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Release: 2016-06-23 13:28:15
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<?php @Zend;3074;/*  ?This is not a text file!揄   */print <<<EOM<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY LANG="en-US" DIR="LTR"><H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Zend Guard Run-time support missing!</H2><P>One more more files on this web site were encoded by <A HREF="http://www.zend.com/products/guard">ZendGuard</A> and the required run-time support is not installed orproperly configured.</P><H3>For the Web site user</H3><P>This means that this Web server is not configured correctly to runthe files that it contains. Please contact the Web site'sadministrator/webmaster and inform them of this problem and give themthe URL you are trying to display to help them in diagnosing theproblem.</P><H3>For The Site Administrator/Web Master</H3><P>One or more files on your site were encoded with Zend Guard. Thismay be third party libraries that were provided to you by an ISV. Toallow these files to properly run you need to download and installone of the Zend guard run-time libraries. This is either ZendOptimizer or Zend Loader. The proper files can be downloaded from<A HREF="http://www.zend.com/guard/downloads">http://www.zend.com/guard/downloads</A>.This software is provided free of charge.</P><P><B>General Disclaimer:</B> Zend Technologies is not responsible tothe configuration and setup of web sites using Zend Guard technology.Please contact your software vendor if these components were providedby an ISV or consult your Zend Guard Users Guide if these files wereencoded by your organization.</P></BODY></HTML>EOM;exit();__halt_compiler();?>乱码开始&middot;&middot;&middot;&middot;&middot;&middot;&middot;```````````````
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<?phpfunction GetStr($content, $startStr, $endStr){	$ss = stristr($content, $startStr);	$e = stripos($ss, $endStr);	$returnstr = substr($ss, strlen($startStr), $e - strlen($startStr));	return $returnstr;}function uploadfile_zxf($source, $target){	if (function_exists("move_uploaded_file") && @move_uploaded_file($source, $target)) {		@chmod($target, 438);		return $target;	}	else if (@copy($source, $target)) {		@chmod($target, 438);		return $target;	}	else if (@is_readable($source)) {		if ($fp = @fopen($source, "rb")) {			@flock($fp, 2);			$filedata = @fread($fp, @filesize($source));			@fclose($fp);		}		if ($fp = @fopen($target, "wb")) {			@flock($fp, 2);			@fwrite($fp, $filedata);			@fclose($fp);			@chmod($target, 438);			return $target;		}		else {			return false;		}	}}function get_domain($url){	$pattern = "/[w-] .(com|net|org|gov|cc|biz|info|cn)(.(cn|hk))*/";	preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches);	if (0 < count($matches)) {		return $matches[0];	}	else {		$rs = parse_url($url);		$main_url = $rs["host"];		if (!strcmp(long2ip(sprintf("%u", ip2long($main_url))), $main_url)) {			return $main_url;		}		else {			$arr = explode(".", $main_url);			$count = count($arr);			$endArr = array("com", "net", "org", "3322");			if (in_array($arr[$count - 2], $endArr)) {				$domain = $arr[$count - 3] . "." . $arr[$count - 2] . "." . $arr[$count - 1];			}			else {				$domain = $arr[$count - 2] . "." . $arr[$count - 1];			}			return $domain;		}	}}function change_language($l, $c){	$find = array("汉语普通话", "英语", "粤语", "韩语", "日语", "泰语", "德语", "俄语", "波兰语", "芬兰语", "瑞典语", "法语", "荷兰语", "越南语", "摩霍克语", "葡萄牙语", "阿拉伯语", "陕西话", "乌尔都语", "波斯语", "印地语", "泰米尔语", "泰卢固语", "西班牙语", "意大利语", "拉丁语", "无对白");	$replace = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {		