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	<div class="x_box" onmouseover="kj.addClassName(this,&#39;x_sel&#39;);" onmouseout="kj.delClassName(this,&#39;x_sel&#39;);" onclick="thisjs.cart_add({id:&#39;41&#39;,name:&#39;酸辣鸡杂&#39;,pic:&#39;/upload/attatch/2012/酸辣鸡杂饭_50_50.gif&#39;,price:&#39;13.00&#39;,type:&#39;6&#39;});">				<li class="x_tit">【酸辣鸡杂】</li>				<li class="x_intro">主料:</li>				<li class="x_pic"><img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="./index_files/酸辣鸡杂饭.gif"  class="lazy"   alt="大神帮我看看这段代码怎么改啊" ></li>				<li class="x_tip menu_state_on"><font   style="max-width:90%">13</font>.00</li>			</div>
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这是别人的,我要用smarty 输出查询到的结果,应该改哪里


首先 得把价格改了



不好意思,我的意思是原来的js 不变 改的是价格和名称(这些都是由smarty)遍历出来的

小弟初学者,对上面的html 半点不懂,所以求教。贴一下smarty的遍历

<?php include 'config.php';include 'smarty.php';$tpl->assign ("title", "欢迎访问我的订餐系统");$tpl->display("index.tpl");$sql="select * from menu";$query=mysql_query("$sql" );while(($row=mysql_fetch_array($query))==true){$menuarray[]=$row;}$tpl->assign("menu_array",$menuarray);  /*html 遍历{?section name=list loop=$menu_array?}    		{?$menu_array[list].menu_name?}       //菜名		{?$menu_array[list].price?}          //价格					{?sectionelse?}There is no orders.{?/section?}*/
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当点击的时候,触发的是这个方法:thisjs.cart_add ,这个方法有两个参数传递,一个id,一个name,你把这个两个参数换成你要传递的两个值试一下。

