jb51 revised version
To use, just enter it directly in the IE address bar of the opened webpage1. Display all pictures in the webpage
javascript:s='';for (i=0;i
'};if(s!=''){document.write('');void(document.close())}else{alert('No images!')}
2. Display the web page except Other pictures
javascript:for(i= 0;i
3. The webpage is reduced by 0.5 times
javascript:void(s=document.body. style);void(z=s.getAttribute('zoom'));if(z){s.setAttribute('zoom',(parseInt(z)-50) '%');}else s.setAttribute(' zoom','50%')
4. The webpage is zoomed in 1.5 times
javascript:void(s=document.body.style);void(z=s.getAttribute('zoom'));if(z){s .setAttribute('zoom',(parseInt(z) 50) '%');}else s.setAttribute('zoom','150%')
5. Display web page Source code (for encrypted ones, you can directly display the source code before encryption)