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A good function that can detect multiple browsers and other functions_javascript skills
A good function that can detect multiple browsers and other functions_javascript skills
Release: 2016-05-16 19:16:10
1089 people have browsed it
//Examine the browser 检测浏览器的函数 var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_opera = (userAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1); var is_saf = ((userAgent.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1) || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.')); var is_webtv = (userAgent.indexOf('webtv') != -1); var is_ie = ((userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_saf) && (!is_webtv)); var is_ie4 = ((is_ie) && (userAgent.indexOf('msie 4.') != -1)); var is_moz = ((navigator.product == 'Gecko') && (!is_saf)); var is_kon = (userAgent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1); var is_ns = ((userAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (userAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_webtv) && (!is_saf)); var is_ns4 = ((is_ns) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)); var is_mac = (userAgent.indexOf('mac') != -1);
//Global registers var currentblogid; var currentstarid; var currentcommentid; var switchcomandmes; var securitycodejs=null; var onetimecounter=1;
//Get absolute path, fix bug of IE when base path is set var gotourl = location.href; var absbaseurl; var abspath; var r_identifier=gotourl.lastIndexOf("/read.php/"); var r_identifier2=gotourl.lastIndexOf("/post/"); var r_identifier3=gotourl.lastIndexOf("/tag/"); if (r_identifier==-1) { r_identifier=r_identifier2; } if (r_identifier==-1) { r_identifier=r_identifier3; } if (r_identifier!=-1) { absbaseurl = gotourl.substr(0, r_identifier) "/"; var simplegotourl=absbaseurl.replace("http://", ''); r_identifier2=simplegotourl.indexOf("/"); abspath=simplegotourl.substr(r_identifier2 1); } else { absbaseurl=''; abspath=null; } //Is Ajax supported? if ((is_ie & !is_ie4) || is_moz || is_saf || is_opera) var shutajax=0; else var shutajax=1;
//For firefox, tell Firefox not to display the content you input in last session if (is_moz) { var tmp_c=document.getElementById('v_content'); if (tmp_c) tmp_c.value=''; }
//Show/Hide a p function showhidep(id){ try{ var panel=document.getElementById(id); if(panel){ if(panel.style.display=='none'){ panel.style.display='block'; }else{ panel.style.display='none'; } } }catch(e){} }
function addhtml (id, htmlcode, uniqueid) { var panel=document.getElementById(id); var hiddenpannel=document.getElementById(uniqueid); if(panel){ hiddenpannel.value=''; hiddenpannel.value=panel.innerHTML; panel.innerHTML=hiddenpannel.value htmlcode; hiddenpannel.value =htmlcode; } }
function showadminreply (pid) { switchcomandmes='reply'; var cleanid=pid.replace('com_', ''); var inputcontent="
function showadminreplyformessage (pid) { switchcomandmes='message'; var cleanid=pid.replace('com_', ''); var inputcontent=""; document.getElementById(pid).innerHTML=inputcontent; document.getElementById(pid).style.display='block'; }
function hideadminreply (pid) { document.getElementById(pid).innerHTML=''; document.getElementById(pid).style.display='none'; }
function showdelblog(blogid) { var urldel=absbaseurl "admin.php?go=entry_deleteblog_" blogid ''; if(confirm(jslang[4])){ window.location=urldel; } else { return; } }
//Comment and Message function ajax_submit (job) { var stat_html = document.getElementById('stat_html').checked ? 1 : 0; var stat_ubb = document.getElementById('stat_ubb').checked ? 1 : 0; var stat_emot = document.getElementById('stat_emot').checked ? 1 : 0; var stat_property = document.getElementById('stat_property').checked ? 1 : 0; var v_replier = document.getElementById('v_replier').value ' '; var v_repurl = document.getElementById('v_repurl').value; var v_repemail = document.getElementById('v_repemail').value; var v_content = document.getElementById('v_content').value ' '; var v_password = document.getElementById('v_password').value; var v_id = document.getElementById('v_id').value; var v_reppsw = (document.getElementById('v_reppsw')) ? document.getElementById('v_reppsw').value : ''; var v_security_plus; if (document.getElementById('v_security')) { var v_security = document.getElementById('v_security').value; if (v_security=='') { alert(jslang[10]); return false; } v_security_plus="&v_security=" v_security; } else { v_security_plus=''; } if (v_replier=='' || v_content==''|| v_replier==' ' || v_content==' ' ) { alert(jslang[11]); return false; } document.getElementById('btnSubmit').value=jslang[12]; document.getElementById('btnSubmit').disabled='disabled'; if (shutajax==0) { //Currently for IE, Safari, Mozilla and Opera v_replier = blogencode(v_replier); v_repurl = blogencode(v_repurl); v_repemail = blogencode(v_repemail); v_content = blogencode(v_content); v_password = blogencode(v_password); v_id = blogencode(v_id); v_reppsw = blogencode(v_reppsw); var postData = "unuse=unuse&onetimecounter=" onetimecounter "&v_id=" v_id "&v_replier=" v_replier "&v_password=" v_password "&v_repurl=" v_repurl "&v_repemail=" v_repemail "&v_content=" v_content "&stat_html=" stat_html "&stat_ubb=" stat_ubb "&stat_emot=" stat_emot "&v_reppsw=" v_reppsw "&stat_property=" stat_property v_security_plus; var gourl=absbaseurl "visit.php?ajax=on&job=" job; makeRequest(gourl, 'quickreply', 'POST', postData); } else { document.getElementById('visitorinput').submit(); } }
//Ctrl Enter key submitting (Textarea) function ctrlenterkey (eventobject){ if(eventobject.ctrlKey && eventobject.keyCode==13) { document.getElementById("btnSubmit").click(); } }
//Admin reply function ajax_adminreply (commentid) { if (shutajax==0) { var admid='adminreplycontent' commentid; var adminreplycontent = blogencode(document.getElementById(admid).value); var postData = "unuse=unuse&adminreplycontent=" adminreplycontent; var gourl=absbaseurl "admin.php?ajax=on&go=" switchcomandmes "_addadminreply_" commentid; currentcommentid=commentid; makeRequest(gourl, 'quickadminreply', 'POST', postData); } else { var admid='formadminreply' commentid; document.getElementById(admid).submit(); } }
function ajax_adminreply_edit (commentid, rptype) { switchcomandmes=rptype; ajax_adminreply(commentid); }
function ajax_editcomment(repid, submitaction, onetimecounter) { var admid='editcomcontent' repid; var v_content = blogencode(document.getElementById(admid).value); var editjob=(submitaction=='reply') ? 'editreply' : 'editmessage'; var postData = "unuse=unuse&onetimecounter=" onetimecounter "&v_content=" v_content; var gourl=absbaseurl "visit.php?ajax=on&go=" editjob "&repid=" repid; currentcommentid=repid; makeRequest(gourl, 'quickeditcomment', 'POST', postData); }
//encode string function blogencode (str) { str=encodeURIComponent(str); if (is_moz) str=str.replace(/
/g, "
"); //In IE, a new line is encoded as rn, while in Mozilla it's n return str; }
//Avatar Selection function changeavatar (slname, area) { var current=document.getElementById(slname); var realvalue=current.options[current.selectedIndex].value; var areashow=document.getElementById(area); if (areashow) { if (realvalue!='' && realvalue!=null) { areashow.innerHTML=""; } else { areashow.innerHTML=jslang[13]; } } }
//Insert Emots function insertemot (emotcode) { var current=document.getElementById('v_content'); var emot="[emot]" emotcode "[/emot]"; if (current) { if (current.value!='' && current.value!=null) { current.value =emot; } else { current.value=emot; } document.getElementById('v_content').focus(); } }
function loadSidebar(){ try{ var objSidebar=document.getElementById("sidebar"); var objContent=document.getElementById("content"); var sidebaroff=getCookie ('sidebaroff'); if(sidebaroff==1){ objSidebar.className="sidebar-hide"; objSidebar.style.display="none"; objContent.className="content-wide"; }else{ objSidebar.className="sidebar"; objSidebar.style.display="block"; objContent.className="content"; } }catch(e){} }
//Media Link function playmedia(strID,strType,strURL,intWidth,intHeight) { var objp=document.getElementById(strID); if (!objp) return false; if (objp.style.display!='none') { objp.innerHTML=''; objp.style.display='none'; } else { objp.innerHTML=makemedia(strType,strURL,intWidth,intHeight,strID); objp.style.display='block'; } }
//Media Build function makemedia (strType,strURL,intWidth,intHeight,strID) { var strHtml; switch(strType) { case 'wmp': strHtml=""; break; case 'swf': strHtml=""; break; case 'flv': var FU = {movie:"images/others/mediaplayer.swf",width:intWidth,height: intHeight,majorversion:"8",build:"0",bgcolor:"#FFFFFF",allowfullscreen:"true",flashvars:"file=" strURL "&fullscreenpage=images/others/fullscreen.html&fsreturnpage=" location.href};UFO.create(FU, strID); break; case 'real': strHtml=" "; break; } return strHtml; }
//Font size control function doZoom(size) { document.getElementById('zoomtext').style.fontSize=size 'px'; }