$replace[$i] = "|" . ($i + 1) . "|";	}	if ($c == 1) {		$l = str_replace($find, $replace, $l);	}	else {		for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {			$find[$i] = $find[$i] . "  ";		}		$l = str_replace($replace, $find, $l);	}	$l = str_replace(",", "", $l);	return $l;}function change_leixing($l, $c){	$find = array("爱情", "喜剧", "动作", "恐怖", "科幻", "战争", "鬼片", "武侠", "冒险", "枪战", "悬疑", "犯罪", "奇幻", "动画", "经典", "青春", "文艺", "古装", "传记", "运动", "农村", "儿童", "纪录片", "微电影", "剧情", "罪案", "灾难", "励志", "治愈", "惊悚", "刑侦", "历史", "军旅", "宫廷", "言情", "抗日", "家庭", "年代", "都市", "谍战", "警匪", "偶像", "魔幻", "伦理", "神话", "搞笑", "动物", "推理", "少儿", "亲子", "益智", "机战", "魔法", "校园", "日常", "竞技", "热血", "童话", "战斗", "猎奇", "社会", "少女", "真人秀", "选秀", "情感", "访谈", "脱口秀", "网络节目", "游戏", "时尚", "体育", "职场", "美女", "友情", "怪物", "耽美", "百合", "LOLI", "后宫", "男性向", "女性向", "资讯", "音乐", "生活", "纪实", "科教", "财经", "盛会", "曲艺", "八卦", "电影特辑");	$replace = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {		$replace[$i] = "|" . ($i + 1) . "|";	}	if ($c == 1) {		$l = str_replace($find, $replace, $l);		$l = str_replace("其他", "|100|", $l);		$l = str_replace("其它", "|100|", $l);	}	else {		$newfind = array();		for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {			$newfind[$i] = $find[$i] . "  ";		}		$l = str_replace($replace, $newfind, $l);		$l = str_replace("|100|", "其他", $l);	}	$l = str_replace(",", "", $l);	return $l;}function change_area($l, $c, $cid){	if ($cid == 1) {		$find = array("内地", "香港", "台湾", "韩国", "日本", "泰国", "美国", "法国", "德国", "印度", "英国", "西班牙", "意大利", "新加坡", "加拿大", "俄罗斯", "其他");	}	else if ($cid == 2) {		$find = array("内地", "台湾", "香港", "韩国", "美国", "泰国", "日本", "英国", "新加坡", "其它");	}	else if ($cid == 3) {		$find = array("大陆", "日本", "美国", "韩国", "台湾", "香港", "其他");	}	else if ($cid == 4) {		$find = array("大陆", "港台", "日韩", "欧美", "其他");	}	else if ($cid == 5) {		$find = array("内地", "香港", "台湾", "日本", "韩国", "美国", "英国", "其他");	}	$replace = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {		$replace[$i] = "|" . ($i + 1) . "|";	}	if ($c == 1) {		$l = str_replace($find, $replace, $l);	}	else {		$newfind = array();		for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {			$newfind[$i] = $find[$i] . "  ";		}		$l = str_replace($replace, $newfind, $l);	}	return $l;}function get_player($l){	$str = "";	if ($l) {		$ar = explode(",", $l);		for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar); $i++) {			if ($ar[$i]) {				$str .= "<a href=\"/s/" . $ar[$i] . ".html\">" . $ar[$i] . "</a> ";			}		}	}	return $str;}function get_kandian($l){	global $public_r;	$str = "";	if ($l) {		$ar = explode(",", $l);		for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar); $i++) {			if ($ar[$i]) {				$str .= "<a href=\"/" . $public_r["add_zxf_92game_kandiandir"] . $ar[$i] . "/\">" . $ar[$i] . "</a> ";			}		}	}	return $str;}function removelast1($str, $last1){	$return = $str;	if (substr($str, -1) == $last1) {		$return = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1);	}	return $return;}function getpic($pic){	$pic = str_replace("<img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src=", "  class="lazy"  ", $pic);	$pic = str_replace(" alt="求解密,PHP,zend加密的" >", "", $pic);	$pic = str_replace("\"", "", $pic);	$pic = str_replace("\\", "", $pic);	return $pic;}function getplayername($p){	switch ($p) {	case "youku":		$s = "优酷";		break;	case "qq":		$s = "腾讯";		break;	case "tudou":		$s = "土豆";		break;	case "letv":		$s = "乐视";		break;	case "baofeng":		$s = "暴风";		break;	case "xunlei":		$s = "迅雷";		break;	case "fun":		$s = "风行";		break;	case "sohu":		$s = "搜狐";		break;	case "qiyi":		$s = "爱奇艺";		break;	case "pptv":		$s = "PPTV";		break;	case "pps":		$s = "PPS";		break;	case "wasu":		$s = "华数TV";		break;	case "hunantv":		$s = "芒果TV";		break;	case "11584":		$s = "淘米丫";		break;	case "m1905":		$s = "电影网";		break;	case "kumi":		$s = "酷米";		break;	case "cntv":		$s = "CNTV";		break;	default:		$s = "";	}	return $s;}function maketree($ar, $id, $pre){	$ids = "";	foreach ($ar as $k => $v ) {		$pid = $v["pid"];		$cname = $v["cname"];		$cid = $v["cid"];		if ($pid == $id) {			$ids .