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Release: 2016-06-23 14:32:40
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1. 请对POSIX风格和兼容Perl风格两种正则表达式的主要函数进行类比说明
ereg preg_match
ereg_replace preg_replace


2. 请说明在php.ini中safe_mode开启之后对于PHP系统函数的影响


3. PHP5中魔术方法函数有哪几个,请举例说明各自的用法


4. 请写出让,并说明如何在命令行下运行PHP脚本(写出两种方式)同时向PHP脚本传递参数?
$PHP_HOME/bin/php -r 'echo $argv[1];' hello
$PHP_HOME/bin/php hello.php hello


   window下,假设php安装目录为c:\program files\php5\,那么使用命令窗口进入到该路径下,敲入php hello.php回车,则会执行当前路径下的hello.php文件,
   如果要指向其他路径下php文件,可以在php 路径/hello.php ,这种形式称为CLI模式,我们平时通过浏览器看到的那种成为CGI模式,至于传递参数,php文件在cli模式下,直接通过在文件名称后面接参数,多个参数中间用空格隔开,在php文件里面是通过两个变量来获取参数的,一个是$argv,一个是$argc,前者是传递参数的数组,默认第一个为php文件的名称;后者为$argv的数组个数。
   linux下,一般程序安装都会安装在/usr/bin/php下面,可以通过man php查看一下,如果有信息说明可以使用,使用方法类似于window下。如果前面这步成立,那么你可以直接 php php文件 来运行php文件,如果man php没有信息,则说明当前php执行文件没有在环境路径里面,可以修改环境路径包含php路径,也可以类似于window进入php路径,在执行 php php文件。其他类似于window下。


5. PHP的垃圾收集机制是怎样的
在PHP中,没有任何变量指向这个对象时,这个对象就成为垃圾。PHP会将其在内存中销毁;这是PHP 的GC垃圾处理机制,防止内存溢出。
当一个 PHP线程结束时,当前占用的所有内存空间都会被销毁,当前程序中所有对象同时被销毁。GC进程一般都跟着每起一个SESSION而开始运行的.gc目的是为了在session文件过期以后自动销毁删除这些文件.
__destruct /unset/mysql_close


PHP5开始支持了接口, 并且内置了Iterator接口, 所以如果你定义了一个类,并实现了Iterator接口,那么你的这个类对象就是ZEND_ITER_OBJECT,否则就是ZEND_ITER_PLAIN_OBJECT.
而对于ZEND_ITER_OBJECT的类对象,则会通过调用对象实现的Iterator接口相关函数来进行foreach, 所以, 对于这道笔试题, 可以作出如下的答案:
class sample implements Iterator
private $_items = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);


public function __construct() {
public function rewind() { reset($this->_items); }
public function current() { return current($this->_items); }
public function key() { return key($this->_items); }
public function next() { return next($this->_items); }
public function valid() { return ( $this->current() !== false ); }
$sa = new sample();
foreach($sa as $key => $val){
print $key . "=>" .$val;
以上代码在我的php 5.3下运行正常。




function writeData($path, $mode, $data){
$fp = fopen($path, $mode);
$retries = 0;
$max_retries = 100;
do {
if ($retries > 0) {
usleep(rand(1, 10000));
$retries += 1;
}while (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX) and $retries


if ($retries == $max_retries) {
return false;


fwrite($fp, "$data\n");
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
return true;


8. 用PHP实现一个双向队列




9. 使用正则表达式提取一段标识语言(html或xml)代码段中指定标签的指定属性值(需考虑属性值对不规则的情况,如大小写不敏感,属性名值与等号间有空格等)。此处假设需提取test标签的attr属性值,请自行构建包含该标签的串






10.请使用socket相关函数(非curl)实现如下功能:构造一个post请求,发送到指定http server的指定端口的指定请求路径(如http://www.example.com:8080/test)。请求中包含以下变量:
个人简介(intro):Hello world!
且该http server需要以下cookie来进行简单的用户动作跟踪:


设置超时为10秒,发出请求后,将http server的响应内容输出。


function encode($data, $sep = ‘&’){
while (list($k,$v) = each($data)) {
$encoded .= ($encoded ? "$sep" : "");
$encoded .= rawurlencode($k)."=".rawurlencode($v);
Return $encoded;


function post($url, $post, $cookie){
$url = parse_url($url);
$post = encode($data, ‘&’);
$cookie = encode($cookieArray, ‘;’);
$fp = fsockopen($url['host'], $url['port'] ? $url['port'] : 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if (!$fp) return "Failed to open socket to $url[host]";
fputs($fp, sprintf("POST %s%s%s HTTP/1.0\n", $url['path'], $url['query'] ? "?" : "", $url['query']));
fputs($fp, "Host: $url[host]\n");
fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");
fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($encoded) . "\n");
fputs($fp, "Cookie: $cookie\n\n");
fputs($fp, "Connection: close\n\n");
fputs($fp, "$post \n");
while (!feof($fp)) {
echo fgets($fp, 128);




$url = ‘http://www.example.com:8080/test’;
$encoded = username=温柔一刀& pwd=
$post = array(
‘username’=> ‘温柔一刀’,
‘pwd => ‘&123=321&321=123&’,
‘intro => ‘Hello world!’


$cookie = array(
‘cur_query’ => ‘you&me,
‘last_tm’ => time() - 600,
‘cur_tm ‘=> time()


Post($url, $post, $cookie);




2.数据库查询,mysql使用EXPLAIN分析查询,启用slow query log记录慢查询。
3, xdebug统计函数执行次数和具体时间进行分析。
4, 在线系统用strace跟踪相关进程的具体系统调用。






PHP LAMP Engineer Test Paper
Question 1
What does echo count ("123") ?> print out?
A) 3
B) False
C) Null
D) 1
E) 0


Question 2
Which of the following snippets prints a representation of 42 with two decimal places?
A) printf("%.2d\n", 42);
B) printf("%1.2f\n", 42);
C) printf("%1.2u\n", 42);


Question 3
$text = 'Content-Type: text/xml';
Which of the following prints 'text/xml'?
A) print substr($text, strchr($text, ':'));
B) print substr($text, strchr($text, ':') + 1);
C) print substr($text, strpos($text, ':') + 1);
D) print substr($text, strpos($text, ':') + 2);
E) print substr($text, 0, strchr($text, ':')
Question 4
What is the value of $a?
$a = in_array('01', array('1')) == var_dump('01' == 1);
A) True
B) False
Question 5
What is the value of $result in the following PHP code?
function timesTwo($int) {
$int = $int * 2;
$int = 2;
$result = timesTwo($int);
Answer: NULL
Question 6
The code below ___________ because ____________.
class Foo {
function bar() {
print "bar";
A) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple PHP blocks.
B) will not work, class definitions must be in a single PHP block.
C) will not work, class definitions must be in a single file but can be in multiple PHP blocks.
D) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple files and multiple PHP blocks.
Question 7
When turned on, ____________ will _________ your script with different variables from HTML forms and cookies.
A) show_errors, enable
B) show_errors, show
C) register_globals, enhance
D) register_globals, inject
Question 8
What will be the output of the following PHP code:
echo count(strlen("http://php.net"));
Answer: 1
Question 9
What is the best all-purpose way of comparing two strings?
A) Using the strpos function
B) Using the == operator
C) Using strcasecmp()
D) Using strcmp()
Question 10
What is the difference between "print()" and "echo()"?
Answer: print is a function,echo is a language construct





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