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js calendar compatible with FireFox supports time acquisition_time and date

Release: 2016-05-16 18:55:36
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Copy code The code is as follows:

var cal;
var isFocus=false; //Whether it is the focus
var pickMode ={
"year":6 };

var topY=0,leftX=0; / /Custom positioning offset 2007-02-11 Added by Han Yufeng
//Select date → Added by Han Yufeng 2007-06-10, select date by ID
function SelectDateById(id,strFormat ,x,y)
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if(obj == null){return false;}
if (obj.onclick != null){obj.onclick();}
else if(obj.click != null){obj.click();}
else{SelectDate(obj,strFormat,x, y)}

//Select date→ Added by Han Yufeng 2006-06-25
function SelectDate(obj,strFormat,x,y)

leftX =(x == null) ? leftX : x;
topY =(y == null) ? topY : y; // Custom positioning offset 2007-02-11 Added by Han Yufeng
var date = new Date();
var by = date.getFullYear()-50; //Min. Value→ 50 years ago
var ey = date.getFullYear() 50; //Maximum value→ 50 years later
//cal = new Calendar(by, ey,1,strFormat); //Initialize English version , 0 is the Chinese version
cal = (cal==null) ? new Calendar(by, ey, 0) : cal; //No need to initialize every time2006-12-03 Correction
cal.DateMode =pickMode ["second"]; //Reset
if(strFormat.indexOf('s')< 0) {cal.DateMode =pickMode["minute"];}//The precision is minutes
if(strFormat .indexOf('m')< 0) {cal.DateMode =pickMode["hour"];}//The precision is time
if(strFormat.indexOf('h')< 0) {cal.DateMode =pickMode["day"];}//The precision is day
if(strFormat.indexOf('d')< 0) {cal.DateMode =pickMode["month"];}//The precision is month
if(strFormat.indexOf('M')< 0) {cal.DateMode =pickMode["year"];}//The precision is year
if(strFormat.indexOf('y')< 0 ) {cal.DateMode =pickMode["second"];}//The default precision is seconds
cal.dateFormatStyleOld = cal.dateFormatStyle;
cal.dateFormatStyle = strFormat;
* Return date
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
2006-06-25 Modified by Han Yufeng to the style specified by the user to confirm;
* Return Date
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
2006-06-25 Modified by Han Yufeng to be determined based on the style specified by the user;
String.prototype.toDate = function(style) {
var y = this.substring(style.indexOf('y'),style.lastIndexOf('y') 1);//year
var M = this.substring(style .indexOf('M'),style.lastIndexOf('M') 1);//month
var d = this.substring(style.indexOf('d'),style.lastIndexOf('d') 1 );//Day
var h = this.substring(style.indexOf('h'),style.lastIndexOf('h') 1);//Time
var m = this.substring(style. indexOf('m'),style.lastIndexOf('m') 1);//point
var s = this.substring(style.indexOf('s'),style.lastIndexOf('s') 1) ;//Seconds

if(s == null ||s == "" || isNaN(s)) {s = new Date().getSeconds();}
if(m = = null ||m == "" || isNaN(m)) {m = new Date().getMinutes();}
if(h == null ||h == "" || isNaN(h )) {h = new Date().getHours();}
if(d == null ||d == "" || isNaN(d)) {d = new Date().getDate(); }
if(M == null ||M == "" || isNaN(M)) {M = new Date().getMonth() 1;}
if(y == null ||y == "" || isNaN(y)) {y = new Date().getFullYear();}
var dt ;
eval ("dt = new Date('" y "', '" ( M-1) "','" d "','" h "','" m "','" s "')");
return dt;

