EXT form ajax submission (default submission method)
1. function login(item) {
3. if (validatorForm()) {
4. // Set the login button to disabled when logging in to prevent repeated submissions
5 . this.disabled = true;
7. // The first parameter can be submit and load
8. formPanl.form.doAction('submit', {
10. url : 'user.do?method=login',
12. method : 'post',
14. // If there is something other than a form Parameters can be added here. I am temporarily empty here, or you can omit the following sentence.
15. params: '',
16. form, the second one is the Ext.form.Action object used to obtain the json data passed from the server.
18. success: function(form, action) {
20. Ext.Msg. alert('operation', action.result.data);
21. this.disabled = false;
23. },
24. failure : function(form, action) {
26. Ext.Msg.alert('Warning', 'Username or password is incorrect!');
27. // Login failed, reset the submit button to operable
28. this.disabled = false;
30. }
31. });
32. this.disabled = false; }
Non-ajax submission of 2.EXT form
Copy code
The code is as follows: 1. //Be sure to add the following two lines to implement non-AJAX submission form! onSubmit : Ext.emptyFn, submit : function() {
2. //Set the action address again
3. this.getEl().dom.action ='user.do?method=login'; this.getEl().dom.method = 'post';
4. //Submit
5. this.getEl().dom.submit();
6. },
Ajax submission of 3.EXT
3. Ext.Ajax.request({
4. //Request address
5. url: 'login. do',
6. //Submit parameter group
7. params: {
8. LoginName:Ext.get('LoginName').dom.value,
9. LoginPassword:Ext. get('LoginPassword').dom.value
10. },
11. //Callback on success
12. success: function(response, options) {
13. //Get the response json string
14. var responseArray = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
15. if(responseArray.success==true){
16. Ext.Msg.alert ('Congratulations', 'You have logged in successfully!');
17. }
18. else{
19. Ext.Msg.alert('Failed', 'Login failed, please log in again' );
20. }
21. }
22. });