This article introduces you to the common knowledge points and functions in jQuery, including many detailed knowledge. Let’s learn together.
jQuery provides us with many useful attributes and some commonly used functions that I have summarized. Personally, I think it is more commonly used in online layout development, and is only for everyone's learning and reference.
I started organizing this document when I first started learning front-end, and now the content has gradually increased. Although it seems that the content in the document is very simple now, looking at the content, it seems that I still vaguely remember the scene when this line of code was recorded. So I want to save this memory and provide a simple query method for children who are new to the front-end, and also to remember my front-end learning journey.
** I will continue to update this document **
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Jquery common knowledge points
jquery effect
hide/show(speed,callback); speed(空/slow/fast/毫秒) $("#hide").click(function(){ $("p").hide();//隐藏 p标签; $("p").show();//显示 p=标签; });
Fade in/out:
fadeIn/fadeout(speed,callback) $(“#click”).click(function(){ $(“#div1”).fadeIn();//直接显示; $(“#div2”).fadeIn(“slow”);//慢慢显示; $(“#div3”).fadeIn(3000);//用3秒时间显示; })
Slide: slideDown/slideUp(speed,callback)
$(“#click”).click(function(){ $(“#div1”).slideDown();//直接下滑; $(“#div2”).slideDown(“slow”);//慢慢下滑; $(“#div3”).slideDown (3000);//用3秒时间下滑; })
$(".btn1").click(function(){ $("#box").animate({ height:"300px", width:"300px" }); //将宽高变为300px; });
jQuery DOM
Get text value and attribute value:
<p id=”test”>这是一段文字中的<b>粗体</b></p> <input id=”input” value=”文本值”/> <a id=”a” href=”http://...”></a>
js code:
$(“#test”).text();//输出“这是一段文字中的粗体” $(“#test”).html();//输出“这是一段文字中的<b>粗体</b>” $(“#input”).val();//输出“文本值” $(“#a”).attr(“href”);//输出“http://...”, 获取元素属性值
Set text attribute value:
js code:
$(“#test”).text(''); $(“#test”).html(''); $(“#input”).val(''); $(“#a”).attr('href','xxx');
Add element:
$(“#test”).append(“<span>添加文本</span>”;//在id=test的标签末尾添加这段代码 $(“#test”).prepend(“<span>添加文本</span>”;//在被选标签的开头添加这段代码 $(“#test”).after(“<span>添加文本</span>”;//在被选标签之后添加这段代码 $(“#test”).before(“<span>添加文本</span>”;//在被选 标签之前添加这段代码
Delete element:
$(“#div1”).remove();//删除被选元素及其所有的子元素 $(“#div1”).empty();//删除被选元素的所有子元素 $(“#div1”).remove(“.info”);//删除被选元素的类名为info的子元素
Find element:
$("#test").parent(); //返回被选元素的直接父级元素(只是一个); $("#test").parents(); //返回被选元素所有的祖先元素; $("#test").children(空/选择器);//值为空时返回被选元素的所有直接子元素(很多),为选择器时返回特定子元素(只是一个); $("#test").find('.aaa'); //在test元素下寻找类名为aaa的元素 $("#test").next(); //返回被选元素的下一个同胞元素(只一个);
Operation css:
addClass/removeClass(“…”);//向元素添加/删除类名 $(“p”).css(“color”);//返回p元素的color样式属性的值 $(“p”).css(“color”,”red”);//把p元素的color属性设为red $(“p”).css({“color”:””red”, “font-size”:”14px”});//同时给p设置多个属性值
jQuery AJAX:
jquery ajax function
I encapsulated an ajax function myself, the code is as follows:
var Ajax = function(url, success) { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', dataType: 'json', timeout: 10000, success: function(d) { var data =; success && success(data); }, error: function(e) { throw new Error(e); } }); }; // 使用方法: Ajax('/data.json', function(data) { console.log(data); });
Sometimes we need to use the jsonp method in order to cross domains. I also encapsulated a function:
function jsonp(config) { var options = config || {}; // 需要配置url, success, time, fail四个属性 var callbackName = ('jsonp_' + Math.random()).replace(".", ""); var oHead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var oScript = document.createElement('script'); oHead.appendChild(oScript); window[callbackName] = function(json) { //创建jsonp回调函数 oHead.removeChild(oScript); clearTimeout(oScript.timer); window[callbackName] = null; options.success && options.success(json); //先删除script标签,实际上执行的是success函数 }; oScript.src = options.url + '?' + callbackName; //发送请求 if (options.time) { //设置超时处理 oScript.timer = setTimeout(function () { window[callbackName] = null; oHead.removeChild(oScript); &&{ message: "超时" }); }, options.time); } }; // 使用方法: jsonp({ url: '/', success: function(d){ //数据处理 }, time: 5000, fail: function(){ //错误处理 } });
Encapsulated common functions
$(window).scroll(function() { var a = $(window).scrollTop(); if(a > 100) { $('.go-top').fadeIn(); }else { $('.go-top').fadeOut(); } }); $(".go-top").click(function(){ $("html,body").animate({scrollTop:"0px"},'600'); });
Block bubbling function
function stopBubble(e){ e = e || window.event; if(e.stopPropagation){ e.stopPropagation(); //W3C阻止冒泡方法 }else { e.cancelBubble = true; //IE阻止冒泡方法 } }
Get the object attribute value after "?" in the url
var getURLParam = function(name) { return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)', "ig").exec( || [, ""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null; };
Deep copy object
function cloneObj(obj) { var o = obj.constructor == Object ? new obj.constructor() : new obj.constructor(obj.valueOf()); for(var key in obj){ if(o[key] != obj[key] ){ if(typeof(obj[key]) == 'object' ){ o[key] = mods.cloneObj(obj[key]); }else{ o[key] = obj[key]; } } } return o; }
Generate random numbers
function randombetween(min,max){ return min + (Math.random() * (max-min +1)); } console.log(parseInt(randombetween(50,100)));
Git common commands
1、git config \ //查看当前git的用户名称、邮箱 2、git clone //clone仓库到本地。 3、修改本地代码,提交到分支: git add file \ git commit -m “新增文件” 4、把本地库推送到远程库: git push origin master 5、查看提交日志:git log -5 6、返回某一个版本:git reset --hard 123 7、创建分支:git branch name \ git checkout name 8、合并name分支到当前分支:git merge name 9、删除本地分支:git branch -d name 10、删除远程分支: git push origin :daily/x.x.x 11、git checkout -b mydev origin/daily/1.0.0 //把远程daily分支映射到本地mydev分支进行开发 12、合并远程分支到当前分支 git pull origin daily/1.1.1 13、发布到线上: git tag publish/0.1.5 git push origin publish/0.1.5:publish/0.1.5
The above content is a summary of the common knowledge points of jQuery introduced by the editor and the commonly used encapsulation functions. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!