* Format date
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
* @author meizz
* Format date
* @param d the delimiter
* @param p the pattern of your date
* @author meizz
Date.prototype.format = function(style) {
var o = {
"M " : this .getMonth() 1, //month
"d " : this.getDate(), //day
"h " : this.getHours(), //hour
"m " : this. getMinutes(), //minute
"s " : this.getSeconds(), //second
"w " : "天一二三四五六".charAt(this.getDay()), / /week
"q " : Math.floor((this.getMonth() 3) / 3), //quarter
"S" : this.getMilliseconds() //millisecond
if(/(y )/.test(style)) {
style = style.replace(RegExp.$1,
(this.getFullYear() "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length) );
for(var k in o){
if(new RegExp("(" k ")").test(style)){
style = style.replace(RegExp .$1,
RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] :
("00" o[k]).substr(("" o[k]).length)); <🎜 >} <🎜>} <🎜>return style; <🎜>} <🎜><🎜>//2007-09-14 Added by Han Yufeng Return the selected date <🎜>Calendar.prototype.ReturnDate = function(dt ) { <🎜>if (this.dateControl != null){this.dateControl.value = dt;} <🎜>calendar.hide(); <🎜> if(this.dateControl.onchange == null){return; }
//확인 이벤트가 발생하지 않도록 onchange를 다른 함수로 변환
var ev = this.dateControl.onchange.toString() //함수 문자열 찾기
ev = ev.substring(
       ((ev.indexOf("ValidatorOnChange();")> 0) ? ev.indexOf("ValidatorOnChange();") 20: ev.indexOf("{") 1)
          , ev.lastIndexOf( "}"));//검증 함수 제거 ValidatorOnChange();
var fun = new Function(ev); //함수 재정의
this.dateControl.changeEvent = fun; .changeEvent();//사용자 정의 ChangeEvent 함수

* Calendar 클래스
* @param BeginYear 1990
* @param endYear 2010
* @param lang 0(중국어) | 1(영어) 자유롭게 확장 가능
* @ param dateFormatStyle "yyyy-MM-dd";
* @version 2006-04-01
* @author KimSoft (jinqinghua [at] gmail.com)
* @update
* 달력 클래스
* @param BeginYear 1990
* @param endYear 2010
* @param lang 0(중국어)|1(영어) 자유롭게 확장 가능
* @param dateFormatStyle " yyyy-MM-dd";
* @version 2006-04-01
* @author KimSoft (jinqinghua [at] gmail.com)
* @update
기능 달력 (beginYear, endYear, lang, dateFormatStyle) {
this.beginYear = 1950;
this.endYear = 2050;
this.lang = 0(중국어)
this.dateFormatStyle = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";

if (beginYear != null && endYear != null){
this.beginYear = startYear; .endYear = endYear;
if (lang != null){
this.lang = lang

if (dateFormatStyle != null){
this .dateFormatStyle = dateFormatStyle

this.dateControl = null;
this.panel = this.getElementById("calendarPanel")
this.container = this.getElementById(" ContainerPanel" );
this.form = null;

this.date = new Date()
this.year = this.date.getFullYear(); date.getMonth();

this.day = this.date.getDate();
this.hour = this.date.getHours();
this.min. getMinutes();
this.second = this.date.getSeconds();

this.colors = {
"cur_word" : "#FFFFFF", //오늘 날짜 텍스트 색상
"cur_bg" : "#00FF00", //현재 날짜 셀의 배경색
"sel_bg" : "#FFCCCC", //선택한 날짜 셀의 배경색2006-12-03 한유 메이플 추가됨
"sun_word" : "#FF0000", //일요일 텍스트 색상
"sat_word" : "#0000FF", //토요일 텍스트 색상
"td_word_light" : "#333333", // 셀 텍스트 color
"td_word_dark" : "#CCCCCC", //셀 텍스트 어두운 색
"td_bg_out" : "#EFEFEF", //셀 배경색
"td_bg_over" : "#FFCC00 ", // 셀 배경색
"tr_word" : "#FFFFFF", //캘린더 헤더 텍스트 색상
"tr_bg" : "#666666", //캘린더 헤더 및 배경색
"input_border" : "#CCCCCC ", //입력컨트롤 테두리 색상
"input_bg" : "#EFEFEF" //입력컨트롤 뒷면 색상
/* //2008-01-29 넣어주세요 show , pickMode 판단이 필요하기 때문입니다
//this.changeSelect ()
//this.bindData(); //2006-12-30 Migong.Zhuanjia

