Autor: Editor Prodigal
//Form Validation Class
function ValidatorClass()
var IsError = false;
//Check the name, only Chinese, letters, numbers, and underscores can be entered
this.ChkName = function(obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if (obj.value.Trim().length }
//Check email address
this.ChkEmail = function(obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if (!/^w @ w .(?:com|cn|org|net|cc|tv|info||||$/i.test(obj.value.Trim())) ErrorHandle(obj,msg);
//Check the place name, it can only be in Chinese and cannot be empty
this.ChkPlace = function(obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if (obj.value.Trim().length }
//Check the detailed address
this.ChkAddress = function (obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if ( obj.value.Trim().length }
//Check the email encoding
this.ChkPostNumber = function (obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if(!(/^d{6}$/.test(obj.value.Trim()))) ErrorHandle(obj,msg);
//Check mobile number
this.ChkMobile = function (obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if (!(/^(?:13d| 159)-?d{5}(d{3}|*{3})$/.test(obj.value.Trim()))) ErrorHandle(obj,msg);
//Check the landline number
this.ChkPhone = function (obj,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if (!((/^d{3,4}- ?d{4,5}(d{3}|*{3})$/.test(obj.value.Trim())))) ErrorHandle(obj,msg);
//Submit form event
this.Submit = function (Form,msg)
if (IsError) return;
if (msg) alert(msg);
Form.submit ();
//Error handling
function ErrorHandle(obj,msg)
IsError = true;
obj .focus();
Application example:
function ChkForm()
var Form = document.TestForm;
var Validator = new ValidatorClass() ;
Validator.ChkName(Form.ZD_UserName,"The orderer's name is illegal!");
Validator.ChkEmail(Form.ZD_Email,"The orderer's email address is illegal!");
Validator.ChkPlace (Form.ZD_Province,"The province of the orderer is illegal!");
Validator.ChkPlace(Form.ZD_City,"The city of the orderer is illegal!");
Validator.ChkAddress(Form.ZD_Address,"The orderer The address is illegal!");
Validator.ChkPostNumber(Form.ZD_Zip,"The orderer's postal code is illegal!");
Validator.ChkMobile(Form.ZD_Mobile,"The orderer's mobile phone number is illegal!");
Validator.ChkPhone(Form.ZD_Phone,"The orderer's landline phone number is illegal!");
Validator.Submit(Form,"Verification successful!" ");