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Mr. Neo Chen (陈景峰), netkiller, BG7NYT

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  • 1. 什么是守护进程
  • 2. 为什么开发守护进程
  • 3. 何时采用守护进程开发应用程序
  • 4. 守护进程的安全问题
  • 5. 怎样开发守护进程
    • 5.1. 程序启动
    • 5.2. 程序停止
    • 5.3. 单例模式
    • 5.4. 实现优雅重启
  • 6. 进程意外退出解决方案

1. 什么是守护进程


例如 apache, nginx, mysql 都是守护进程

2. 为什么开发守护进程

很多程序以服务形式存在,他没有终端或UI交互,它可能采用其他方式与其他程序交互,如TCP/UDP Socket, UNIX Socket, fifo。程序一旦启动便进入后台,直到满足条件他便开始处理任务。

3. 何时采用守护进程开发应用程序

以我当前的需求为例,我需要运行一个程序,然后监听某端口,持续接受服务端发起的数据,然后对数据分析处理,再将结果写入到数据库中; 我采用ZeroMQ实现数据收发。


4. 守护进程的安全问题



5. 怎样开发守护进程

例 1. 多线程守护进程例示

<?phpclass ExampleWorker extends Worker {	#public function __construct(Logging $logger) {	#	$this->logger = $logger;	#}	#protected $logger;	protected  static $dbh;	public function __construct() {	}	public function run(){		$dbhost = '';			// 数据库服务器		$dbport = 3306;	    $dbuser = 'www';        			// 数据库用户名        $dbpass = 'qwer123';             	// 数据库密码		$dbname = 'example';				// 数据库名		self::$dbh  = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;port=$dbport;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass, array(			/* PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\'', */			PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS => true,			PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true			)		);	}	protected function getInstance(){        return self::$dbh;    }}/* the collectable class implements machinery for Pool::collect */class Fee extends Stackable {	public function __construct($msg) {		$trades = explode(",", $msg);		$this->data = $trades;		print_r($trades);	}	public function run() {		#$this->worker->logger->log("%s executing in Thread #%lu", __CLASS__, $this->worker->getThreadId() );		try {			$dbh  = $this->worker->getInstance();						$insert = "INSERT INTO fee(ticket, login, volume, `status`) VALUES(:ticket, :login, :volume,'N')";			$sth = $dbh->prepare($insert);			$sth->bindValue(':ticket', $this->data[0]);			$sth->bindValue(':login', $this->data[1]);			$sth->bindValue(':volume', $this->data[2]);			$sth->execute();			$sth = null;						/* ...... */						$update = "UPDATE fee SET `status` = 'Y' WHERE ticket = :ticket and `status` = 'N'";			$sth = $dbh->prepare($update);			$sth->bindValue(':ticket', $this->data[0]);			$sth->execute();			//echo $sth->queryString;			//$dbh = null;		}		catch(PDOException $e) {			$error = sprintf("%s,%s\n", $mobile, $id );			file_put_contents("mobile_error.log", $error, FILE_APPEND);		}	}}class Example {	/* config */	const LISTEN = "tcp://";	const MAXCONN = 100;	const pidfile = __CLASS__;	const uid	= 80;	const gid	= 80;		protected $pool = NULL;	protected $zmq = NULL;	public function __construct() {		$this->pidfile = '/var/run/'.self::pidfile.'.pid';	}	private function daemon(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			echo "The file $this->pidfile exists.\n";			exit();		}				$pid = pcntl_fork();		if ($pid == -1) {			 die('could not fork');		} else if ($pid) {			 // we are the parent			 //pcntl_wait($status); //Protect against Zombie children			exit($pid);		} else {			// we are the child			file_put_contents($this->pidfile, getmypid());			posix_setuid(self::uid);			posix_setgid(self::gid);			return(getmypid());		}	}	private function start(){		$pid = $this->daemon();		$this->pool = new Pool(self::MAXCONN, \ExampleWorker::class, []);		$this->zmq = new ZMQSocket(new ZMQContext(), ZMQ::SOCKET_REP);		$this->zmq->bind(self::LISTEN);				/* Loop receiving and echoing back */		while ($message = $this->zmq->recv()) {			//print_r($message);			//if($trades){					$this->pool->submit(new Fee($message));					$this->zmq->send('TRUE');  			//}else{			//		$this->zmq->send('FALSE');  			//}		}		$pool->shutdown();		}	private function stop(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			$pid = file_get_contents($this->pidfile);			posix_kill($pid, 9); 			unlink($this->pidfile);		}	}	private function help($proc){		printf("%s start | stop | help \n", $proc);	}	public function main($argv){		if(count($argv) < 2){			printf("please input help parameter\n");			exit();		}		if($argv[1] === 'stop'){			$this->stop();		}else if($argv[1] === 'start'){			$this->start();		}else{			$this->help($argv[0]);		}	}}$cgse = new Example();$cgse->main($argv);
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例 2. 消息队列与守护进程