* 캘린더 클래스 속성(언어 팩, 자유롭게 확장 가능)
** *****
* 캘린더 클래스 속성(언어 팩, 자유롭게 확장 가능)
Calendar.언어 = {
"연도" : [ [""], [""]],
"월" : [["1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월","9월","10월","11월","12월"],
["JAN","FEB","MAR"," APR","MAY","JUN"," JUL","AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC"]
"주" : [[" "日","一","two", "삼","사","五","六"],
"시" : [["시"], ["H"]],
"분" : [["분"], ["M"]],
" 초" : [["초"], ["S"]],
"지우기" : [["지우기"], ["CLS"]],
"오늘" : [["오늘" ], ["TODAY"]],
"pickTxt" : [["OK"], ["OK"]],//pickMode는 연도와 월까지 정확합니다. 오늘을 "OK"로 설정하세요.
"close " : [["Close"], ["CLOSE"]]

Calendar.prototype.draw = function() {
Calendar = this; var mvAry = [];//mvAry[mvAry.length] = '
' / / 12-01이 Div mvAry[mvAry.length] = '
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' < table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellpacing="1" style="font-size:12px;"> mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ;'; mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' if(calendar.DateMode > pickMode["월"]){mvAry[mvAry.length] = '디스플레이:없음;';}//pickMode 精确到年时隐藏“月”
mvAry[mvAry.length] ='" name="prevMonth" type="button" id="prevMonth" value="<" />';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' if(calendar.DateMode > pickMode["month"]){mvAry[mvAry.length] = 'display:none;';}//pickMode 精确到年时隐藏“月”
mvAry[mvAry.length] ='" name="nextMonth" type="button" id="nextMonth" value=">" />';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' mvAry[mvAry.length] = '" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
for(var i = 0; i < 6;i++){
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
for(var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
if (j == 0){
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
} else if(j == 6) {
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
} else {
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';

//2009-03-03 添加的代码,放置时间的行
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' mvAry[mvAry.length] = '">';

mvAry[mvAry.length] = '
' + Calendar.language["weeks"][this.lang][i] + '
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ' + Calendar.language["hour"][this.lang];
mvAry[mvAry.length] = 'mvAry[mvAry.length] = '">' + Calendar.language["minute"][this.lang]+'';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = 'mvAry[mvAry.length] = '">'+ Calendar.language["second"][this.lang]+'';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = '
//mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = '
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' mvAry[mvAry.length] = '" style="border: 1px solid ' + calendar.colors["input_border"] + ';background-color:' + calendar.colors["input_bg"] + ';width:60px;height:20px;font-size:12px;cursor:pointer"/>';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' ';
mvAry[mvAry.length] = '

mvAry[mvAry.length] = '
this.panel.innerHTML = mvAry.join("");

/**//**//******** 다음 코드는 Han Yufeng이 2006-12-01에 추가했습니다 ***************** 以下代码由寒羽枫 2006-12-01 添加 **********/
var obj = this.getElementById("prevMonth");
obj.onclick = 함수() {calendar.goPrevMonth(calendar);}
obj.onblur = 함수() {calendar.onblur();}
this.prevMonth= obj;

obj = this.getElementById("nextMonth");
obj.onclick = 함수() {calendar.goNextMonth(calendar);}
obj.onblur = 함수() {calendar.onblur();}
this.nextMonth= obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarClear");
obj.onclick = function ()
{ Calendar.ReturnDate(""); /*calendar.dateControl.value = "";calendar.hide();*///2007-09-14 由寒羽枫注释
this.calendarClear = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarClose");
obj.onclick = function () {calendar.hide();}
this.calendarClose = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarYear");
obj.onchange = 함수() {calendar.update(calendar);}
obj.onblur = 함수() {calendar.onblur();}
this.calendarYear = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarMonth");
onchange = function () {calendar.update(calendar);}
onblur = function () {calendar.onblur();}
}this. 달력월 = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarHour");
obj.onchange = 함수() {calendar.hour = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;}
obj.onblur = 함수() {calendar.onblur();}
this. CalendarHour = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarMinute");
obj.onchange = 함수() {calendar.분 = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;}
obj.onblur = 함수() {calendar.onblur();}
this. CalendarMinute = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarSecond");
obj.onchange = 함수() {calendar.second = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;}
obj.onblur = 함수() {calendar.onblur();}
this. CalendarSecond = obj;

obj = this.getElementById("calendarToday");
obj.onclick = function () {
var today = (calendar.DateMode != pickMode["day"]) ?
new Date(calendar.year,calendar.month,calendar.day,calendar.hour,calendar.min,calendar.second)
: new Date();//2008-01-29
캘린더 .ReturnDate(today.format(calendar.dateFormatStyle));
this.calendarToday = obj;

