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DOM related content quick reference manual_basic knowledge

Release: 2016-05-16 19:19:41
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object Returns the contained object.
offscreenBuffering Sets or gets whether the object should be drawn off-screen before being visible to the user.
offsetHeight Gets the height of the object relative to the layout or the parent coordinate specified by the offsetParent property.
offsetLeft Gets the calculated left position of the object relative to the layout or the parent coordinate specified by the offsetParent attribute.
offsetParent Gets a reference to the container object that defines the offsetTop and offsetLeft properties of the object.
offsetTop Gets the calculated top position of the object relative to the layout or parent coordinates specified by the offsetTop attribute.​
offsetWidth Gets the width of the object relative to the layout or the parent coordinate specified by the parent coordinate offsetParent property. ​
offsetX Sets or gets the x coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the object that triggered the event. ​
offsetY Sets or gets the y coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the object that triggered the event.
onLine Gets a value indicating whether the system is in global offline mode.
opener Sets or gets the reference to the window that created the current window.
outerHTML Sets or gets the HTML form of the object and its content.
outerText Set or get the text of the object.​
overflow Sets or gets a value indicating how the object's content is managed when the content exceeds the object's height or width.
overflowX Sets or gets how to manage object content when the content exceeds the width of the object.
overflowY Sets or gets how to manage object content when the content exceeds the height of the object.
ownerDocument Sets or gets the document object associated with the node.
owningElement Gets the next object in the HTML hierarchy.
padding Sets or gets the total space to be inserted between the object and its margins or, if present, a border.
paddingBottom Sets or gets the total amount of space to be inserted between the object's bottom border and the content.
paddingLeft Sets or gets the total amount of space to be inserted between the left border of the object and the content.
paddingRight Sets or gets the total amount of space to be inserted between the right border of the object and the content.
paddingTop Sets or gets the total amount of space inserted between the object's upper border and content.
pageBreakAfter Sets or gets the string indicating that a page break occurs after the object.
pageBreakBefore Sets or gets the string indicating that a page break occurred before the object.
palette Gets the palette used to embed the document.
parent Gets the parent window in the object hierarchy.
parentElement Gets the parent object in the object hierarchy.
parentNode Gets the parent object in the document hierarchy.
parentStyleSheet Gets the style sheet imported into the current style sheet.
parentTextEdit Gets the container object in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange containing the original object.
parentWindow Gets the reference to the window where the container object is located.
pathname Sets or gets the file name or path specified by the object.
pixelBottom Set or get the bottom position of the object.
pixelHeight Set or get the height of the object.
pixelLeft Set or get the left position of the object.​
pixelRight Set or get the right position of the object.
pixelTop Set or get the top position of the object.
pixelWidth Set or get the width of the object.​
platform Get the user’s operating system name.​
pluginspage Get the plugin URL for viewing embedded documents.​
port Set or get the port number associated with URL.
posBottom Sets or gets the position below the object in the unit specified by the bottom tag attribute.
posHeight Sets or gets the height of the object in the unit specified by the height tag attribute.
position Sets or gets the positioning method used by the object.
posLeft Sets or gets the left position of the object in the unit specified by the left tag attribute.
posRight Sets or gets the right position of the object in the unit specified by the right tag attribute.
posTop Set or get the position above the object in the unit specified by the top tag attribute.
posWidth Sets or gets the width of the object in the unit specified by the width tag attribute.
previousSibling Gets a reference to the previous sibling object of this object.
profile Sets or gets one or more URIs defined by the object's attributes and the legal values ​​of these attributes.
propertyName Sets or gets the changed property name on the object.​
protocol Sets or gets the protocol part of the URL.
pseudoClass Gets the string identifying the pseudo-class of the page to which the @page rule applies.
qualifier Sets or gets the name of the data member provided by the data source object.
readOnly Get whether the rule or style sheet is defined on the page or imported.
readOnly Sets or gets a value indicating whether the object content is read-only.​
readyState: Get the current state of the object.​
readyState: Get the current state of the object.​
readyState: Get the current state of the object.​
reason: Set or get the data transmission result of the data source object.​
recordNumber: Get the original record of the generated object in the data set.
