Author: ucren
Demonstration effect:
Known defects:
1. The skin-changing function is due to the comparison of image changes It's large, so loading is a bit slow.
2. Widgets do not support polymorphism.
Problems to be considered in the future:
1. Preload images
2. Integrate with the framework vjbox
New controls to be considered in the future:
1. Slider adjuster (similar to windows volume adjuster)
2. Progress bar
3. Outlook menu
4. Tree
* Ucren example.
* Author:Dron
* Date:2007-3-31
var example = Ucren.getElement("example");
/* - - - - - - - - - - - Define button - - - - - - - - - - - */
var testbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Example Button 1", width: 80, handler: function (){ Ucren.alert("Hello world!", "Example Button 1"); } });
var testbtn2 = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Example Button 2", width: 80, disabled: true });
testbtn2. applyTo("test-btn2");
var defaultbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Classic Style", width: 74, handler: function (){ Ucren.useSkin("default"); } });
var xpbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "XP style", width: 74, handler: function (){ Ucren.useSkin("xp"); } });
var xpbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "QQ Style", width : 74, handler: function (){ Ucren.useSkin("qq"); } });
var vistabtn = new Ucren.Button( { caption: "Vista style", width: 74, handler: function (){ Ucren.useSkin("vista"); } });
var examplebtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Show example form", width: 100, handler: function (){; } });
examplebtn.applyTo("example") ;
var alertbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Alert", width: 60, handler: function (){ Ucren.alert("Test!", "Simulate Alert"); } }) ;
var promptbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Prompt", width: 60, handler: function (){ Ucren.prompt( "Please enter your name:", "Anonymous", returnValue);} });
var confirmbtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption : "Confirm", width: 60, handler: function (){ Ucren.confirm("Do you really want to do this?", "Please confirm:", returnValue);} });
var ewin2btn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Example form 2", width: 80, disabled: true, handler: function (){; } });
var ewin3btn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "Example Form 3", width: 80, disabled: true, handler: function (){; } });
ewin3btn.applyTo("ewin3-btn ");
var cboxvaluebtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "value", width: 40, handler: function (){ Ucren.alert(testckbox.getValue(), "The value of the multi-select box is"); } });
var rdvaluebtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "value", width: 40, handler: function (){ Ucren.alert(testradio.getValue(), "The value of the radio button is"); } });
var cbvaluebtn = new Ucren.Button({ caption: "value", width: 40, handler: function (){ Ucren.alert(testcombo.getValue(), "The value of the drop-down box is"); } });
cbvaluebtn. applyTo("combobox-value");
/* - - - - - - - - - - - Define form - - - - - - - - - - - */
var win1 = new Ucren.Window({
left : 100, top : 100, width : 430, height : 350,
minWidth : 430, minHeight : 350,
panel : "example-panel",
caption : "Sample form",
icon : "images/ico.gif",
minButton : true, maxButton : true, cloButton : true, resizeAble : true,
onOpen : function (){ example.setDisplay(false); },
onClose : function (){ example.setDisplay(true); },
onResize : function (){ },
onMove : function (){ },
onFocus: function (){},
onBlur: function (){}
var win2 = new Ucren.Window({
left: 260, top: 30, width : 300, height : 250,
minWidth : 300, minHeight : 250,
panel : "example-panel2",
caption : "Example form 2",
icon : " images/ico.gif",
minButton : true, maxButton : true, cloButton : true, resizeAble : true,
onOpen : function (){ ewin2btn.setDisabled(true); },
onClose : function (){ ewin2btn.setDisabled(false); },
onResize : function (){ },
onMove : function (){ },
onFocus : function (){ },
onBlur : function (){ }
var win3 = new Ucren.Window({
left : 290, top : 210, width : 380, height : 150,
minWidth : 380, minHeight : 150,
panel : "example-panel3",
caption : "Example form 3",
icon : "images/ico.gif",
minButton : true, maxButton : false, cloButton : true, resizeAble : false,
onOpen : function (){ ewin3btn.setDisabled(true); },
onClose : function (){ ewin3btn.setDisabled(false); },
onResize : function (){ },
onMove : function (){ },
onFocus : function () { },
onBlur : function (){ }
});;;; // Putting win1 at the end of show can make win1 be placed on top after initialization
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - Define the sample text box - - - - - - - - - - - */
var testtxf1 = new Ucren.TextField({ text: "Test!", width: 120 });
var testtxf2 = new Ucren. TextField({ text: "Test!", width: 120, disabled: true });
/* - - - - - - - - - - - Define multiple checkboxes - - - - - - - - - - */
var testckbox = new Ucren.CheckBox([
{ container: "test-cbox1", value: "1", lable: "Option 1", checked: true },
{ container: "test-cbox2", value: "2", lable: "Option 2" },
{ container: "test-cbox3", value: "3", lable: "Option 3", disabled: true },
{ container: "test-cbox4", value: "4", lable: "Option 4", checked: true, disabled: true }
/* - - - - - - - - - - - Define radio button - - - - - - - - - - - */
var testradio = new Ucren.Radio( [
{ container: "test-radio1", value: "1", lable: "Option 1" },
{ container: "test-radio2", value: "2", lable: "Option 2 ", checked: true },
{ container: "test-radio3", value: "3", lable: "Option 3" },
{ container: "test-radio4", value: "4" , lable: "Option 4", disabled: true }
/* - - - - - - - - - - - Define drop-down box - - - - - - - - - - * /
var combodatas = new Ucren.DataVess({
fields: ["text", "value"],
data: [
["option1", "option-1"],
["option 2" , "option-2" ],
["option 3" , "option-3" ],
["option 4" , "option-4" ],
through "Option 8" , "option-8" ],
11", "option-11"],
["option-12", "option-12"],
["option-13", "option-13"],
["option-14" , "option-14"]
var testcombo = new Ucren.ComboBox({width: 120, value: "option-2", disabled: false, data: combodatas });
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - functions - - - - - - - - - - - */
function returnValue(v) { Ucren.alert(v "", "return value"); }
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