There are onmouseenter and onmouseleave under IE to solve this problem.
It’s a pity that ff doesn’t have it. I thought again, why is such a good function not quoted by ff?
There is also onpropertychange in ie, but it doesn’t exist in ff. . .
A piece of js is introduced in the comparison example to be compatible with FF's onmouseenter and onmouseleave.:
var xb =
evtHash: [],
ieGetUniqueID: function(_elem)
if (_elem === window) { return 'theWindow'; }
else if (_elem === document) { return 'theDocument'; }
else { return _elem.uniqueID; }
addEvent: function(_elem, _evtName, _fn, _useCapture)
if (typeof _elem.addEventListener != 'undefined')
if (_evtName == 'mouseenter')
{ _elem.addEventListener('mouseover', xb.mouseEnter(_fn), _useCapture); }
else if (_evtName == 'mouseleave')
{ _elem.addEventListener('mouseout', xb.mouseEnter(_fn), _useCapture); }
{ _elem.addEventListener(_evtName, _fn, _useCapture); }
else if (typeof _elem.attachEvent != 'undefined')
var key = '{FNKEY::obj_' xb.ieGetUniqueID(_elem) '::evt_' _evtName '::fn_' _fn '}';
var f = xb.evtHash[key];
if (typeof f != 'undefined')
{ return; }
f = function()
xb.evtHash[key] = f;
_elem.attachEvent('on' _evtName, f);
// attach unload event to the window to clean up possibly IE memory leaks
window.attachEvent('onunload', function()
_elem.detachEvent('on' _evtName, f);
key = null;
//f = null; /* DON'T null this out, or we won't be able to detach it */
{ _elem['on' _evtName] = _fn; }
removeEvent: function(_elem, _evtName, _fn, _useCapture)
if (typeof _elem.removeEventListener != 'undefined')
{ _elem.removeEventListener(_evtName, _fn, _useCapture); }
else if (typeof _elem.detachEvent != 'undefined')
var key = '{FNKEY::obj_' xb.ieGetUniqueID(_elem) '::evt' _evtName '::fn_' _fn '}';
var f = xb.evtHash[key];
if (typeof f != 'undefined')
_elem.detachEvent('on' _evtName, f);
delete xb.evtHash[key];
key = null;
//f = null; /* DON'T null this out, or we won't be able to detach it */
mouseEnter: function(_pFn)
return function(_evt)
var relTarget = _evt.relatedTarget;
if (this == relTarget || xb.isAChildOf(this, relTarget))
{ return; }, _evt);
isAChildOf: function(_parent, _child)
if (_parent == _child) { return false };
while (_child && _child != _parent)
{ _child = _child.parentNode; }
return _child == _parent;
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