recordset Sets or gets a reference to the default data set from the data source object.​
referrer Get the URL that brings the user to the current page.
rel Set or get the relationship between the object and the link purpose.
repeat Gets whether the onkeydown event is repeating.
returnValue Sets or gets the value returned from the modal dialog box.
returnValue Set or get the return value of the event.
rev Sets or gets the relationship between the object and the link destination.
right Sets or gets the right coordinates of the rectangle surrounding the object's content.
right Sets or gets the position of the object relative to the right edge of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
rightMargin Sets or gets the right margin of the entire body of the page, instead of the default margin.
rowIndex Gets the position of the object in the rows collection of the table.
rows Sets or gets the number of horizontal rows contained in the object.
rows Set or get the frame height of the object.
rowSpan Sets or gets how many rows of the table the cell should span. ​
rubyAlign Set or get the position of the phonetic text specified by the rt object.​
rubyOverhang​ Sets or gets the position of the phonetic text specified by the rt object.​
rubyPosition Set or get the position of the phonetic text specified by the rt object.
rules Set or get which dividers (inner borders) to display.​
saveType Get the clipboard type when oncontentsave is triggered.​
scheme Sets or gets the scheme used to interpret the property values ​​specified for the object.​
scope: Set or get the target cell group applied to the object's information.
scopeName Gets the namespace defined for this element.
screenLeft Gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the browser client area relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
screenTop Gets the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the browser client area relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
screenX Sets or gets the x coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the user's screen.
screenY Sets or gets the y coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the user's screen.
scroll Sets or gets whether scrolling is turned off.
scrollAmount Sets or gets the number of text scrolling pixels between each subtitle drawing sequence.
scrollbar3dLightColor Sets or gets the upper left color of the scroll button and scroll slider on the scroll bar.​
scrollbarArrowColor Set or get the color of the scroll arrow logo. ​
scrollbarBaseColor Sets or gets the main color of the scroll bar, which includes scroll buttons and scroll sliders.​
scrollbarDarkShadowColor Set or get the color of the chute on the scroll bar.​
scrollbarFaceColor Set or get the color of the scroll bar and the scroll bar's scroll arrow.​
scrollbarHighlightColor Set or get the color of the upper left edge of the scroll box and scroll bar scroll arrow.​
scrollbarShadowColor Set or get the color of the lower right edge of the scroll box and scroll bar scroll arrow.​
scrollbarTrackColor Set or get the color of the scroll bar track element.​
scrollDelay Set or get the speed of subtitle scrolling.
scrollHeight Gets the scroll height of the object.
scrolling Sets or gets whether the frame can be scrolled.
scrollLeft Sets or gets the distance between the left edge of the object and the leftmost end of the currently visible content in the window.
scrollTop Sets or gets the distance between the top of the object and the top of the visible content in the window.
scrollWidth Gets the scroll width of the object.​
search Set or get the part following the question mark in the href attribute.
sectionRowIndex Gets the position of the object in the tBody, tHead, tFoot or rows collection.
SECURITY Gets a value indicating whether the source file of the frame or iframe has specific security restrictions applied.
selected Sets or gets whether the option in the list box is the default item.
selectedIndex Sets or gets the position of the selected option in the select object.
selector Gets the string identifying the page to which the @page rule applies.
selectorText Gets a string identifying the element to which the corresponding style sheet rule applies.​
self Get a reference to the current window or frame.​
shape Set or get the shape of the object. ​
shiftKey Set or get the state of the Shift key.  
shiftLeft Set or get the status of the left Shift key.
size Set or get the font size of the object. ​
size​Set or get the height of the hr​object.​
size Set or get the size of the control.​
size Set or get the number of rows in the list.
sourceIndex Gets the sequential position of the object in the source order, that is, the order in which the object appears in the "all" collection of "document".
span Sets or gets the number of columns in the group.  
specified Get whether this attribute is specified.
src Set or get the URL of the sound to be played. ​
src Get the URL of an external file containing source code or data.
src Sets or gets the URL to be loaded by the object.
srcElement Set or get the object that triggers the event.​
srcFilter Set or get the filter object that triggers the onfilterchange event.
srcUrn Get the Uniform Resource Name (URN) of the behavior that triggered the event.
standby Sets or gets a string that can be used to implement your own standby functionality for the object.​
start Set or get the starting number of the numbered list.​
start Set or get the time when the video clip file should start playing.
status Sets or gets the information in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
status Sets or gets the value indicating whether the control is selected.
