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Detailed explanation of JavaScript Date object_javascript skills

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This article mainly introduces the operation of Date date and time objects. The specific content is as follows

Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Explain the Date object.

2. Constructor: Introduce several methods of constructor new Date() of Date object.

3. Instance methods: Introducing the get, set and other instance methods of the Date object.

4. Static methods: Introducing the static methods of Date object: Date.now(), Date.parse(), etc.

5. Practical operations: Introducing some examples of Date objects: getting countdown, comparing the size of two Date objects, etc.

1. Introduction
1.1 Description

Date object is an object for operating date and time. The Date object can only operate on date and time through methods.

1.2 Properties

None; Date objects can only operate on date and time through methods.

2. Constructor
2.1 new Date(): Return the current local date and time

Parameters: None

Return value:

{Date} returns a Date object representing the local date and time.


var dt = new Date();
console.log(dt); // => 返回一个表示本地日期和时间的Date对象
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2.2 new Date(milliseconds): Convert milliseconds to Date object


①milliseconds {int}: The number of milliseconds; indicating the number of milliseconds starting from '1970/01/01 00:00:00' as the starting point.

Note: The current time zone must be added to the starting point. The time zone of Beijing time is East 8th District. The actual starting time is: '1970/01/01 08:00:00'

Return value:

{Date} returns a superimposed Date object.


var dt = new Date(1000 * 60 * 1); // 前进1分钟的毫秒数
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:1970/01/01 08:01:00
dt = new Date(-1000 * 60 * 1); // 倒退1分钟的毫秒数
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:1970/01/01 07:59:00
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2.3 new Date(dateStr): Convert string to Date object


①dateStr {string}: A string that can be converted into a Date object (time can be omitted); there are two main formats of strings:

1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss (recommended): If the time is omitted, the time of the returned Date object is 00:00:00.

2) yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss: If the time is omitted, the time of the returned Date object is 08:00:00 (plus the local time zone). If the time is not omitted, this string will fail to be converted in IE!

Return value:

{Date} returns a converted Date object.


var dt = new Date('2014/12/25'); // yyyy/MM/dd
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014/12/25 00:00:00
dt = new Date('2014/12/25 12:00:00'); // yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014/12/25 12:00:00
dt = new Date('2014-12-25'); // yyyy-MM-dd
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014-12-25 08:00:00 (加上了东8区的时区)
dt = new Date('2014-12-25 12:00:00'); // yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (注意:此转换方式在IE中会报错!)
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014-12-25 12:00:00
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2.4 new Date(year, month, opt_day, opt_hours, opt_minutes, opt_seconds, opt_milliseconds): Convert year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds into Date objects


①year {int}: year; 4 digits. Such as: 1999, 2014

②month {int}: month; 2 digits. Calculation starts from 0, 0 represents January and 11 represents December.

③opt_day {int} Optional: number; 2 digits; counting from 1, 1 means No. 1.

④opt_hours {int} Optional: hours; 2 digits; value 0~23.

⑤opt_minutes {int} Optional: minutes; 2 digits; value 0~59.

⑥opt_seconds {int} Optional: seconds; 2 unnumbered; value 0~59.

⑦opt_milliseconds {int} Optional: milliseconds; value 0~999.

Return value:

{Date} returns a converted Date object.


var dt = new Date(2014, 11); // 2014年12月(这里输入的月份数字为11)
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014/12/01 00:00:00
dt = new Date(2014, 11, 25); // 2014年12月25日
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014/12/25 00:00:00
dt = new Date(2014, 11, 25, 15, 30, 40); // 2014年12月25日 15点30分40秒
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2014/12/25 15:30:40
dt = new Date(2014, 12, 25); // 2014年13月25日(这里输入的月份数字为12,表示第13个月,跳转到第二年的1月)
console.log(dt); // => {Date}:2015/01/25
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3. Instance methods
The instance methods of Date objects are mainly divided into two forms: local time and UTC time. The same method generally operates on these two time formats (the method name with UTC is the operation of UTC time). Here we mainly introduce the operation of local time.