Calendar.prototype.bindYear = function() {
var cy = this.calendarYear;//2006-12-01 由寒羽枫修改
cy.length = 0;
for (var i = this.beginYear; i <= this.endYear; i ){
cy.options[cy.length] = new Option(i Calendar.언어["연도"][this. 언어], i);

Calendar.prototype.bindMonth = function() {
var cm = this.calendarMonth;//2006-12 -01 由寒羽枫修改
cm.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i ){
cm.options[cm.length] = new Option(Calendar.언어["months"][this.lang][i], 나);

Calendar.prototype.bindHour = function() {
var ch = this.calendarHour;
if(ch.length > 0){return;}//2009-03-03 不需要重新绑정, 提高性能
//ch.length = 0;
var h;
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i ){
h = ("00" i "").substr(("" i).length);
ch.options[ch.length] = 새 옵션(h, h);

Calendar.prototype.bindMinute = function() {
var cM = this.calendarMinute;
if(cM.length > 0){return;}//2009-03-03 不需要重新绑정, 提高性能
//cM.length = 0;
var M;
for (var i = 0; i M = ("00" i "").substr(("" i).length);
cM.options[cM.length] = 새 옵션(M, M);

Calendar.prototype.bindSecond = function() {
var cs = this.calendarSecond;
if(cs.length > 0){return;}//2009-03-03 不需要新绑정, 提高性能
//cs.length = 0;
var s;
for (var i = 0; i s = ("00" i "").substr(("" i).length);
cs.options[cs.length] = 새 옵션(들, 들);

Calendar.prototype.goPrevMonth = function(e){
if (this.year == this.beginYear && this. 월 == 0){return;}
if (this.month == -1) {
this.month = 11;
this.date = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1);

Calendar.prototype.goNextMonth = function(e){
if (this.year == this.endYear && this.month == 11 ){반환;}
이번 달 ;
if (this.month == 12) {
this.year ;
this.month = 0;
this.date = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1);

//SELECT 선택 상태 변경
Calendar.prototype.changeSelect = function() {
var cy = this.calendarYear;//2006-12-01 Modified by Han Yufeng
var cm = this.calendarMonth;
var ch = this.calendarHour;
var cM = this.calendarMinute;
var cs = this.calendarSecond;//2006-12-30 작업 수를 줄이기 위해 Brick에 의해 수정됨
cy[this.date.getFullYear()-this.beginYear].selected = true
cm[this.date.getMonth()].selected =true; 🎜>
//2009-03-03 초기화 시간 값 추가
ch[this.hour].selected =true;
cM[this.분].selected =true; this .second].selected =true;

//연도, 월 업데이트
Calendar.prototype.update = 함수(e){
this.year = e.calendarYear. options [e.calendarYear.selectedIndex].value;//2006-12-01 수정자 Han Yufeng
this.month = e.calendarMonth.options[e.calendarMonth.selectedIndex].value
this.date; = new Date(this.year, this.month, 1);

