// Check if the current browser is Netscape
function isNetscape(){
app=navigator. appName.substring(0,1);
if (app=='N') return true;
else {return false;}
//----- ---
// Save the current Form form (only applicable to IE browser)
function formSaveCheck(fileName){
if(isNetscape() ){alert("Sorry, these function is not supported")}
else document.execCommand('SaveAs',null,fileName)
//------ -
// Verify the validity of the data
function isValidReg( chars){
var re=/|[|]|{ |}|『|』|※|○|●|◎|§|△|▲|☆|★|◇|◆|□|▼|㊣|﹋|⊕|⊙|〒|ㄅ|ㄆ|
ㄇ|ㄈ|ㄉ|ㄊ|ㄋ|ㄌ|ㄍ|ㄎ|ㄏ|ㄐ|ㄑ|ㄒ|ㄓ|ㄔ|ㄕ|ㄖ|ㄗ|ㄘ|ㄙ|ㄚ|ㄛ|ㄜ|ㄝ|ㄞ|ㄟ| ㄢ|ㄣ|ㄤ|ㄥ|ㄦ|ㄧ|ㄨ|ㄩ
if (re.test( chars) == true ) {
return false;
return true;
} }
// Check Is the length of the data legal?
function isValidLength(chars, len) {
if (chars.length > len) {
return false;
return true;
// Verify the validity of the URL
//------ -
function isValidURL( chars ) {
//var re=/^([hH][tT]{2}[pP]://|[hH][tT]{2}[pP][ sS]://)((((w (-*w*) ).) ((com)|
(net)|(edu)|(gov)|(org)|(biz)|(aero )|(coop)|(info)|(name)|(pro)|(museum))(.([a-z]{2}))?)|((w (-
*w*) ). (cn)))$/;
var re=/^([hH][tT]{2}[pP]://|[hH][tT]{2}[pP][sS]:/ /)(S .S )$/;
//var re=/^([hH][tT]{2}[pP]://|[hH][tT]{2}[pP][ sS]://)(((((w (-*w*) ).) ((com)|
(net)|(edu)|(gov)|(org)|(biz)|( aero)|(coop)|(info)|(name)|(pro)|(museum)|(cn)|(tv)|(hk))(.([a-z]
{2}))? )|((w (-*w*) ).(cn)))((/|?)S*)*)$/;
if (!isNULL(chars)) {
chars = jsTrim (chars);
if (chars.match(re) == null)
return false;
return true; se;
// Check the validity of the number
function isValidDecimal( chars ) {
var re=/^d*.?d{1,2}$/;
if (chars.match(re) == null)
return false;
return true;
// Check the validity of the number
function isNumber( chars ) {
var re=/^d*$/;
if (chars.match(re) == null)
return false;
return true;
// Verify the validity of the postal code
function isValidPost( chars ) {
var re=/^d{6}$/;
if (chars.match(re) == null)
return false;
return true;
// Remove leading and trailing null characters from the data
function jsTrim(value){
return value.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g,"");
// Verify whether the data is empty (it is also NULL when the data is a null character)
//------- -
function isNULL(chars) {
if (chars == null)
return true;
if (jsTrim(chars).length==0)
return true;
return false;
// Verify the validity of the email
function checkEmail (fieldName, bMsg)
var emailStr = fieldName.value;
var emailPat=/^(. )@(. )$/
var specialChars="\( \)@,;:\\\"\.\[\]"
var validChars="[^\s" specialChars "]"
var quotedUser="("[^"]* ")"
var ipDomainPat=/^[(d{1,3}).(d{1,3}).(d{1,3}).(d{1,3})]$/
var atom=validChars ' '
var word="(" atom "|" quotedUser ")"
var userPat=new RegExp("^" word "(\." word ")*$" )
var domainPat=new RegExp("^" atom "(\." atom ")*$")
var matchArray=emailStr.match(emailPat)
if (matchArray==null )
if (bMsg) alert("Email address seems incorrect (check @ and .'s)")
return false
var user=matchArray[1]
var domain=matchArray[2]
// See if "user" is valid
if (user.match(userPat)==null)
if (bMsg) alert ("The Email address seems incorrect.")