//Cookie function setCookie(name,value,expiry,path,domain,secure) { var nameString = name "=" value; var expiryString = (expiry == null) ? "" : " ;expires = " expiry.toGMTString(); var pathString = (path == null) ? "" : " ;path = " path; var domainString = (path == null) ? "" : " ;domain = " domain; var secureString = (secure) ?";secure" :""; document.cookie = nameString expiryString pathString domainString secureString; }
function getCookie (name) { var CookieFound = false; var start = 0; var end = 0; var CookieString = document.cookie; var i = 0;
while (i <= CookieString.length) { start = i ; end = start name.length; if (CookieString.substring(start, end) == name){ CookieFound = true; break; } i ; }
if (CookieFound){ start = end 1; end = CookieString.indexOf(";",start); if (end < start) end = CookieString.length; return unescape(CookieString.substring(start, end)); } return ""; }
function deleteCookie(name) { var expires = new Date(); expires.setTime (expires.getTime() - 1); setCookie( name , "Delete Cookie", expires,null,null,false); }
function refreshsecuritycode(areaid, inputid) { if (document.getElementById(areaid)) { var rnds=Math.random(); document.getElementById(areaid).innerHTML=""; } if (document.getElementById(inputid)) document.getElementById(inputid).value=''; }
function ajax_login () { if (shutajax==0) { var username = blogencode(document.getElementById('username').value); var password = blogencode(document.getElementById('password').value); var tmpSavecookie; for (var i=1; i<=5; i ) { tmpSavecookie='savecookie' i; if (document.getElementById(tmpSavecookie).checked) { var savecookie = blogencode(document.getElementById(tmpSavecookie).value); break; } } var postData = "unuse=unuse&username=" username "&password=" password "&savecookie=" savecookie; if (document.getElementById('securitycode')) postData ="&securitycode=" blogencode(document.getElementById('securitycode').value); var gourl=absbaseurl "login.php?ajax=on&job=ajaxverify"; makeRequest(gourl, 'quicklogin', 'POST', postData); } }
function decodetburl (str, ishidden, uniqueid) { var resultstr=''; if (ishidden==1) { //Hidden! var randomnumber1=Math.floor(Math.random()*10 1); var randomnumber2=Math.floor(Math.random()*10 1); resultstr="" jslang[66] " " randomnumber1 "" randomnumber2 "=" str ""; } else { var codestr; codestr=str.split('%'); var seed=codestr[0]; for (var i=1; i resultstr =String.fromCharCode(codestr[i]-seed); } } return resultstr; }
function submithiddentbanswer(uniqueid) { var randomnumber1=(document.getElementById("qa" uniqueid)) ? parseInt(document.getElementById("qa" uniqueid).innerHTML) : 0; var randomnumber2=(document.getElementById("qb" uniqueid)) ? parseInt(document.getElementById("qb" uniqueid).innerHTML) : 0; var anssubmited=(document.getElementById("ans" uniqueid)) ? parseInt(document.getElementById("ans" uniqueid).value) : 0; if (randomnumber1 randomnumber2!=anssubmited) alert (jslang[67]); else { var resultstr=(document.getElementById("answertb" uniqueid)) ? document.getElementById("answertb" uniqueid).innerHTML : null; resultstr=decodetburl (resultstr, 0, 0); if (document.getElementById("showtbq" uniqueid)) document.getElementById("showtbq" uniqueid).innerHTML=resultstr; } }
function getprotectedblog (blogid, way) { var blogpsw=blogencode(document.getElementById('entrypsw' blogid).value); currentblogid=blogid; var postData = "unuse=unuse&job=getcontentonly&way=" way "&blogid=" blogid "&blogpsw=" blogpsw; if (shutajax==0) { var gourl=absbaseurl "visit.php?ajax=on"; makeRequest(gourl, 'quickgetprotectedblog', 'POST', postData); } }
function promptreppsw () { var pswproperty=document.getElementById('stat_property'); if (!pswproperty) return; else if (pswproperty.checked) { var pswtxt=prompt(jslang[69],''); if (pswtxt==null || pswtxt=='') { pswproperty.checked=''; return; } else { if (pswtxt.length>12) { alert(jslang[70]); promptreppsw(); } document.getElementById('v_reppsw').value=pswtxt; } } else { document.getElementById('v_reppsw').value=''; } }
function getprotectedreply (repid, way, onetimecounter) { var reppsw=blogencode(document.getElementById('reppsw' repid).value); currentcommentid=repid; var postData = "unuse=unuse&job=getreplyonly&way=" way "&reppsw=" reppsw "&repid=" currentcommentid "&onetimecounter" onetimecounter; if (shutajax==0) { var gourl=absbaseurl "visit.php?ajax=on"; makeRequest(gourl, 'quickeditcomment', 'POST', postData); } }
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