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Release: 2016-06-24 11:33:15
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="zh-cn"><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title>test</title>    <style>        ul,ol,li {            list-style: none;            margin: 0;            padding: 0;        }        .box {            position: relative;            margin-top: 50px;            height: 135px;        }        .talkBox {            position: absolute;            overflow: hidden;        }        .talkBox ul {            position: absolute;            left: 0;            width: 100%;        }        .talkBox ul li{            margin: 0;            padding: 0;            font:12px/22px Microsoft YaHei;            text-align: left;        }        .ufoBox {            position: absolute;            top: 0;            left: 0;            width: 100px;            height: 40px;            text-align: center;            color: #fff;            -webkit-animation-name: gogogo;            -webkit-animation-duration: 6s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 9.5s;            -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease;            -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 2;            animation-name: gogogo;            animation-duration: 6s;            animation-delay: 9.5s;            animation-timing-function:ease;            animation-iteration-count: 2;        }        .talkBox01 {            position: absolute;            top: 0;            left: 115px;            width: 150px;            height: 22px;        }        .talkBox01 ul {            top: 22px;            -webkit-animation-name: talk01;            -webkit-animation-duration: 9.5s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 0.5s;            -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease;            -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;            animation-name: talk01;            animation-duration: 9.5s;            animation-delay: 0.5s;            animation-timing-function: ease;            animation-fill-mode: forwards;        }        .talkBox01 ul li{            color: #6978e6;        }        .ufoBox .ufoTop {            margin: 0 auto;            width: 35px;            height: 15px;            border-radius: 13px 13px 0 0;            background-color: #b37de6;        }        .ufoBox .ufoBody {            width: 100px;            height: 25px;            margin-top: -2px;            font:13px/25px Microsoft YaHei;            border-radius: 50%;            background-color: #eb5C7e;        }        @-webkit-keyframes talk01        {            0% {                top: 22px;            }            15% {                top: 0;            }            30% {                top: -22px;            }            45% {                top: -44px;            }            60%,85% {                top: -66px;            }            95% {                top: -88px;            }            100% {                top: -110px;            }        }        @keyframes talk01        {            0% {                top: 22px;            }            15% {                top: 0;            }            30% {                top: -22px;            }            45% {                top: -44px;            }            60% {                top: -66px;            }            90%, 95% {                top: -88px;            }            100% {                top: -110px;            }        }        @-webkit-keyframes gogogo        {            0%,10% {                 -webkit-transform: rotate(0);            }            30%{                left: 0;                top: 0;                 -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg);                    }            50%{                left: 400px;                top: 55px;                -webkit-transform: rotate(0);            }            70%{                left: 400px;                -webkit-transform: rotate(0);            }                100%{                 left:0;                -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg);            }        }        @keyframes gogogo        {            0%,10 {                 transform: rotate(0);            }            30%{                left: 0;                top: 0;                 transform: rotate(30deg);                    }            50%{                left: 400px;                top: 55px;                transform: rotate(0);            }            70%{                left: 400px;                transform: rotate(0);            }                100%{                 left:0;                transform: rotate(-360deg);            }        }        .box02 {            position: relative;            height: 72px;            border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;        }        .box02 .hill {            position: absolute;            left: 300px;            bottom: 0;            width: 0;            height: 0;            border-style: solid;            border-color: transparent #ccc #ccc transparent;            border-width: 35px 60px;        }        .carBox {            position: absolute;            left: 0;            bottom: 0;            width: 122px;            height: 60px;            -webkit-animation-name: boxGo;            -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 8.5s;            -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;            -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;            animation-name: boxGo;            animation-duration: 5s;            animation-delay: 8.5s;            animation-timing-function: ease-in;            animation-fill-mode: forwards;        }        .carBox .carBody {            position: relative;            width: 120px;            height: 40px;            background-color: #59c4e6;            border: 1px solid #2094aa;            border-radius: 16px 40px 2px 2px;        }        .carBody .carDoorBox {            position: absolute;            top: 10px;            left: 37px;            width: 37px;            height: 22px;            background-color: #000;        }        .carBody .carDoor {            position: absolute;            left: 0;            top: 0;            display: inline-block;            width: 35px;            height: 20px;            border: 1px solid #2094aa;            background-color: #59c4e6;            -webkit-animation-name: doorGo;            -webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 12.5s;            -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;            -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;            animation-name: doorGo;            animation-duration: 0.5s;            animation-delay: 12.5s;            animation-timing-function: ease-in;            animation-fill-mode: forwards;        }        .carBox .carWheel {            position: absolute;            bottom: 0;            display: inline-block;            width: 22px;            height: 22px;            font: 14px/22px Simsun;            color: #2094aa;            text-align: center;            border: 1px solid #2094aa;            border-radius: 50%;            -webkit-animation-name: wheelGo;            -webkit-animation-duration: 2.5s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 8.5s;             -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;            -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 3;            animation-name: wheelGo;            animation-duration: 2.5s;            animation-delay: 8.5s;             animation-timing-function: ease-in;            animation-iteration-count: 3;        }        .carBox .front { left: 11px; }        .carBox .back {    right: 18px; }        .talkBox02 {            top: -10px;            left: 115px;            width: 240px;            height: 22px;            color: #1f9fbe;        }        .talkBox02 ul {            left: 240px;            height: 22px;            width: 9999px;            -webkit-animation-name: talk02;            -webkit-animation-duration: 8s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 2s;             -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;            -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;            animation-name: talk02;            animation-duration: 8s;            animation-delay: 2s;             animation-timing-function: ease-in;            animation-fill-mode: forwards;        }        .talkBox02 ul li {            float: left;            width: 220px;            margin-right: 20px;        }        .talkBox03 {            top: -10px;            width: 150px;            height: 44px;            left: 785px;            overflow: visible;            opacity: 0;            -webkit-animation-name: talk03;            -webkit-animation-duration: 4s;            -webkit-animation-delay: 14s;             -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;            -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;            animation-name: talk03;            animation-duration: 4s;            animation-delay: 14s;             animation-timing-function: ease-in;            animation-fill-mode: forwards;        }        .talkBox03 ul li {            color: #f30;            font-weight: 800;            white-space: nowrap;        }        .talkBox03 ul li:first-child {            -webkit-transform: rotate(-17deg);            -webkit-transform-origin: 10% 50%;            transform: rotate(-17deg);            transform-origin: 10% 50%;        }        .talkBox03 ul li:last-child {            -webkit-transform: rotate(17deg);            -webkit-transform-origin: 10% 50%;            transform-origin: 10% 50%;            transform: rotate(17deg);        }        @-webkit-keyframes talk02 {            0% {                left: 240px;            }            5%, 25% {                left: 0;            }            30%, 50% {                left: -240px;            }            55%, 75% {                left: -480px;            }            80%,100% {                left: -720px;            }        }        @keyframes talk02 {            0% {                left: 240px;            }            5%, 25% {                left: 0;            }            30%, 50% {                left: -240px;            }            55%, 75% {                left: -480px;            }            80%,100% {                left: -720px;            }        }        @-webkit-keyframes talk03 {            0% {                opacity: 0;            }            30%,70% {                opacity: 1;            }            100% {                opacity: 0;            }        }        @keyframes talk03 {            0% {                opacity: 0;            }            30%,70% {                opacity: 1;            }            100% {                opacity: 0;            }        }        @-webkit-keyframes boxGo {            0% {                -webkit-transform: rotate(0);            }            30% {                left: 205px;                bottom: 0;                -webkit-transform: rotate(0);            }            40% {                left: 240px;                bottom: 12px;                -webkit-transform: rotate(-20deg);            }            45% {                -webkit-transform: rotate(-28deg);                -webkit-transform-origin: 55% 20%;            }            52% {                -webkit-transform: rotate(-28deg);            }            60% {                bottom: 68px;                left: 350px;                -webkit-transform: rotate(-28deg);                -webkit-transform-origin: 52% 50%;            }            70% {                left: 450px;                -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);            }            78% {                left: 520px;                bottom: 0;                -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);            }            82% {                bottom: 18px;                -webkit-transform: rotate(200deg);            }            100% {                left: 650px;                bottom: 0;                -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);            }            }        @keyframes boxGo {            0% {                transform: rotate(0);            }            30% {                left: 205px;                bottom: 0;                transform: rotate(0);            }            40% {                left: 240px;                bottom: 12px;                transform: rotate(-20deg);            }            45% {                transform: rotate(-28deg);                transform-origin: 55% 20%;            }            52% {                transform: rotate(-28deg);            }            60% {                bottom: 68px;                left: 350px;                transform: rotate(-28deg);                transform-origin: 52% 50%;            }            70% {                left: 450px;                transform: rotate(90deg);            }            78% {                left: 520px;                bottom: 0;                transform: rotate(180deg);            }            82% {                bottom: 18px;                transform: rotate(200deg);            }            100% {                left: 650px;                bottom: 0;                transform: rotate(180deg);            }            }        @-webkit-keyframes wheelGo {            0% {                -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);                }            100% {                -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);            }            }        @keyframes wheelGo {            0% {                transform: rotate(0deg);                }            100% {                transform: rotate(360deg);            }            }        @-webkit-keyframes doorGo {            0% {                top: 0;                -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);                }            80% {                top:3px;            }            100% {                top: 3px;                left: 18px;                width: 17px;                height: 20px;                -webkit-transform: skew(0,-20deg);            }            }        @keyframes doorGo {            0% {                top: 0;                transform: rotate(0deg);                }            80% {                top:3px;            }            100% {                top: 3px;                left: 18px;                width: 17px;                height: 20px;                transform: skew(0,-20deg);            }            }    </style></head><body>    <div class="box">        <div class="talkBox talkBox01">            <ul>                <li>马:看见下面那辆车了吗?</li>                <li>黄:看见了,老大。</li>                <li>马:等会飞过去,撞他!</li>                <li>黄:遵命,老大!</li>                <li>黄.马:go!</li>            </ul>        </div>        <div class="ufoBox">            <div class="ufoTop"></div>            <div class="ufoBody">灰机</div>        </div>    </div>    <div class="box02">        <div class="hill">        </div>        <div class="talkBox talkBox02">            <ul>                <li>董:今天我们学习如何飞跃凤凰山哈!</li>                <li>陈:嗯好哒!</li>                <li>陈.董:油门飚起来~~~</li>            </ul>        </div>        <div class="talkBox talkBox03">            <ul>                <li>董:啊!!!雅蠛蝶~~~</li>                <li>陈:救命!救命!</li>            </ul>        </div>        <div class="carBox">            <div class="carBody">                <div class="carDoorBox"><span class="carDoor"></span></div>            </div>            <span class="carWheel front">+</span>            <span class="carWheel back">+</span>        </div>    </div></body></html>
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