First list your birthday, such as 1987 12 25
Then add the digits 1 9 8 7 1 2 2 5=35
Split the resulting number and add 3+5=8
The resulting number 8 is the final result. If it exceeds 10, split it and add
1 kidney
2 eyes
3 talent
4 benign genes
5 friendship
6 Charity Heart
7 Family Love
8 Health and Lifespan
9 Love
10 Congratulations, you have a pure soul that is most suitable for pawn
Example of cloeft
<script type="text/javascript"> var str = "19871229"; var count = 0; for(var i = 0 ; i < str.length ; i++) count += parseInt(str.charAt(i)); alert (getResult(count)); function getResult(x) { var a = Math.floor(x/10); var b = x%10; if(a+b > 10) return getResult(a+b); else return (a+b); } </script>
Handsome frog’s example
<script> var birthday = "1982512"; BirthSum(birthday); function BirthSum(str){ var bsum = 0; var arr = str.toString().split(''); for(var i = 0; i<arr.length; i++){ bsum += parseInt(arr[i]); } if(bsum > 10){ BirthSum(bsum); }else{ alert(bsum); } } </script>
ariex’s example
<script type="text/javascript"> var num="11111232"; var sum=0; while(true){ for(var i=0;i<num.length;i++){ sum+=parseInt(num.charAt(i)); } if(sum<11) break; else{ num=sum+""; sum=0; } } alert(sum); </script>
<script language=vbs> function s(btd) for i=1 to len(btd) n=cint(mid(btd,i,1)) s=s+n if s>10 then s=s(s) next end function alert(s("1982718")) </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> function bird($number) { var $number = '' + $number; var $length = $number.length; var $result = 0; for(var $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $result += parseInt($number.charAt($i)); } if($result >=10) { bird($result); } else { alert($result); } } bird("18400221"); </script>
<script> alert((function c(n){var a = new String(n).split(""), l = a.length, s = 0; for(var i=0;i<l;i++) s+=parseInt(a[i]);return (s>9?c(s):s);})("1980712")); </script>
<script> alert((function 函数(参数){var 对象= new String(参数).split(""), l = 对象.length, 结果 = 0; for(var 数字=0;数字<l;数字++) 结果+=parseInt(对象[数字]);return (结果>1?函数(结果):结果);})("1980712")); </script>
<script language="javascript"> alert(eval(String(eval("1982422".split('').join('+'))).split('').join('+'))); </script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function s(str){ var Num=0; for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++){ Num+=parseInt(str.charAt(i)); } return Num<=10?Num.toString():s(Num.toString()); } alert(s("19900508")) </script>
function s(str:String) { var j:Number = str.length; for (var i:Number = 0; j>1; i++) { var Num:Number = Number(str.charAt(0))+Number(str.charAt(1)); str = Num+str.slice(2, str.length); j = str.length; } return str; } trace(s("19850401"));
bat version of wjeasy (save as .bat file)
@echo off color 0A echo 请输入数字: set /p age= echo --------------- title %age% set sum=0 set get=0 set call_num=0 ::计算字符串长度 :begin set /a call_num+=1 echo 第%call_num%次循环 set str=%age% set num=0 :next1 if not "%str%"=="" ( set /a num+=1 set "str=%str:~1%" goto next1 ) echo 当前数字%age% @echo. set i=%num% :loop set /a i-=1 set "get=%age:~-1%" set "age=%age:~0,-1%" set /a sum+=get if not "%age%"=="" ( goto loop ) if %sum% gtr 10 ( set age=%sum% set sum=0 goto begin ) echo 最终结果:%sum% pause
The above is the javascript string split into single characters The sum does not exceed 10, and the final value is found. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (!