The example in this article describes how to implement simple Tetris in JavaScript. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
Let’s take a look at the operation renderings first:
The complete example code is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>俄罗斯方块</title> <style type="text/css"> .c{margin:1px; width:19px; height:19px; background:red; position:absolute;} .d{margin:1px; width:19px; height:19px; background:gray; position:absolute;} .f{top:0px; left:0px; background:black; position:absolute;} .e{top:0px; background:#151515; position:absolute;} .g{width:100px; height:20px; color:white; position:absolute;} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var row = 18; var col = 10; var announcement = 6; var size = 20; var isOver = false; var shapes = ("0,1,1,1,2,1,3,1;1,0,1,1,1,2,2,2;2,0,2,1,2,2,1,2;0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2;1,2,2,2,2,1,3,1;1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2;0,2,1,2,1,1,2,2").split(";"); var tetris; var container; function createElm(tag,css) { var elm = document.createElement(tag); elm.className = css; document.body.appendChild(elm); return elm; } function Tetris(css,x,y,shape) { // 创建4个div用来组合出各种方块 var myCss = css?css:"c"; this.divs = [createElm("div",myCss),createElm("div",myCss),createElm("div",myCss),createElm("div",myCss)]; if(!shape) { this.divs2 = [createElm("div",myCss),createElm("div",myCss),createElm("div",myCss),createElm("div",myCss)]; this.score = createElm("div","g"); = 10*size+"px"; = (col- -1)*size+"px"; this.score.innerHTML = "score:0"; } this.container = null; this.refresh = function() { this.x = (typeof(x)!='undefined')?x:3; this.y = (typeof(y)!='undefined')?y:0; // 如果有传参,优先使用参数的,如果有预告,优先使用预告,都没有就自己生成 if(shape) this.shape = shape; else if(this.shape2) this.shape = this.shape2; else this.shape = shape?shape:shapes[Math.floor((Math.random()*shapes.length-0.000000001))].split(","); this.shape2 = shapes[Math.floor((Math.random()*shapes.length-0.000000001))].split(","); if(this.container && !this.container.check(this.x,this.y,this.shape)) { isOver = true; alert("游戏结束"); } else {; this.showScore(); this.showAnnouncement(); } } // 显示方块 = function() { for(var i in this.divs) { this.divs[i] = (this.shape[i*2+1]- -this.y)*size+"px"; this.divs[i].style.left = (this.shape[i*2]- -this.x)*size+"px"; } } // 显示预告 this.showAnnouncement = function() { for(var i in this.divs2) { this.divs2[i] = (this.shape2[i*2+1]- -1)*size+"px"; this.divs2[i].style.left = (this.shape2[i*2]- -1- -col)*size+"px"; } } // 显示分数 this.showScore = function() { if(this.container && this.score) { this.score.innerHTML = "score:" + this.container.score; } } // 水平移动方块的位置 this.hMove = function(step) { if(this.container.check(this.x- -step,this.y,this.shape)) { this.x += step;; } } // 垂直移动方块位置 this.vMove = function(step) { if(this.container.check(this.x,this.y- -step,this.shape)) { this.y += step;; } else { this.container.fixShape(this.x,this.y,this.shape); this.container.findFull(); this.refresh(); } } // 旋转方块 this.rotate = function() { var newShape = [this.shape[1],3-this.shape[0],this.shape[3],3-this.shape[2],this.shape[5],3-this.shape[4],this.shape[7],3-this.shape[6]]; if(this.container.check(this.x,this.y,newShape)) { this.shape = newShape;; } } this.refresh(); } function Container() { this.init = function() { // 绘制方块所在区域 var bgDiv = createElm("div","f"); = size*col+"px"; = size*row+"px"; // 绘制预告所在区域 var bgDiv = createElm("div","e"); = size*col+"px"; = size*announcement+"px"; = size*row+"px"; // 清空积分 this.score = 0; } this.check = function(x,y,shape) { // 检查边界越界 var flag = false; var leftmost=col; var rightmost=0; var undermost=0; for(var i=0;i<8;i+=2) { // 记录最左边水平坐标 if(shape[i]<leftmost) leftmost = shape[i]; // 记录最右边水平坐标 if(shape[i]>rightmost) rightmost = shape[i]; // 记录最下边垂直坐标 if(shape[i+1]>undermost) undermost = shape[i+1]; // 判断是否碰撞 if(this[(shape[i+1]- -y)*100- -(shape[i]- -x)]) flag = true; } // 判断是否到达极限高度 for(var m=0;m<3;m++) for(var n=0;n<col;n++) if(this[m*100+n]) flag = true; if((rightmost- -x+1)>col || (leftmost- -x)<0 || (undermost- -y+1)>row || flag) return false; return true; } // 用灰色方块替换红色方块,并在容器中记录灰色方块的位置 this.fixShape = function(x,y,shape) { var t = new Tetris("d",x,y,shape); for(var i=0;i<8;i+=2) this[(shape[i+1]- -y)*100- -(shape[i]- -x)] = t.divs[i/2]; } // 遍历整个容器,判断是否可以消除 this.findFull = function() { var s = 0; for(var m=0;m<row;m++) { var count = 0; for(var n=0;n<col;n++) if(this[m*100+n]) count++; if(count==col) { s++; this.removeLine(m); } } this.score -= -this.calScore(s); } this.calScore = function(s) { if(s!=0) return s- -this.calScore(s-1) else return 0; } // 消除指定一行方块 this.removeLine = function(row) { // 移除一行方块 for(var n=0;n<col;n++) document.body.removeChild(this[row*100+n]); // 把所消除行上面所有的方块下移一行 for(var i=row;i>0;i--) { for(var j=0;j<col;j++) { this[i*100- -j] = this[(i-1)*100- -j] if(this[i*100- -j]) this[i*100- -j] = i*size + "px"; } } } } function init() { container = new Container(); container.init(); tetris = new Tetris(); tetris.container = container; document.onkeydown = function(e) { if(isOver) return; var e = window.event?window.event:e; switch(e.keyCode) { case 38: //up tetris.rotate(); break; case 40: //down tetris.vMove(1); break; case 37: //left tetris.hMove(-1); break; case 39: //right tetris.hMove(1); break; } } setInterval("if(!isOver) tetris.vMove(1)",500); } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> </html>
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in JavaScript programming.