/* Array */
Array.reverse() .
Array.sort() Sort the array into a new array.
s=Array.push("str1","str2") //Add the array from the back, s is the added record
s=Array.pop() //Delete the array from the back, s is the deleted record
s=Array.shift() //Delete the array from the front, s is the deleted record
s=Array.unshift("str1","str2") //Add the array from the front, s is the added record
s=Array.splice(3,2,"aa","bb") //Starting from the third end of the array, delete two arrays backwards and add a new array at that position. s is to add a record
s=Array.slice(2,4) //Start from the second to the fourth in the array, and the array itself has not changed.
s=Ar1.concat(Ar2) //Add array Ar2 to array Ar1 to generate a new array s.
s=Array.join("#") //Connect the array elements with # to form a string and return it to s.
/* Function */
Sample:function Test(arg1,arg2)
Use:Test("ddd", "sss", "fff")
//Test.arity : //The number of parameters set by the function (return value).
Test.length: //The number of parameters set by the function (return value).
Test.caller: //Call Test() function (return function, IE supports).
Test.apply(obj, [arg1, arg2]) // Make the specified object (obj) have the properties and methods of Test.
Test.call(obj, arg1, arg2) // Make the specified object (obj) have the properties and methods of Test.
arguments: //The actual number of parameters passed in (return array).
(new Test).constructor:
/* String */
Str.slice(3,-5) //Start from the third string and get the value from the -5th (the fifth from the bottom. Parameters Two needs to be greater than parameter one, or negative).
Str.substring(3,6) //Start from the third string and get the value to the 6th one.
Str.substr(3,6) //Start from the end of the third string and take 6 characters backward.
Str.charCodeAt(4) //Returns the decimal code of the fifth string.
Str.charAt(4) //Returns the 5th string.
Str.toLowerCase() //Convert all characters to lowercase characters.
Str.toUpperCase() //Convert all characters to uppercase characters.
Str.split(",") //Use "," to split the string and return the array.
Str.search("aaa") //Find the position of aaa in the string, generally used with regular expressions.
Str.indexOf("aaa") //Find the position of aaa in the string.
Str.lastIndexOf("aaa") //Find the position where "aaa" appears in the string starting from the end.
Str.match("aaa") //Retrieve "aaa" from Str, return null or array, generally used with regular expressions.
Str.replace("aaa","bbb") //Replace the first "aaa" with "bbb", generally used with regular expressions.
String.fromCharCode(39080) //Returns a character generated by decimal encoding.
str1=str2.concat(str3) //Add str3 to str2 to generate a new string str1.