//Function name: strByteLength
//Function introduction: Return the byte length of the string
//Parameter description: str The string to be checked
//Return value: String length
function strByteLength(str)
var i,sum;
if (( str.charCodeAt(i)>=0) & (str.charCodeAt(i)sum=sum 1;
sum=sum 2;
return sum;
//Function name: fucCheckLength
//Function introduction: Check whether the form meets the specified length
//Parameter description: obj The form object to be checked
// name object name
// length specified length
// return value: true (matches) or false (does not match)
function fucCheckLength(obj , name , length)
var i, sum;
var strTemp = obj.value;
if ((strTemp.charCodeAt( i)>=0) & (strTemp.charCodeAt(i)sum=sum 1;
sum=sum 2;
return true;
alert(name "exceeds the specified length! The maximum allowed is " length " characters (Chinese is counted as 2 digits) ! ");
return false;
//Check whether the email is legal
function checkEmail(Object)
var pattern = /^[.-_A-Za-z0-9] @([-_A-Za-z0-9] .) [A-Za-z0-9]{2,3}$/;
var strValue=Object.value;
alert("The email is invalid, please refill it!");
return false;
return true;
//removal function
function Jtrim(str){
var i = 0;
var len = str.length;
if ( str == "" ) return( str );
j = len -1;
flagbegin = true;
flagend = true;
while ( flagbegin == true & iif ( str.charAt(i) == " " ){
i= i 1;
while (flagend== true & j>=0){
if (str.charAt(j)==" "){
if ( i > j ) return ("")
trimstr = str.substring(i,j 1);
return trimstr;
//Function name: JtrimCn
//Function introduction: Remove the spaces before and after the string [including Chinese spaces]
//Parameter description: str The string to be operated
//Return value: Remove the spaces before and after (including Chinese spaces) String
function JtrimCn(str){
var i = 0;
if (str == null || str == undefined) {
return "";
var len = str.length;
if ( str == "" ) {
return( str );
j = len -1;
flagbegin = true;
flagend = true;
while ( flagbegin == true & iif ( str.charAt(i) == " " || str.charAt(i) == " " ){
i=i 1;
while (flagend== true & j>=0){
if (str.charAt(j)==" " || str.charAt(j) == " "){
}else {
if ( i > j ) {
return ("")
var trimstr = str.substring(i, j 1);
return trimstr;
//0-9, A-Z, a-z standard character judgment
function isChar(Str){
var regu = "^([0- 9a-zA-Z] )$";
var re = new RegExp(regu);
if (Str.search(re) != -1){
return true;
return false;
//Determine whether it is a number
function IsNum(Str){
var regu = "^([0-9] )$";
var re = new RegExp(regu);
if (Str.search(re) != -1)
return true;
return false;
/ /Function name: funcIsNotEmpty
//Function introduction: Check whether the string is empty
//Parameter description: str string
//Return value: true: not empty false: empty
function funcIsNotEmpty(str){
var s = /S/;
return false;
return s.test(str);
//Function name: fucCheckLength
//Function introduction: Check whether the form meets the specified length
//Parameter description: objValue The value of the form object to be checked
// name object name
//minLen minimum length
// maxLen maximum length
//return value: true (matches) or false (does not match)
function fucCheckLengthB(objValue, minLen, maxLen)
var i,sum;
var strTemp = objValue;
if ((strTemp .charCodeAt(i)>=0) & (strTemp.charCodeAt(i)sum=sum 1;
sum=sum 2;
if (sum= minLen)
return true;
return false;
//sDate1 and sDate2 is in 2002-12-18 format
function funDateDiff(sDate1, sDate2){
var aDate, oDate1, oDate2, iDays;
aDate = sDate1.split("-");
/ /Convert to 12-18-2002 format
oDate1 = new Date(aDate[1] '-' aDate[2] '-' aDate[0]);
aDate = sDate2.split("-") ;
