var textboxs = new Array(); // Text type input collection
var radioList = new Object(); // Radio type input collection, because Radio is special and needs to be detected group by group, so here we use one Hashtable, saves all Radio collections based on the name of the radio as Key
var radioes; // Radio collection corresponding to each name
var inputs = myform.getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); // Get the form under All inputs
function fn(myform)
var ipt;
var textboxs = new Array(); // text类型的input集合
var radioList = new Object(); // radio类型的input集合,因为Radio比较特殊,要一组一组检测,所以这里用一个Hashtable,根据radio的name作为Key来保存所有的Radio集合
var radioes; // 每一个name对应的Radio集合
var inputs = myform.getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); // 取form下的所有input
// 遍历所有INPUT
for (var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++)
ipt = inputs[i ];
if (ipt.type == "text")
textboxs[textboxs.length] = ipt;
// 本来只要检测radiobox的,后来要增加checkbox,
else if (ipt.type == "radio" || ipt.type == "checkbox")
radioes = radioList[];
if (!radioes)
radioes = new Array();
radioes[radioes.length] = ipt;
radioList[] = radioes;
// 非空检测
for (var i=0; i<textboxs.length; i++)
var txt = textboxs[i ];
if (txt && txt.value == "")
alert("please fill:" +;
return false;
// 遍历所有Radiobox组
for (var radioboxName in radioList)
radioes = radioList[radioboxName];
var chk = false; // 是否有选中的
var radio;
// 检测该组Radio是否都选中了
for (var j=0; j<radioes.length; j++)
var radio = radioes[j];
if (radio.checked)
chk = true;
if (!chk) // 没有选中的
alert("please select: " + radioboxName);
return false;
return true;