<?phpdeclare(ticks = 1);require_once( __DIR__.'/autoload.class.php' );umask(077);	class EDM {	protected $queue;	public function __construct() {		global $argc, $argv;		$this->argc = $argc;		$this->argv = $argv;		$this->pidfile = $this->argv[0].".pid";		$this->config = new Config('mq');		$this->logging = new Logging(__DIR__.'/log/'.$this->argv[0].'.'.date('Y-m-d').'.log'); //.H:i:s		//print_r( $this->config->getArray('mq') );		//pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, array(&$this,"restart"));	}	protected function msgqueue(){		$exchangeName = 'email'; //交换机名		$queueName = 'email'; //队列名		$routeKey = 'email'; //路由key		//创建连接和channel		$connection = new AMQPConnection($this->config->getArray('mq'));		if (!$connection->connect()) {			die("Cannot connect to the broker!\n");		}		$this->channel = new AMQPChannel($connection);		$this->exchange = new AMQPExchange($this->channel);		$this->exchange->setName($exchangeName);		$this->exchange->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); //direct类型		$this->exchange->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化		$this->exchange->declare();		//echo "Exchange Status:".$this->exchange->declare()."\n";		//创建队列		$this->queue = new AMQPQueue($this->channel);		$this->queue->setName($queueName);		$this->queue->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化		$this->queue->declare();		//echo "Message Total:".$this->queue->declare()."\n";		//绑定交换机与队列,并指定路由键		$bind = $this->queue->bind($exchangeName, $routeKey);		//echo 'Queue Bind: '.$bind."\n";		//阻塞模式接收消息		while(true){			//$this->queue->consume('processMessage', AMQP_AUTOACK); //自动ACK应答			$this->queue->consume(function($envelope, $queue) {				$msg = $envelope->getBody();				$queue->ack($envelope->getDeliveryTag()); //手动发送ACK应答				$this->logging->info('('.'+'.')'.$msg);				//$this->logging->debug("Message Total:".$this->queue->declare());			});			$this->channel->qos(0,1);			//echo "Message Total:".$this->queue->declare()."\n";		}		$conn->disconnect();	}	protected function start(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			printf("%s already running\n", $this->argv[0]);			exit(0);		}		$this->logging->warning("start");		$pid = pcntl_fork();		if ($pid == -1) {			die('could not fork');		} else if ($pid) {			//pcntl_wait($status); //等待子进程中断,防止子进程成为僵尸进程。			exit(0);		} else {			posix_setsid();			//printf("pid: %s\n", posix_getpid());			file_put_contents($this->pidfile, posix_getpid());						//posix_kill(posix_getpid(), SIGHUP);						$this->msgqueue();		}	}	protected function stop(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			$pid = file_get_contents($this->pidfile);			posix_kill($pid, SIGTERM);			//posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL);			unlink($this->pidfile);			$this->logging->warning("stop");		}else{			printf("%s haven't running\n", $this->argv[0]);		}	}	protected function restart(){		$this->stop();		$this->start();		}	protected function status(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			$pid = file_get_contents($this->pidfile);			printf("%s already running, pid = %s\n", $this->argv[0], $pid);		}else{			printf("%s haven't running\n", $this->argv[0]);		}	}	protected function usage(){		printf("Usage: %s {start | stop | restart | status}\n", $this->argv[0]);	}	public function main(){		//print_r($this->argv);		if($this->argc != 2){			$this->usage();		}else{			if($this->argv[1] == 'start'){				$this->start();			}else if($this->argv[1] == 'stop'){				$this->stop();			}else if($this->argv[1] == 'restart'){				$this->restart();			}else if($this->argv[1] == 'status'){				$this->status();			}else{				$this->usage();			}		}	}}$edm = New EDM();$edm->main();
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5.1. 程序启动



