Recently when I was doing backend function development, I used to modify the sorting field. I felt that it was troublesome to re-enter the editing page just to modify a sorting value, so I found some information online and wrote a jquery double-click implementation. The effect of directly modifying the sorting value:
html code:
<div title="【双击可直接修改】" class="changeSort" id="{$id}">{$sort}</div>
JS code:
<script type="text/javascript"> //双击修改排序 $('.changeSort').dblclick(function(){ var url = "{:U('setSort')}"; var td = $(this); var id = td.attr('id'); var text = td.text(); var txt = $("<input type='text' class='input-small' >").val(text); txt.blur(function(){ // 失去焦点,保存值。于服务器交互自己再写,最好ajax var newText = $(this).val(); $.ajax({ url:url, type:'POST', data:{'tid':id,'sort':newText}, dataType:'json', success:function(res){ if(res.flag==1){ layer.msg(res.msg); // 移除文本框,显示新值 $(this).remove(); td.text(newText); }else if(res.flag==3){ layer.msg(res.msg); txt.val(newText); } } }); }); td.text(""); td.append(txt); }); </script>
PHP code:
<?PHP /** * ajax 设置排序值 */ public function setSort(){ if(IS_POST){ $tid = I('post.tid'); $sort = I('post.sort'); if(!is_numeric($sort)){ $arr = array( 'flag'=>3, 'msg'=>'请输入数字', 'link'=>'', 'content'=>'' ); $this->ajaxReturn($arr); } $data = array( 'id'=>$tid, 'sort'=>$sort ); $this->mod_sort = M('Sort'); $res = $this->mod_sort->save($data); if($res){ $arr = array( 'flag'=>1, 'msg'=>'排序值设置成功', 'link'=>'', 'content'=>'' ); }else{ $arr = array( 'flag'=>2, 'msg'=>'排序值设置失败', 'link'=>'', 'content'=>'' ); } }else{ $arr = array( 'flag'=>0, 'msg'=>'请求非法!', 'link'=>'', 'content'=>'' ); } $this->ajaxReturn($arr); } ?>
The effect is as follows:
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study.