3.1 get method

3.1.1 getFullYear(): Returns the year value of the Date object; 4-digit year.

3.1.2 getMonth(): Returns the month value of the Date object. Starts from 0, so real month = return value + 1.

3.1.3 getDate(): Returns the date value in the month of the Date object; the value range is 1~31.

3.1.4 getHours(): Returns the hour value of the Date object.

3.1.5 getMinutes(): Returns the minute value of the Date object.

3.1.6 getSeconds(): Returns the seconds value of the Date object.

3.1.7 getMilliseconds(): Returns the millisecond value of the Date object.

3.1.8 getDay(): Returns the day of the week value of the Date object; 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, and so on

3.1.9 getTime(): Returns the millisecond value between the Date object and '1970/01/01 00:00:00' (the time zone of Beijing time is East 8th District, the starting time is actually: '1970/01 /01 08:00:00').


dt.getFullYear(); // => 2014:年
dt.getMonth(); // => 11:月;实际为12月份(月份从0开始计算)
dt.getDate(); // => 25:日
dt.getHours(); // => 15:时
dt.getMinutes(); // => 30:分
dt.getSeconds(); // => 40:秒
dt.getMilliseconds(); // => 333:毫秒
dt.getDay(); // => 4:星期几的值
dt.getTime(); // => 1419492640333 :返回Date对象与'1970/01/01 00:00:00'之间的毫秒值(北京时间的时区为东8区,起点时间实际为:'1970/01/01 08:00:00')
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3.2 set method

3.2.1 setFullYear(year, opt_month, opt_date): Set the year value of the Date object; 4-digit year.

3.2.2 setMonth(month, opt_date): Set the month value of the Date object. 0 represents January and 11 represents December.

3.2.3 setDate(date): Set the date value in the month of the Date object; the value range is 1~31.

3.2.4 setHours(hour, opt_min, opt_sec, opt_msec): Set the hour value of the Date object.

3.2.5 setMinutes(min, opt_sec, opt_msec): Set the minute value of the Date object.

3.2.6 setSeconds(sec, opt_msec): Set the seconds value of the Date object.

3.2.7 setMilliseconds(msec): Set the millisecond value of the Date object.


var dt = new Date();
dt.setFullYear(2014); // => 2014:年
dt.setMonth(11); // => 11:月;实际为12月份(月份从0开始计算)
dt.setDate(25); // => 25:日
dt.setHours(15); // => 15:时
dt.setMinutes(30); // => 30:分
dt.setSeconds(40); // => 40:秒
dt.setMilliseconds(333); // => 333:毫秒
console.log(dt); // => 2014年12月25日 15点30分40秒 333毫秒
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3.3 其他方法

3.3.1 toString() :将Date转换为一个'年月日 时分秒'字符串

3.3.2 toLocaleString() :将Date转换为一个'年月日 时分秒'的本地格式字符串

3.3.3 toDateString() :将Date转换为一个'年月日'字符串

3.3.4 toLocaleDateString() :将Date转换为一个'年月日'的本地格式字符串

3.3.5 toTimeString() :将Date转换为一个'时分秒'字符串

3.3.6 toLocaleTimeString() :将Date转换为一个'时分秒'的本地格式字符串

3.3.7 valueOf() :与getTime()一样, 返回Date对象与'1970/01/01 00:00:00'之间的毫秒值(北京时间的时区为东8区,起点时间实际为:'1970/01/01 08:00:00')


var dt = new Date();
console.log(dt.toString()); // => Tue Dec 23 2014 22:56:11 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) :将Date转换为一个'年月日 时分秒'字符串
console.log(dt.toLocaleString()); // => 2014年12月23日 下午10:56:11 :将Date转换为一个'年月日 时分秒'的本地格式字符串
console.log(dt.toDateString()); // => Tue Dec 23 2014 :将Date转换为一个'年月日'字符串
console.log(dt.toLocaleDateString()); // => 2014年12月23日 :将Date转换为一个'年月日'的本地格式字符串
console.log(dt.toTimeString()); // => 22:56:11 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) :将Date转换为一个'时分秒'字符串
console.log(dt.toLocaleTimeString()); // => 下午10:56:11 :将Date转换为一个'时分秒'的本地格式字符串
console.log(dt.valueOf()); // => 返回Date对象与'1970/01/01 00:00:00'之间的毫秒值(北京时间的时区为东8区,起点时间实际为:'1970/01/01 08:00:00')
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四. 静态方法
4.1 Date.now()

