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修改js confirm alert 提示框文字_html/css_WEB-ITnose

Release: 2016-06-24 11:15:49
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en">    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <style>        *{padding: 0; margin: 0;}        html{            height: 100%;        }        body{            font-size: 16px; font-family: "Microsoft Yahei";  height: 100%;         }        h1,h2,h3{            font-weight: lighter;        }        a{            text-decoration: none;        }        #selfWinsow{            width: 60%; margin: 0 20%; background: #fff; position: fixed;top: 35%;border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0 2% 2% 2%;                     }        #slefClose{            width: 25px; height: 25px; position: absolute;right: 1rem; top: 0.4rem; z-index: 9999; cursor: pointer;        }        #slefClose::after{            position: absolute;  width: 30px; height: 30px; content: "&times;"; font-size: 2.5rem; line-height: 30px;        }        #selfWinsow h2{            font-size: 1rem; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; line-height: 100%; padding:1rem 0;        }        #selInfo{            font-size: 0.95rem; 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               this.setting(settings);        if(typeof settings == "string"){            this.opts.selfInfo == settings;        }        if(settings == "" || settings == undefined || settings == null){            this.selfAlert();            }else if(settings.types == "confirm"){            this.selfConfirm();        }else if(settings.types == "confirm2"){            this.selfConfirm2();        }else if(settings.types == "link"){            this.selfLink();        }else if(settings.types=="talk"){            this.selfMobileTalk();        }else{            this.selfAlert();        }    },    //confirm窗口    selfConfirm:function(){        var _this = this;        var html="<div id='selfWinsow'><div id='slefClose'><\/div><h2 id='slefTitle'>"+_this.opts.slefTitle+"<\/h2><p id='selInfo'>"+_this.opts.selfInfo+"<\/p><div id='selfOk' class='selfBt selfBtDouble'>"+_this.opts.selfOk+"<\/div><div id='selfNo' class='selfBt selfBtDouble'>"+_this.opts.selfNo+"<\/div><\/div>";        this.createMask(html);        this.selfEvents();    },        //alert窗口    selfAlert:function(){        var _this = this;        var html="<div id='selfWinsow'><div id='slefClose'><\/div><h2 id='slefTitle'>"+_this.opts.slefTitle+"<\/h2><p id='selInfo'>"+_this.opts.selfInfo+"<\/p><div id='selfOk' class='selfBt selfBtSingle'>"+_this.opts.selfOk+"<\/div><\/div>";        this.createMask(html);        this.selfEvents();    },    selfConfirm2:function(){        var _this = this;        var html="<div id='selfWinsow'><div id='slefClose'><\/div><h2 id='slefTitle'>"+_this.opts.slefTitle+"<\/h2><p id='selInfo'>"+_this.opts.selfInfo+"<\/p><div id='selfOk' class='selfBt selfBtSingle'>"+_this.opts.selfOk+"<\/div><\/div>";        this.createMask(html);        this.selfEvents();    },    //带链接窗口    selfLink:function(){        var _this = this;        var html="<div id='selfWinsow'><div id='slefClose'><\/div><h2 id='slefTitle'>"+_this.opts.slefTitle+"<\/h2><p id='selInfo'>"+_this.opts.selfInfo+"<\/p><a id='selfOk' href='"+_this.opts.linkTo1+"' class='selfBt selfBtDouble'>"+_this.opts.selfOk+"<\/a><a id='linkTo2' href='"+_this.opts.linkTo2+"' class='selfBt selfBtDouble'>"+_this.opts.selfNo+"<\/div><\/div>";        this.createMask(html);        this.selfEvents();    },        selfMobileTalk:function(){        var _this = this;        var html="<div id='selfWinsow' style='width:100%;margin:0px;top:0;left:0;padding:0; background:none;border:none;font-size:16px'><h2 style='text-align:center; background:#fff' id='slefTitle'><span id='selfNo' style='background:#fff;cursor: pointer;' class='selftalkNo'>"+_this.opts.selfNo+"<\/span>"+_this.opts.slefTitle+"<b id='selfOk' style='background:#fff;color:#ff0028;cursor: pointer;' class='selftalkOk'>"+_this.opts.selfOk+"<\/b><\/h2><textarea style='width:90%; border:1px solid #ccc; font-size:14px; display:block; margin:10px auto; height:120px' id='selfTextarea' placeholder='请填写您的特殊要求'><\/textarea><\/div>";        this.createMask(html);        var selfBack = document.getElementById("selfBack");        selfBack.style.backgroundColor="#eee";        this.selfEvents();    },    //事件处理    selfEvents:function(){        this.selfOk();        var selfNo = document.getElementById('selfNo');        selfNo && this.slefNo();        },    //确定按钮事件    selfOk:function(){        var _this = this;        var type = this.opts.types;        var bt=true;        var selfOk = document.getElementById("selfOk");        function selfOkFun(e){            var e = e || window.event;            var el = e.scrElement || e.target;            if (el.id == "selfOk" || el.tagName=="IMG") {                if(type == "alert"){                    _this.selfRemoveBack();                    }else if(type == "confirm" || type == "talk" || "confirm2"){                    if(bt){                        _this.opts.callback();                    }else{                        return false;                    }                    _this.selfRemoveBack();                    bt=false;                }                            }        }        document.removeEventListener('click',selfOkFun,false);        document.addEventListener('click',selfOkFun,false);            },    //创建背景遮罩    createMask:function(html){        var selfBack = document.getElementById("selfBack");        if(selfBack){            return false;        }else{            var selfBack=document.createElement('div');            selfBack.id = "selfBack";            selfBack.style.position = "fixed",            selfBack.style.top = "0",            selfBack.style.left = "0",            selfBack.style.right = "0",            selfBack.style.bottom = "0",            document.body.appendChild(selfBack);            selfBack.innerHTML = html;            this.slefClose();        }    },    //关闭按钮事件    slefClose:function(){        var _this = this;        document.addEventListener('click',function(e){            var e = e || window.event;            var el = e.scrElement || e.target;            if(el.id == "slefClose"){                if(_this.opts.callback){                    _this.opts.callback = function(){};                    _this.selfRemoveBack();                    return;                }                _this.selfRemoveBack();            }        });    },    //拒绝或者否认按钮事件    slefNo:function(){        var _this = this;        document.addEventListener('click',function(e){            var e = e || window.event;            var el = e.scrElement || e.target;            if(el.id == "selfNo" ||el.tagName == "IMG"){                if(_this.opts.callback){                    _this.opts.callback = function(){};                    _this.selfRemoveBack();                    return;                }                _this.selfRemoveBack();            }        })    },    //移除窗口功能    selfRemoveBack:function(){        try{            var selfBack = document.getElementById('selfBack')            document.body.removeChild(selfBack);        }catch(e){}    },        //参数配置功能函数    exetends:function(a,b){        for( var attr in b){            a[attr] = b[attr];        }    },        //参数配置以及重写    setting:function(settings){        this.exetends(this.opts,settings)     },          }    </script>        <script>    window.onload = function(){        var Ord1 = document.getElementById("rd1");        var Ord2 = document.getElementById("rd2"); 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