当点击的时候,触发的是这个方法:thisjs.cart_add ,这个方法有两个参数传递,一个id,一个name,你把这个两个参数换成你要传递的两个值试一下。

另外一部分代码是这样子的 不是我写的,我可看不懂 是js

kj.onresize(function() {	me_resize();});kj.onload(function() {	me_resize();	kj.show("#id_cart_menu");});function me_resize(){	var h = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 32;	var l = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - 980)/2;	kj.set("#id_cart_menu" , 'style.top' , h + "px");	kj.set("#id_cart_menu" , 'style.left' , l + "px");}var thisjs = new function() {	this.mintotal = kj.toint('10');//最低起送价	this.total = 0;//合计金额	this.cart_show = 0;	this.cart_lock = false;	this.cart_add = function(o) {		var obj = kj.obj("#id_cart_box");		var obj_cart_num = kj.obj("#id_cart_num_" + o.id);		if(obj_cart_num) {			var obj_cart_price = kj.obj("#id_cart_price_" + o.id);			obj_cart_num.value = kj.toint(obj_cart_num.value) + 1;			obj_cart_price.innerHTML = "¥"+kj.toint(obj_cart_num.value) * o.price;		} else {			var obj_li=document.createElement("li");			obj_li.id = "id_cart_" + o.id;			obj_li.innerHTML = '<input type="hidden" name="cartid[]" value="'+o.id+'"><input type="hidden" name="price[]" id="id_price_'+o.id+'" value="'+o.price+'"><span class="col1">'+o.name+'</span><span class="col2">¥'+kj.toint(o.price)+'</span><span class="col3"><input type="button" name="btn_jian" value="" class="x_jian" onclick="thisjs.change_num('+o.id+',-1);"> <input type="text" name="num'+o.id+'[]" value="1" id="id_cart_num_'+o.id+'" class="x_num" onkeyup="thisjs.change_num('+o.id+')"> <input type="button" name="btn_jian" value="" class="x_jia" onclick="thisjs.change_num('+o.id+',1);"></span><span class="col4" id="id_cart_price_'+o.id+'">¥'+kj.toint(o.price)+'</span><span class="col5"><input type="button" name="btn_del" value="" class="x_del" onclick="thisjs.del('+o.id+')"></span>';			obj.appendChild(obj_li);		}		this.refresh_price();	}	//删除	this.del = function(id) {		kj.remove("#id_cart_"+id);		this.refresh_price();	}	//改变数量	this.change_num = function(id , num) {		var obj_cart_num = kj.obj("#id_cart_num_" + id);		val = kj.toint(obj_cart_num.value);		if(num) {			val+=num;			if(val<1) return;			obj_cart_num.value = val;		}		if(obj_cart_num) {			var obj_cart_price = kj.obj("#id_cart_price_" + id);			var obj_price = kj.obj("#id_price_"+id);			if(obj_cart_price) obj_cart_price.innerHTML = "¥"+val * kj.toint(obj_price.value);			this.refresh_price();		}	}	//刷新价格	this.refresh_price = function() {		var obj = kj.obj("#id_cart_box .col4");		var price = 0;		for(var i = obj.length-1 ; i >=0 ; i--) {			price += kj.toint(obj[i].innerHTML);		}		kj.set("#id_cart_menu .x_2" , 'innerHTML' , '共 <font style="font-size:14px;color:#FF821E">'+obj.length+'</font> 份,合计:');		kj.set("#id_cart_menu .x_3" , 'innerHTML' , '¥'+price);		this.total = price;		if(price == 0) {			this.showcart(0);		} else {			this.showcart(1);		}		return price;	}	//清空	this.clear = function() {		var obj = kj.obj("#id_cart_box");		obj.innerHTML = '';		this.refresh_price();	}	this.cart_init = function() {			}	//提交,保存到cookie	this.cart_submit = function() {		var obj = kj.obj("#id_cart_box li");		//检查是否已点餐		if(obj.length<1) {			alert("温馨提示:您的购物车是空的,请先点餐!");			return false;		}		//点餐价格是否达到起送价		if(this.mintotal>0 && this.total < this.mintotal) {			alert("温馨提示:由于人力成本等问题,外卖定餐需起送不得低于"+this.mintotal+"元,不便之处还请您多多包涵!");			return false;		}		var i,val,j,arr_1=[];		obj = kj.obj("#id_cart_box :cartid[]");		for(i = 0 ; i < obj.length ; i++ ) {			val = kj.toint(kj.obj("#id_cart_num_"+obj[i].value).value);			for(j=0;j<val;j++) {				arr_1[arr_1.length] = obj[i].value;			}		}		var  str_ids = "0:" + arr_1.join("|");		kj.cookie_set("cart_ids" , str_ids , 24);		window.location.href = "?app_act=cart";	}	this.mouseover = function(id) {		var obj = kj.obj("#id_nosel_"+this.orderid);		if(obj) obj.className = 'x_nosel';		kj.obj("#id_nosel_"+id).className = 'x_sel1';		this.orderid = id;		kj.addClassName("#id_li_"+id , "x_sel2");	}	this.mouseout = function(id) {		var obj = kj.obj("#id_nosel_"+this.orderid);		if(obj) obj.className = 'x_nosel';		kj.delClassName("#id_li_"+id , "x_sel2");	}	this.showcart_fixed = function(obj) {		if(obj.className == 'x_4') {			this.showcart(1);		} else {			this.showcart(0);		}	}	this.showcart = function(show) {		if(this.cart_lock) return;		if(this.cart_show == show) return;		this.cart_show = show;		var h = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 32;		var obj = kj.obj("#id_cart_menu");		var offset = kj.offset(obj);		var top = offset.top;		this.cart_lock = true;		if(show) {			kj.set("#id_cart_menu .x_top .x_4" , 'className' , 'x_6');			this.showcart_time('#id_cart_menu' , top , h-120 , -10);		} else {			kj.set("#id_cart_menu .x_top .x_6" , 'className' , 'x_4');			this.showcart_time('#id_cart_menu' , top , h , 10);		}	}	this.showcart_time = function(id , top , top_target , val) {		var obj = kj.obj(id);		var x = top -  top_target;		if(val > 0) x = x * -1;		if( x > 0 ) {			kj.set(obj, 'style.top' , top+'px');			top+=val;			window.setTimeout("thisjs.showcart_time('" + id + "'," + top + "," + top_target + "," + val + ")", 20);   		} else {			kj.set(obj, 'style.top' , top_target+'px');			this.cart_lock = false;		}	}}kj.onload(function(){	thisjs.cart_init();});
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onmouseout="kj.delClassName(this,&#39;x_sel&#39;);" onclick="thisjs.cart_add({id:&#39;41&#39;,name:&#39;酸辣鸡杂&#39;,pic:&#39;/upload/attatch/2012/酸辣鸡杂饭_50_50.gif&#39;,price:&#39;13.00&#39;,type:&#39;6&#39;});
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传的这个值 里面的:'6'    是什么意思 


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