说明:返回当前日期和时间的Date对象与'1970/01/01 00:00:00'之间的毫秒值(北京时间的时区为东8区,起点时间实际为:'1970/01/01 08:00:00')



{int} :当前时间与起始时间之间的毫秒数。


console.log(Date.now()); // => 1419431519276
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4.2 Date.parse(dateStr)

说明:把字符串转换为Date对象 ,然后返回此Date对象与'1970/01/01 00:00:00'之间的毫秒值(北京时间的时区为东8区,起点时间实际为:'1970/01/01 08:00:00')


①dateStr {string} :可转换为Date对象的字符串(可省略时间);字符串的格式主要有两种:

1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss (推荐):若省略时间,返回的Date对象的时间为 00:00:00。

2) yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss :若省略时间,返回的Date对象的时间为 08:00:00(加上本地时区)。若不省略时间,此字符串在IE中返回NaN(非数字)!


{int} 返回转换后的Date对象与起始时间之间的毫秒数。


console.log(Date.parse('2014/12/25 12:00:00')); // => 1419480000000
console.log(Date.parse('2014-12-25 12:00:00')); // => 1419480000000 (注意:此转换方式在IE中返回NaN!)
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五. 实际操作
5.1 C#的DateTime类型转换为Js的Date对象

说明:C#的DateTime类型通过Json序列化返回给前台的格式为:"\/Date(1419492640000)\/" 。中间的数字,表示DateTime的值与起始时间之间的毫秒数。



public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
 System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
 DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse("2014-12-25 15:30:40");
 string rs = js.Serialize(dt); // 序列化成Json
 context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
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var dateTimeJsonStr = '\/Date(1419492640000)\/'; // C# DateTime类型转换的Json格式
var msecStr = dateTimeJsonStr.toString().replace(/\/Date\(([-]?\d+)\)\//gi, "$1"); // => '1419492640000' :通过正则替换,获取毫秒字符串
var msesInt = Number.parseInt(msecStr); // 毫秒字符串转换成数值
var dt = new Date(msesInt); // 初始化Date对象
console.log(dt.toLocaleString()); // => 2014年12月25日 下午3:30:40
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5.2 获取倒计时



* 返回倒计时
* @param dt {Date}:目的Date对象
* @return {Strin} :返回倒计时:X天X时X分
function getDownTime(dt) {
 // 1.获取倒计时
 var intervalMsec = dt - Date.now(); // 目的时间减去现在的时间,获取两者相差的毫秒数
 var intervalSec = intervalMsec / 1000; // 转换成秒数
 var day = parseInt(intervalSec / 3600 / 24); // 天数
 var hour = parseInt((intervalSec - day * 24 * 3600) / 3600); // 小时
 var min = parseInt((intervalSec - day * 24 * 3600 - hour * 3600) / 60); // 分钟
 // 2.若相差的毫秒小于0 ,表示目的时间小于当前时间,这时的取的值都是负的:-X天-时-分,显示时,只显示天数前面为负的就行。
 if (intervalMsec < 0) {
  hour = 0 - hour;
  min = 0 - min;
 // 3.拼接字符串并返回
 var rs = day + '天' + hour + '时' + min + '分';
 return rs;
// 当前时间:2014/12/28 13:26
console.log(getDownTime(new Date('2015/06/01'))); // => 154天10时33分
console.log(getDownTime(new Date('2014/01/01'))); // => -361天13时26分
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5.3 比较2个Date对象的大小



var dt1 = new Date('2015/12/01');
var dt2 = new Date('2015/12/25');
console.log(dt1 > dt2); // => false
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