//데이터 바인딩 월 보기
Calendar.prototype.bindData = function () {
var Calendar = this
if(calendar.DateMode >= pickMode["month"]){return;}//2008- 01-29
// var dateArray = this.getMonthViewArray(this.date.getYear(), this.date.getMonth());
//2006-12-30 Firefox에서 Migong.Zhuan에 의해 수정됨 Next 연도 오류
var dateArray = this.getMonthViewArray(this.date.getFullYear(), this.date.getMonth());
var tds = this.getElementById("calendarTable").getElementsByTagName("td" ) ;
for(var i = 0; i < tds.length; i ) {
tds[i].style.BackgroundColor = Calendar.colors["td_bg_out"]
tds[i] . onclick = 함수 () {return;}
tds[i].onmouseover = 함수 () {return;}
tds[i].onmouseout = 함수 () {return;}
if (i > ; dateArray.length - 1) break;
tds[i].innerHTML = dateArray[i]
if (dateArray[i] != " "){
bgColorTxt = "td_bg_out"; //2009-03-03 배경색을 저장하는 클래스
var cur = new Date()
tds[i].isToday = false
if (cur.getFullYear( ) == Calendar.date.getFullYear() && cur.getMonth() == Calendar.date.getMonth() && cur.getDate() == dateArray[i]) {
//오늘의 셀
tds[i].style.BackgroundColor = Calendar.colors["cur_bg"];
tds[i].bgColorTxt = "cur_bg";
tds[i].isToday =
if(calendar.dateControl != null )
cur = Calendar.dateControl.value.toDate(calendar.dateFormatStyle)
if (cur.getFullYear() == Calendar.date.getFullYear( ) && cur.getMonth() == Calendar.date.getMonth()&& cur.getDate() == dateArray[i]) {
//선택한 셀입니다
calendar.selectedDayTD = tds[i ];
tds[i].style. backgroundColor = Calendar.colors["sel_bg"]
tds[i].bgColorTxt = "sel_bg"
tds[ i].onclick = function () {
if(calendar.DateMode == pickMode["day"]) //2009-03-03 날짜 선택 시 그리드를 클릭하면 값이 반환됩니다
calendar.ReturnDate(new Date(calendar.date.getFullYear(),
if(calendar.selectedDayTD != null) //2009-03-03 선택한 배경색 지우기
calendar.selectedDayTD.style.BackgroundColor =(calendar .selectedDayTD. isToday)? Calendar.colors["cur_bg"] : Calendar.colors["td_bg_out"];
this.style.BackgroundColor = Calendar.colors["sel_bg"]
calendar .day = this.innerHTML;
calendar.selectedDayTD = this; //2009-03-03 선택한 날짜를 기록하세요
tds[i].style.cursor ="pointer "; 2007-08-06 Han Yufeng이 추가함, 마우스가 손가락 모양으로 변함
tds[i].onmouseover = function () {
this.style.BackgroundColor = Calendar.colors["td_bg_over" ]
tds[i].onmouseout = function () {
if(calendar.selectedDayTD != this) {
this.style.BackgroundColor = Calendar.colors[this.bgColorTxt] ;}
tds[i].onblur = function () {calendar.onblur();}

//연도별, 월별 월 보기 데이터를 가져옵니다(배열 형식)
Calendar.prototype.getMonthViewArray = function (y, m) {
var mvArray = []
var dayOfFirstDay = new Date(y, m, 1). getDay();
var daysOfMonth = new Date(y, m 1, 0).getDate()
for (var i = 0; i < 42; i ) {
mvArray[i] = " ";
for (var i = 0; i < daysOfMonth; i ){
mvArray[i dayOfFirstDay] = i
return mvArray;

//확장된 document.getElementById(id) meizz 트리 소스의 다중 브라우저 호환성
Calendar.prototype.getElementById = function(id){
if (typeof(id ) != "string" || id == "") return null;
if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(id)
if (document.all) return document.all(id) ;
{return eval(id);} catch(e){ return null;}
}을 시도하세요.

//扩展 object.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
Calendar.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function(object, tagName){
if (document.getElementsByTagName) return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
if (document.all) return document.all.tags(tagName);

Calendar.prototype.getAbsPoint = function (e){
var x = e.offsetLeft;
var y = e.offsetTop;
while(e = e.offsetParent){
x += e.offsetLeft;
y += e.offsetTop;
return {"x": x, "y": y};