STYLE Set the inline style for this setting element.
styleFloat Sets or gets the side of the object to which the text should wrap.​
summary Set or get the description and/or structure of the object.
systemLanguage Gets the default language applicable to the operating system.
tabIndex Sets or gets the index that defines the tab order of the object.
tableLayout Sets or gets a string indicating whether the table layout is fixed.
tabStop Sets or gets whether the element behavior can receive focus and participate in the Tab sequence.
tagName Get the tag name of the object.
tagUrn Sets or gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) specified in the namespace declaration.
target Set or get the window or frame in which the target content is to be displayed.
text Set or get the text contained in the range.
text Set or get the text (foreground) color of the document body.
text Sets or gets the string form of the object text.
text Sets or gets the string specified by the option tag.
textAlign Sets or gets whether the text in the object is left-aligned, right-aligned, center-aligned, or aligned at both ends.
textAlignLast Sets or gets how to arrange the last or only line of the object.
textAutospace Set or get automatic spacing and narrow space width adjustment of text.
textDecoration Sets or gets whether the text in the object has a flashing, strikethrough, overline or underline style.
textDecorationBlink Sets or gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object's textDecoration attribute contains "blink".
textDecorationLineThrough Sets or gets a Boolean value indicating whether the text within the object has strikethrough.
textDecorationNone Sets or gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object's textDecoration property is set to none.
textDecorationOverline Sets or gets a Boolean value indicating whether the text in the object is overlined.
textDecorationUnderline Sets or gets the Boolean value of whether the text in the object is underlined.
textIndent Sets or gets the indent of the text in the object.
textJustify Sets or gets the alignment type used by the text within the object.
textKashidaSpace Sets or gets the kashida expansion ratio of the white space expansion used when aligning text lines within the object.
textOverflow Sets or gets a value indicating whether to display an ellipsis to indicate text overflow.
textTransform Sets or gets the rendering method of text in the object.​
textUnderlinePosition Sets or gets the position of the underline set in the textDecoration property of the object.  
tFoot Get the tFoot object of the table.​
tHead Get the tHead object of the table.
title Set or get the title of the style sheet.
title Set or get the object’s consultation information (tooltip).
toElement Sets or gets the reference to the object that the user wants to move the mouse pointer to.
top Sets or gets the position of the object relative to the upper boundary of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy.
top Gets the top-level ancestor window.
top Sets or gets the top coordinates of the rectangle surrounding the object content.​
topMargin Set or get the top margin of the page.
trueSpeed ​​Sets or gets the position of the subtitles calculated using the scrollDelay and scrollAmount properties. The actual elapsed time comes from the clock timing.​
type Set or get the style of the list.​
type: Get the type of the selected area.​
type: 스타일시트 작성에 사용되는 스타일시트(CSS) 언어를 가져옵니다.​
type 버튼의 분류와 기본 동작을 가져옵니다.​
type: 이벤트 객체에서 이벤트 이름을 가져옵니다.​
type 객체의 MIME 유형을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
type: 스타일시트 작성에 사용되는 스타일시트(CSS) 언어를 가져옵니다.​
type: 객체가 나타내는 입력 제어 유형을 가져오거나 초기화합니다.​
type 관련 스크립트 엔진의 MIME 유형을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
type MULTIPLE 속성의 값을 기반으로 선택 컨트롤의 유형을 가져옵니다.​
type: 컨트롤 유형을 가져옵니다. ​
type 값 태그 속성에 지정된 리소스 콘텐츠 유형을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
typeDetail: 선택한 영역 유형의 이름을 가져옵니다.​
unicodeBidi 양방향 규칙의 임베딩 수준을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
uniqueID 객체에 대해 자동으로 생성된 고유 식별자를 가져옵니다.​
units 삽입 개체의 높이와 너비 단위를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
UNSELECTABLE 요소를 선택할 수 없도록 지정합니다.