private function daemon(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			echo "The file $this->pidfile exists.\n";			exit();		}				$pid = pcntl_fork();		if ($pid == -1) {			 die('could not fork');		} else if ($pid) {			// we are the parent			//pcntl_wait($status); //Protect against Zombie children			exit($pid);		} else {			// we are the child			file_put_contents($this->pidfile, getmypid());			posix_setuid(self::uid);			posix_setgid(self::gid);			return(getmypid());		}	}
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5.2. 程序停止

程序停止,只需读取pid文件,然后调用posix_kill($pid, 9); 最后将该文件删除。

private function stop(){		if (file_exists($this->pidfile)) {			$pid = file_get_contents($this->pidfile);			posix_kill($pid, 9); 			unlink($this->pidfile);		}	}
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5.3. 单例模式


protected function getInstance(){	return self::$dbh;}
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5.4. 实现优雅重启


stop/start 或者 restart都会退出进程,重新启动,导致进程ID改变,同时瞬间退出导致业务闪断。所以很多守护进程都会提供一个reload功能,者就是所谓的优雅重启。

reload 实现原理是给进程发送SIGHUP信号,可以通过kill命令发送 kill -s SIGHUP 64881,也可以通过库函数实现 posix_kill(posix_getpid(), SIGUSR1);

<?phppcntl_signal(SIGTERM,  function($signo) {    echo "\n This signal is called. [$signo] \n";    Status::$state = -1;});pcntl_signal(SIGHUP,  function($signo) {    echo "\n This signal is called. [$signo] \n";    Status::$state = 1;	Status::$ini = parse_ini_file('test.ini');});class Status{    public static $state = 0;	public static $ini = null;}$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1) {    die('could not fork');}if($pid) {    // parent} else {	$loop = true;	Status::$ini = parse_ini_file('test.ini');    while($loop) {		print_r(Status::$ini);        while(true) {			// Dispatching... 			pcntl_signal_dispatch();			if(Status::$state == -1) {				// Do something and end loop.				$loop = false;				break;			}						if(Status::$state == 1) {				printf("This program is reload.\r\n");				Status::$state = 0;				break;			}            echo '.';            sleep(1);        }        echo "\n";    }        echo "Finish \n";    exit();}
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[root@netkiller pcntl]# cat test.ini [db]host=
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# php signal.reload.php Array(    [host] =>    [port] => 3306)
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[root@netkiller pcntl]# cat test.ini [db]host=
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[root@netkiller pcntl]# ps ax | grep reload64881 pts/0    S      0:00 php -c /srv/php/etc/php-cli.ini signal.reload.php65073 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto reload[root@netkiller pcntl]# kill -s SIGHUP 64881[root@netkiller pcntl]# ps ax | grep reload64881 pts/0    S      0:00 php -c /srv/php/etc/php-cli.ini signal.reload.php65093 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto reload
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This signal is called. [1] This program is reload.Array(    [host] =>    [port] => 3306    [user] => test)
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6. 进程意外退出解决方案


#!/bin/shLOGFILE=/var/log/$(basename $0 .sh).logPATTERN="my.php"RECOVERY="/path/to/my.php start"while truedo        TIMEPOINT=$(date -d "today" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")        PROC=$(pgrep -o -f ${PATTERN})        #echo ${PROC}        if [ -z "${PROC}" ]; then		${RECOVERY} >> $LOGFILE                echo "[${TIMEPOINT}] ${PATTERN} ${RECOVERY}" >> $LOGFILE                        #else                #echo "[${TIMEPOINT}] ${PATTERN} ${PROC}" >> $LOGFILE        fisleep 5done &
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