Calendar.prototype.show = function (dateObj, popControl) {
if (dateObj == null){
throw new Error("arguments[0] is necessary")
this.dateControl = dateObj;
var now = new Date();
this.date = (dateObj.value.length > 0) ? new Date(dateObj.value.toDate(this.dateFormatStyle)) : now.format(this.dateFormatStyle).toDate(this.dateFormatStyle) ;//2008-01-29 寒羽枫添加 → 若为空则根据dateFormatStyle初始化日期

if(this.panel.innerHTML==""||cal.dateFormatStyleOld != cal.dateFormatStyle)//2008-01-29 把构造表格放在此处,2009-03-03 若请示的样式改变,则重新初始化
this.year = this.date.getFullYear();
this.month = this.date.getMonth();
this.day = this.date.getDate();
this.hour = this.date.getHours();
this.minute = this.date.getMinutes();
this.second = this.date.getSeconds();

if (popControl == null){
popControl = dateObj;
var xy = this.getAbsPoint(popControl);
//this.panel.style.left = xy.x + "px";
//this.panel.style.top = (xy.y + dateObj.offsetHeight) + "px";
this.panel.style.left = (xy.x + leftX)+ "px"; //由寒羽枫 2007-02-11 修改 → 加入自定义偏移量
this.panel.style.top = (xy.y + topY + dateObj.offsetHeight) + "px";

//由寒羽枫 2006-06-25 修改 → 把 visibility 变为 display,并添加失去焦点的事件 //this.setDisplayStyle("select", "hidden");
//this.panel.style.visibility = "visible";
//this.container.style.visibility = "visible";
this.panel.style.display = "";
this.container.style.display = "";

if( !this.dateControl.isTransEvent)
    this.dateControl.isTransEvent = true;
    /* 已写在返回值的时候 ReturnDate 函数中,去除验证事件的函数
    this.dateControl.changeEvent = this.dateControl.onchange;//将 onchange 转成其它函数,以免触发验证事件
    this.dateControl.onchange = function()
    {if(typeof(this.changeEvent) =='function'){this.changeEvent();}}*/
    if(this.dateControl.onblur != null){
    this.dateControl.blurEvent = this.dateControl.onblur;}//2007-09-14 保存主文本框的 onblur ,使其原本的事件不被覆盖
    this.dateControl.onblur = function()
    {calendar.onblur();if(typeof(this.blurEvent) =='function'){this.blurEvent();}

this.container.onmouseover = function(){isFocus=true;}
this.container.onmouseout = function(){isFocus=false;}

Calendar.prototype.hide = function() {
//this.setDisplayStyle("select", "visible");
//this.panel.style.visibility = "hidden";
//this.container.style.visibility = "hidden";
this.panel.style.display = "none";
this.container.style.display = "none";

//焦点转移时隐藏日历 → 由寒羽枫 2006-06-25 添加
Calendar.prototype.onblur = function() {

//以下由寒羽枫 2007-07-26 修改 → 确保日历容器节点在 body 最后,否则 FireFox 中不能出现在最上方
function InitContainerPanel() //初始化容器
    var str = '';
str = '';
var div = document .createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = str;
div.id = "ContainerPanel";
div.style.display ="none"
document.body.appendChild( div);
}//Call Calendar.show(dateControl, popControl);

위 코드를 WebCalendar.js, 페이지 호출 코드로 저장
코드 복사 코드는 다음과 같습니다.

.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >

< ;input type="text" value="" maxlength=" 100" id="Txt_CreateDateST01" onclick="SelectDate(이,'yyyy 연도')" readonly="true" style="width:265px;cursor:pointer" />

< input type="text" value="" maxlength="100" id="Txt_CreateDateST02" onclick="SelectDate(이번,'yyyy년 MM월')" readonly ="true" style="width:265px;cursor:pointer " />

<입력 유형 ="text" value="" maxlength="100" id="Text3" onclick="SelectDate(this,'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm' )" readonly="true" style="width:265px;cursor :pointer" />

< ;br />

호출 방법:
1. 수신 객체: SelectDate(이번,'yyyy 연도')
2. 수신 ID: SelectDateById('Txt_CreateDateST01','yyyy 연도') 3. 매개변수 SelectDate(this,'yyyy 연도', 0,-150) 형식(참고 사례): yyyy→연도 , MM→월, 일→일, hh→24시간 형식, mm→분, ss→초
0 → 텍스트 상자 기준 가로 오프셋
-150 → 텍스트 상자 기준 세로 오프셋
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