onblur: (used in form elements, executed when the element loses focus)
onchange: (used in form elements, executed when something changes)
onclick: (executed when the mouse clicks on an element)
ondblclick: (executed when the mouse double-clicks an element)
onfocus: (used in form elements, executed when the element gets focus)
onkeydown: (executed when a key is pressed)
onkeypress : (Executed when a button is pressed and released)
onkeyup: (Executed when a button is released)
onload: (Used in the body tag, executed when the page is loaded)
onmousedown: ( Executed when the mouse button is pressed)
onmousemove: (Executed when the mouse cursor moves over the element)
onmouseout: (Executed when the mouse cursor moves away from the element)
onmouseover: (Executed when the mouse cursor moves over the element) )
onmouseup: (executed when the mouse button is released)
onreset: (used in form elements, executed when the form is reset)
onselect: (used in form elements, when the element is selected Execution)
onsubmit: (used in form elements, executed when the form is submitted)
onunload: (used in the body tag, executed when the page is closed)