updateInterval 화면의 업데이트 간격을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
URL 현재 문서의 URL을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
URLUnencoded 문서의 URL을 가져오고 모든 문자 인코딩을 제거합니다.
urn 대상 문서의 URN을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
useMap 일반적으로 북마크 확장자(#name)를 사용하여 클라이언트 이미지 매핑을 위한 URL을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
userAgent HTTP 사용자 에이전트 요청 헤더에 해당하는 문자열을 가져옵니다.
userLanguage 운영 체제의 자연어 설정을 가져옵니다.
vAlign 제목이 표 위 또는 아래에 있는지 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
vAlign 텍스트 및 기타 콘텐츠가 개체 내에서 수직으로 정렬되는 방식을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
value textArea 요소 필드의 텍스트를 가져오거나 설정합니다.
value 컨트롤의 기본값 또는 선택된 값을 가져옵니다.​
value 목록 항목의 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
value 양식 컨트롤이 제출될 때 서버에 반환되는 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
value 컨트롤 객체의 표시값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다. 이 값은 제어 개체가 제출될 때 서버에 반환됩니다.​
value 요소의 입력 매개변수 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
value 사용자 입력을 통해 텍스트가 설정된 경우 입력 개체의 파일 이름을 가져옵니다.​
value 객체의 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다. ​
valueType 값 태그 속성의 데이터 유형을 설정하거나 가져옵니다. ​
vcard_name 자동 완성 상자에 사용할 개체의 vCard 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
version 현재 문서를 관리하는 DTD(문서 유형 정의) 버전을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
verticalAlign 객체의 수직 정렬을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
viewInheritStyle 문서 조각이 기본 문서에 설정된 CSS 스타일을 상속하는지 여부를 나타내는 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
viewLink 메인 요소에 콘텐츠를 제공하는 문서 객체를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
viewMasterTab viewlink의 주요 요소가 기본 문서의 탭 순서에 포함되는지 여부를 나타내는 값을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
visibility 객체의 내용이 표시되는지 여부를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
vLink 객체에서 방문한 링크의 색상을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
vlinkColor 사용자가 방문한 링크의 색상을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
volume 사운드의 볼륨 설정을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
vspace 객체의 수직 여백을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
wheelDelta 휠 버튼 스크롤의 거리와 방향을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.  
whiteSpace 객체가 자동으로 줄 바꿈할지 여부를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
width 화면의 수직 해상도를 가져옵니다.
width 객체의 계산된 너비를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
width 객체의 너비를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
width 객체의 너비를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
width 객체에 고유한 너비 기능을 구현하는 데 사용할 수 있는 문자열을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
wordBreak 특히 개체에 여러 언어가 나타날 때 단어 내에서 줄 바꿈 동작을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
wordSpacing 객체의 단어 사이에 추가 공백의 총량을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
wordWrap 내용이 컨테이너의 경계를 초과할 때 단어를 분리할지 여부를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
wrap 객체에서 자동 단어 줄 바꿈을 처리하는 방법을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
writingMode 객체 내용의 방향과 줄 바꿈을 설정하거나 가져옵니다. ​
x 상위 문서를 기준으로 마우스 포인터 위치의 x 픽셀 좌표를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
XMLDocument 개체에서 파생된 XML DOM(문서 개체 모델)에 대한 참조를 가져옵니다.
문서의 사용자 정의 태그에 대한 XMLNS 선언 HTML 네임스페이스입니다.
XSLDocument XSL 문서의 최상위 노드에 대한 참조를 가져옵니다.
y 상위 문서를 기준으로 마우스 포인터 위치의 y 픽셀 좌표를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.
zIndex 위치가 지정된 개체의 쌓인 순서를 설정하거나 가져옵니다.​
zoom 물체의 확대 비율을 설정하거나 가져옵니다.

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