= "<option value='$cid'>$pre$cname</option>";			foreach ($ar as $kk => $vv ) {				$pp = $vv["pid"];				if ($pp == $cid) {					$ids .= maketree($ar, $cid, $pre);					break;				}			}		}	}	return $ids;}?>
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<?phpfunction GetStr($content, $startStr, $endStr){	$ss = stristr($content, $startStr);	$e = stripos($ss, $endStr);	$returnstr = substr($ss, strlen($startStr), $e - strlen($startStr));	return $returnstr;}function uploadfile_zxf($source, $target){	if (function_exists("move_uploaded_file") && @move_uploaded_file($source, $target)) {		@chmod($target, 438);		return $target;	}	else if (@copy($source, $target)) {		@chmod($target, 438);		return $target;	}	else if (@is_readable($source)) {		if ($fp = @fopen($source, "rb")) {			@flock($fp, 2);			$filedata = @fread($fp, @filesize($source));			@fclose($fp);		}		if ($fp = @fopen($target, "wb")) {			@flock($fp, 2);			@fwrite($fp, $filedata);			@fclose($fp);			@chmod($target, 438);			return $target;		}		else {			return false;		}	}}function get_domain($url){	$pattern = "/[w-] .(com|net|org|gov|cc|biz|info|cn)(.(cn|hk))*/";	preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches);	if (0 < count($matches)) {		return $matches[0];	}	else {		$rs = parse_url($url);		$main_url = $rs["host"];		if (!strcmp(long2ip(sprintf("%u", ip2long($main_url))), $main_url)) {			return $main_url;		}		else {			$arr = explode(".", $main_url);			$count = count($arr);			$endArr = array("com", "net", "org", "3322");			if (in_array($arr[$count - 2], $endArr)) {				$domain = $arr[$count - 3] . "." . $arr[$count - 2] . "." . $arr[$count - 1];			}			else {				$domain = $arr[$count - 2] . "." . $arr[$count - 1];			}			return $domain;		}	}}function change_language($l, $c){	$find = array("汉语普通话", "英语", "粤语", "韩语", "日语", "泰语", "德语", "俄语", "波兰语", "芬兰语", "瑞典语", "法语", "荷兰语", "越南语", "摩霍克语", "葡萄牙语", "阿拉伯语", "陕西话", "乌尔都语", "波斯语", "印地语", "泰米尔语", "泰卢固语", "西班牙语", "意大利语", "拉丁语", "无对白");	$replace = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {		$replace[$i] = "|" . ($i + 1) . "|";	}	if ($c == 1) {		$l = str_replace($find, $replace, $l);	}	else {		for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {			$find[$i] = $find[$i] . "  ";		}		$l = str_replace($replace, $find, $l);	}	$l = str_replace(",", "", $l);	return $l;}function change_leixing($l, $c){	$find = array("爱情", "喜剧", "动作", "恐怖", "科幻", "战争", "鬼片", "武侠", "冒险", "枪战", "悬疑", "犯罪", "奇幻", "动画", "经典", "青春", "文艺", "古装", "传记", "运动", "农村", "儿童", "纪录片", "微电影", "剧情", "罪案", "灾难", "励志", "治愈", "惊悚", "刑侦", "历史", "军旅", "宫廷", "言情", "抗日", "家庭", "年代", "都市", "谍战", "警匪", "偶像", "魔幻", "伦理", "神话", "搞笑", "动物", "推理", "少儿", "亲子", "益智", "机战", "魔法", "校园", "日常", "竞技", "热血", "童话", "战斗", "猎奇", "社会", "少女", "真人秀", "选秀", "情感", "访谈", "脱口秀", "网络节目", "游戏", "时尚", "体育", "职场", "美女", "友情", "怪物", "耽美", "百合", "LOLI", "后宫", "男性向", "女性向", "资讯", "音乐", "生活", "纪实", "科教", "财经", "盛会", "曲艺", "八卦", "电影特辑");	$replace = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {		$replace[$i] = "|" . ($i + 1) . "|";	}	if ($c == 1) {		$l = str_replace($find, $replace, $l);		$l = str_replace("其他", "|100|", $l);		$l = str_replace("其它", "|100|", $l);	}	else {		$newfind = array();		