 103
constructor always points to the constructor that created the current object. For example:
// 等价于 var foo = new Array(1, 56, 34, 12); var arr = [1, 56, 34, 12]; console.log(arr.constructor === Array); // true // 等价于 var foo = new Function(); var Foo = function() { }; console.log(Foo.constructor === Function); // true // 由构造函数实例化一个obj对象 var obj = new Foo(); console.log(obj.constructor === Foo); // true // 将上面两段代码合起来,就得到下面的结论 console.log(obj.constructor.constructor === Function); // true
But when the constructor encounters the prototype, something interesting happens.
We know that each function has a default attribute prototype, and the constructor of this prototype points to this function by default. As shown in the following example:
function Person(name) { = name; }; Person.prototype.getName = function() { return; }; var p = new Person("ZhangSan"); console.log(p.constructor === Person); // true console.log(Person.prototype.constructor === Person); // true // 将上两行代码合并就得到如下结果 console.log(p.constructor.prototype.constructor === Person); // true
function Person(name) { = name; }; Person.prototype = { getName: function() { return; } }; var p = new Person("ZhangSan"); console.log(p.constructor === Person); // false console.log(Person.prototype.constructor === Person); // false console.log(p.constructor.prototype.constructor === Person); // false
Person.prototype = new Object({ getName: function() { return; } });
function Person(name) { = name; }; Person.prototype = { getName: function() { return; } }; var p = new Person("ZhangSan"); console.log(p.constructor === Object); // true console.log(Person.prototype.constructor === Object); // true console.log(p.constructor.prototype.constructor === Object); // true
function Person(name) { = name; }; Person.prototype = new Object({ getName: function() { return; } }); Person.prototype.constructor = Person; var p = new Person("ZhangSan"); console.log(p.constructor === Person); // true console.log(Person.prototype.constructor === Person); // true console.log(p.constructor.prototype.constructor === Person); // true
In the next chapter we will improve the implementation of the Person-Employee class and inheritance mentioned in the first chapter.