// fieldName.focus();
return false
/* if the e-mail address is at an IP address ( as opposed to a symbolic
host name) make sure the IP address is valid. */
var IPArray=domain.match(ipDomainPat)
if (IPArray!=null)
for (var i=1;i {
if (IPArray[i]>255)
if (bMsg) alert("Destination IP address is invalid! ")
return false
return true
// Domain is symbolic name
var domainArray=domain.match(domainPat)
if (domainArray==null)
if (bMsg) alert("The domain name doesn't seem to be valid.")
return false
/* domain name seems valid, but now make sure that it ends in a
three-letter word (like com, edu, gov) or a two-letter word,
representing country (uk, nl), and that there's a hostname preceding
the domain or country. */
var atomPat=new RegExp(atom,"g")
var domArr=domain.match(atomPat)
var len=domArr.length
if (domArr[domArr.length-1].length3)
// the address must end in a two letter or three letter word.
if (bMsg) alert("The address must end in a three-letter domain, or two letter country.")
return false
// Make sure there's a host name preceding the domain.
if (len {
if (bMsg) alert("This address is missing a hostname!")
return false
// If we've got this far, everything's valid!
return true;
// 判断是否为闰年
function isLeapYear(year){
if (year % 4 != 0)
return false;
if (year % 400 == 0)
return true;
if (year % 100 == 0)
return false;
return true;
// 校验日期的合法性
function validateDate(day,month,year)
if ((day return false;
if ((month>=1)&&(month if (month == 2) {
if (isLeapYear(year)) {
if (day return true;
} else {
if (day return true;
return false;
} else if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) {
if (day return true;
return false;
} else {
if (day return true;
return false;
return false;
// Determining whether the data contains is Single Byte
/ /--------
function isSingleByteString(str)
var rc = true;
var j = 0, i = 0;
for (i=0; i
if (j>=128) {
rc = false;
return rc;
var submitEvent = true;
function checkDoubleSubmit(){
return submitEvent;
//- -------
// Pop-up window
// Parameters: url - The pop-up window displays the content of the URL
// Height
// isCenter-controls whether the pop-up window is displayed in the center of the screen, the value is true/false
// isResizable-controls whether the pop-up window can be resized, the value is true/false
// isScroll-control Whether the pop-up window has scroll bars, the value is true/false
function popupWindow(url,w,h,isCenter,isResizable,isScroll) {
if (isNULL (url)) return;
var scrLeft = 0;
var scrTop = 0;
var scroll = "no";
var resize = "no";
if (isCenter) {
scrLeft = (screen.width-w)/2;
scrTop = (screen.height-h)/2;
if (isResizable) resize="yes";
if (isScroll) scroll = "yes";
window.open(url, 'popupWindow',
'height=' h ',width=' w ',top=' scrTop ',left=' scrLeft ' ,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=' scrol
l ',resizable=' resize ',location=no,status=no');
//--- -----
// Pop-up window
// Parameters: url-The content of the URL displayed in the pop-up window
// w- 🎜>// isCenter-Control whether the pop-up window is displayed in the center of the screen, the value is true/false
// isResizable-Control whether the pop-up window can change the size, the value is true/false
// isModal-Control the pop-up window Whether it is a modal or non-modal dialog box, the value is true/false
function popupModalWindow(url,w,h,isCenter,isResizable,isModal) {
if (isNULL(url)) return;
var scrLeft = 0;
var scrTop = 0;
var resize = "no";
var cnt = "no";
if (isCenter ) {
scrLeft = (screen.width-w)/2;
scrTop = (screen.height-h)/2;
if ( isResizable) resize="yes";
if (isModal)
window.showModalDialog(url, 'popupWindow',
'dialogWidth:' w 'px;dialogHeight:' h 'px;dialogLeft:' scrLeft 'px;dialogTop:' scrTop 'px;center:'
cnt ';help:no;resizable:' resize ';status:no');
window.showModelessDialog(url, 'popupWindow ',
'dialogWidth:' w 'px;dialogHeight:' h 'px;dialogLeft:' scrLeft 'px;dialogTop:' scrTop 'px;center:'
cnt ';help:no;resizable:' resize ';status:no');
// 팝업창
// 매개변수: url - 팝업창에 표시되는 URL 내용
/ / 팝업 창 🎜>// h-팝업 창의 높이
// isCenter-팝업 창을 화면 중앙에 표시할지 여부를 제어하며 값은 true/false
// IsRessible-팝업 창의 크기를 조정할 수 있는지 여부를 제어합니다. 값은 true/false입니다.
// isScroll-팝업 창에 스크롤 막대가 있는지 여부를 제어합니다. 값은 true/false입니다.
/ /---------
function openWindowCenter(url,w,h){
var top=(window.screen.height-h)/2
var left=(window.screen) .width-w)/2;
var param='toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars= yes,resizing=no,location=no, status=no,top='
param=param top ;
param=param ',left=';
param =param ',height=' h
param=param ',width=' w; var w=window.open (url,"",param)
if(w!=null && typeof (w)!="undefine"){