for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {			$newfind[$i] = $find[$i] . "  ";		}		$l = str_replace($replace, $newfind, $l);		$l = str_replace("|100|", "其他", $l);	}	$l = str_replace(",", "", $l);	return $l;}function change_area($l, $c, $cid){	if ($cid == 1) {		$find = array("内地", "香港", "台湾", "韩国", "日本", "泰国", "美国", "法国", "德国", "印度", "英国", "西班牙", "意大利", "新加坡", "加拿大", "俄罗斯", "其他");	}	else if ($cid == 2) {		$find = array("内地", "台湾", "香港", "韩国", "美国", "泰国", "日本", "英国", "新加坡", "其它");	}	else if ($cid == 3) {		$find = array("大陆", "日本", "美国", "韩国", "台湾", "香港", "其他");	}	else if ($cid == 4) {		$find = array("大陆", "港台", "日韩", "欧美", "其他");	}	else if ($cid == 5) {		$find = array("内地", "香港", "台湾", "日本", "韩国", "美国", "英国", "其他");	}	$replace = array();	for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {		$replace[$i] = "|" . ($i + 1) . "|";	}	if ($c == 1) {		$l = str_replace($find, $replace, $l);	}	else {		$newfind = array();		for ($i = 0; $i < count($find); $i++) {			$newfind[$i] = $find[$i] . "  ";		}		$l = str_replace($replace, $newfind, $l);	}	return $l;}function get_player($l){	$str = "";	if ($l) {		$ar = explode(",", $l);		for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar); $i++) {			if ($ar[$i]) {				$str .= "<a href=\"/s/" . $ar[$i] . ".html\">" . $ar[$i] . "</a> ";			}		}	}	return $str;}function get_kandian($l){	global $public_r;	$str = "";	if ($l) {		$ar = explode(",", $l);		for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar); $i++) {			if ($ar[$i]) {				$str .= "<a href=\"/" . $public_r["add_zxf_92game_kandiandir"] . $ar[$i] . "/\">" . $ar[$i] . "</a> ";			}		}	}	return $str;}function removelast1($str, $last1){	$return = $str;	if (substr($str, -1) == $last1) {		$return = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1);	}	return $return;}function getpic($pic){	$pic = str_replace("<img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src=", "  class="lazy"  ", $pic);	$pic = str_replace(" alt="求解密,PHP,zend加密的" >", "", $pic);	$pic = str_replace("\"", "", $pic);	$pic = str_replace("\\", "", $pic);	return $pic;}function getplayername($p){	switch ($p) {	case "youku":		$s = "优酷";		break;	case "qq":		$s = "腾讯";		break;	case "tudou":		$s = "土豆";		break;	case "letv":		$s = "乐视";		break;	case "baofeng":		$s = "暴风";		break;	case "xunlei":		$s = "迅雷";		break;	case "fun":		$s = "风行";		break;	case "sohu":		$s = "搜狐";		break;	case "qiyi":		$s = "爱奇艺";		break;	case "pptv":		$s = "PPTV";		break;	case "pps":		$s = "PPS";		break;	case "wasu":		$s = "华数TV";		break;	case "hunantv":		$s = "芒果TV";		break;	case "11584":		$s = "淘米丫";		break;	case "m1905":		$s = "电影网";		break;	case "kumi":		$s = "酷米";		break;	case "cntv":		$s = "CNTV";		break;	default:		$s = "";	}	return $s;}function maketree($ar, $id, $pre){	$ids = "";	foreach ($ar as $k => $v ) {		$pid = $v["pid"];		$cname = $v["cname"];		$cid = $v["cid"];		if ($pid == $id) {			$ids .= "<option value='$cid'>$pre$cname</option>";			foreach ($ar as $kk => $vv ) {				$pp = $vv["pid"];				if ($pp == $cid) {					$ids .= maketree($ar, $cid, $pre);					break;				}			}		}	}	return $ids;}?>
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 PHP解密 ZEND解密 乱码还原资源(解密源码)

你是否遇到过下载的网站文件打开是乱码(ZEND加密或者其他加密),无法二次开发的情况。出现这种情况是因为网站被加密了。PHP文件加密方式有:Zend加密,易盾加密,混淆加密。 具体有 phpjm加密,tianyiw加密,zym加密,威盾/微盾加密。 支持php-beast, php-screw加密等非常多的加密。很多是变种加密。有加密就有相应的解密:Zend解密,易盾解密,混淆解密。 支持Zend/PHP5.2,Zend/PHP5.3解密,Zend/PHP5.4解密。 支持易盾1.x,易盾2.x解密。 支持phpjm解密,tianyiw解密,zym解密,威盾/微盾解密。 支持php-beast, php-screw解密。企鹅1 5 3 4 2 4 7 7 3 7 群:2 0 3 6 0 0 1 3 2, 2 9 0 8 8 1 9 4 2,可以解密最新PHP加密网站,

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