These JS codes are often used when submitting forms, and most of the codes are also written with regular expressions!
//Remove the left space;
function ltrim(s){
return s.replace( /^s*/, "");
//Remove the right space;
function rtrim(s){
return s.replace( /s*$/, "");
//Remove left and right spaces;
function trim(s){
return rtrim(ltrim(s));
//Whether it is an empty value;
function IsEmpty(_str){
var tmp_str = trim(_str);
return tmp_str.length == 0;
//Whether it is a valid email;
function IsMail(_str){
var tmp_str = trim(_str);
var pattern = /^[_a-z0-9-] (.[_a-z0- 9-] )*@[a-z0-9-] (.[a-z0-9-] )*$/;
return pattern.test(tmp_str);
//Yes Valid number;
function IsNumber(_str){
var tmp_str = trim(_str);
var pattern = /^[0-9]/;
return pattern.test(tmp_str);
//Whether the color value is valid;
function IsColor(color){
var temp=color;
if (temp=="") return true;
if (temp.length!=7) return false;
return ([a-fA-F0-9]{6}/) != -1);
/ / Whether the link is valid;
function IsURL(url){
var sTemp;
var b=true;
sTemp=sTemp. toUpperCase();
if ((sTemp!="HTTP://")||(url.length<10)){
return b;
//Whether the mobile phone number is valid;
function IsMobile(_str){
var tmp_str = trim(_str);
var pattern = /13d{9}/;
return pattern.test(tmp_str);