oDate2 = new Date(aDate[1] '-' aDate[2] '-' aDate[0]) ;
//Convert the difference in milliseconds to days
iDays = parseInt(Math .abs(oDate1 - oDate2) / 1000 / 60 / 60 /24);
//If the start time is less than the end time
if (sDate1 > sDate2)
return (-1 * iDays );
return iDays;
//Check whether the email is legitimate
function funcCheckEmail(strValue)
var pattern = /^[.-_A -Za-z0-9] @([-_A-Za-z0-9] .) [A-Za-z0-9]{2,3}$/;
if(strValue.match(pattern)= =null){
return false;
return true;
//Function name: fucCheckMaxLength
//Function introduction: Check whether the form The specified length
//Parameter description: objValue The value of the form object to be checked
// name object value
// maxLen maximum length
//return value: true (conforming) or false (Does not match)
function fucCheckMaxLength(objValue , maxLen)
return fucCheckLengthB(objValue, 0 ,maxLen );
//Function name: fucCheckMaxLength
//Function introduction : Check whether the value of the specified object meets the specified length
// Parameter description: objValue The value of the form object to be checked
// name object
// maxLen maximum length
// return value: true (matches) or false (does not match)
function fucCheckObjMaxLength(obj , maxLen)
if (obj == null) {
return false;
return fucCheckLengthB( obj.value, 0 ,maxLen );
//Function name: funcCheckInvalidChar
//Function introduction: Determine whether the specified field has illegal characters
//Parameter description: obj Form object to be checked
//Return value: true (no) or false (yes)
function funcCheckInvalidChar(obj)
if (obj == null || obj.value== "")
return true;
var pattern = /[]/;
if(pattern. test(obj.value)){
return false;
return true;
* 지정된 ID를 가진 객체의 최대 길이가 올바른지 확인
* param: objId 객체 ID
* maxLength 최대 길이
* 반환: true 정답, false 부정확
function lengthMaxCheckMsg(objId, maxLength, objName, needFocus, showMsg) {
//개인정보 확인
var obj = document.getElementById( objId);
if (!fucCheckObjMaxLength(obj, maxLength)) {
if (showMsg == null || showMsg== "") {
alert(objName "최대 개수만 입력할 수 있습니다." ( maxLength/ 2) "한자(또는 " maxLength "영문 숫자)");
} else {
if (needFocus) {
obj.focus ( );
false를 반환합니다.
true를 반환합니다.
* 지정된 ID를 가진 개체에 잘못된 문자가 포함되어 있는지 확인
* param: objId 개체 ID
* objName 개체 이름
* needFocus 포커스 설정 필요 여부
* showMsg 오류 표시된 메시지
* 반환: true는 맞음, false는 틀림
functionvalidCharCheckMsg(objId, objName,needFocus, showMsg ) {
//개인정보 확인
var obj = document.getElementById(objId);
if (!funcCheckInvalidChar(obj)) {
if (showMsg == null || showMsg== " ") {
alert(objName '은 "
"'을 포함할 수 없음) } else {
if (needFocus) {
return false;
return true
* 지정된 ID를 가진 개체가 비어 있는지 확인
* param: objId 개체 ID
* objName 개체 이름
* needFocus 포커스 설정 필요 여부
* showMsg 오류 메시지 표시
* 반환: true는 비어 있지 않으며, false는 비어 있습니다
functionemptyCheckMsg(objId, objName ,needFocus, showMsg) {
//개인정보 확인
var obj = document.getElementById(objId);
if (!funcIsNotEmpty(obj.value)) {
if (showMsg == null || showMsg== "") {
alert(objName '은 비워둘 수 없습니다! ');
} else {
if (needFocus) {
return false; >}
return true;
/*날짜 계산 함수
* date 2007-01-01
* cnt 1 또는 -1
* return 2007-01-02
function getDate(date, cnt){
return "";
var dateArray = date.split(" -")
return "";
var temDate = new Date(dateArray[0], dateArray[1]-1, dateArray[2] );
var newDate = Date.UTC(temDate.getYear(),temDate.getMonth(),temDate.getDate())
newDate = newDate (cnt*24*60*60*1000); >newDate = new Date(newDate);
var Month = newDate.getMonth() 1;
var day = newDate.getDate()
if(Number(month)월 = "0" 월
if(Number(day)day = "0" 일
var retDate = newDate.getYear() "-" 월 "-" 일; >retDate 반환